
Night City Rebel

“Wake up Samurai.” - J.S ----- Waking up in a boiling hot car in the middle of the desert wasn't on his afterlife Bingo card, neither was the very vivid memory of blowing his brains out, but hey tough shit. *System initialized* Neither was the overused and very annoying ding sound that played when a notification popped up in his field of vision or the accompanying headache and memories. “No dignity in Death huh?” “Well, I'm awake now.” ----- V a Rebel and Anarchist throughout most of his life, wakes up after his final act in his past life, a decimation of World leaders and Institutions equivalent to cutting down the Tree and Tearing out the roots. Waking up in an even more distorted world and remembering an old promise, he sets his sights on something more, this time, this time he'll honor his promise.

TheWakingDemon · Video Games
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EOX News 7

To: Fuckfaces & Co.


In 1999 on a cold autumn day, in a dingy hospital with peeling paint, in the worst of the barrios in all the city, a boy was born this day. A month before as if he couldn't wait but big, red, and screaming anyways.

Born with a couple of strange alterations, ones for which the world would soon hate him. His skin was sensitive his ears even more so, he heard the screams from four doors down and heard the pen drop from the nurse who was walking around, he smelled the nicotine on his father's breath and the Cologne of the woman in the next rooms bed.

The world screamed at him. So he screamed back.


It was my parents that saved me. When it felt like everything around me was trying to suffocate me, they shielded me, they endured the screams for me, from me. Every time I tried to tear out my eyes they held my hands, everytime my voice went hoarse they made me tea and honey.

They were all that was good in the world, all the love and kindness, all the hope.

They were my life.

You took them from me.

I was barely ten years old, yet because they infringed upon you perfect illusion of power you took them.

And you call me a monster.

You killed the light, it is only fair that I kill you.

Acting like Gods in your monstrous towers of gold and blood. How can you sit upon the corpses of millions just to feed your greed? To nurture the machine?! Corporate Colossi and Neo-Mandrin wannabes, all that intelligence and power, and yet you're just a fucking stupid as ever!


I refuse this.

I tried you know, to live on, to grow and thrive, as they would have wanted, but you bastard just kicked harder, drove the heel deeper into my throat.

Everyone who could have taken me was cowed by your slander and threats, every person that ever tried to help, every family I EVER MADE, YOU COULDN'T EVEN LET ME HAVE A PET.

But the jokes is on you.

I'm not the only one you stepped on.

I'm not the only one whose life you destroyed.

What's more dangerous than someone with nothing left to lose?

Hundreds of them.


For we who have lost everything, you have given us hope.

We have something to gain, something to strive for.

We are Rebellion.

I was Vincent David Stone, my parents gave me that, but that man is long dead.

My name is Prometheus, and I will bring fire.


"This was the message delivered this morning to the U.E.N Council, the Terrorist now known as 'Prometheus' No demands were made and there have been no attacks made directly on the council building. However, rioting has broken out across the world impacting almost all major Cities, these Riots are highly organized with Rioters all wearing military equipment branded with the word 'Rebellion' they are armed and armored with everything from ballistic weaponry and metallic shields to APCs and helicopters and are considered highly dangerous."

I think small news breaks to have a little mental break every now and then Prolly would make this easier on me.

P.s Im not dead!

TheWakingDemoncreators' thoughts