
Chapter 17. Nie Li goes to school part 2

Nie Li goes to school and walks inside and hates the stupid temperature checkers they probably got them bitches off of Wish.com or some shit cheap ass things I swear anyway back to what I was saying so Nie Li has to run to class or he will be late and as he runs up the stairs the clap of his ass checks but no homo fills the stairway for all the annoying Vsco #ANDIOOP freshmen to hear after first period he has to walk his thicc swampy ass to second period to Mrs.Kenney's class to do his annoying ass math class he say's "fuck this shit and im out no thanks" and flees to the hall ways where this annoying ass short security lady tries to catch his thicc ass but no homo and Mrs.Marconi tries to catch him and Mr.Banister(Mr.Clean) but they was too slow for this thicc ass boi and he walks out the building where he's greeted by some cops trying to catch him and he runs home and hops on some GTA5 the end of this chapter for now till I have more time to add more