
NICOLE (#1 Broken) 1st Draft

"I Damien Jayden Ross reject you Nicole Ava Jacobs as my mate and luna, you're undeserving and unworthy to be my mate. And don't you dare say a word about this to anyone"Damien said. "I Nicole Ava Jacobs accept your rejection Alpha Damien Jayden Ross Alpha of Bright moon pack," I said in a low voice which shocked him. ****************************** [Full book on wattpad] She escaped, she was finally free but what happens when she trespasses into the most feared pack of all time? With all hopes lost and her trying to forget the mate that rejected her, what happens when she finds out she has another mate, not one but two? With the rumors, Alex and Asher don't have much hope of finding their mate but destiny has another plan for them. They're broken They need fixing She's gifted but she doesn't know it She's destined to save the world of the supernaturals. Will, she succeed? Will they heal each other? Will she trust the right people to get things done or not? Will she make the right decision? will she survive? First in the BROKEN series BROKEN Series NICOLE HER BROKEN BETA Mate's with the Devil All books can be read as a stand-alone book ***************************** Idk about you but I suck at descriptions and just hope you find this book enjoyable. All ideas are mine and this is a work of my "IMAGINATION " This is my first book on Wattpad and webnovel like ever created. Thanks for reading -Vee

MissAlexis · Teen
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Chapter 7: A New Start (part 1)


I ran for what seemed like years even though I rested and took breaks at one point so I could hunt even though it was a few times that was enough to keep me going or I had probably died of hunger instead of rouges or hunters, At some point, it felt like I lived in the forest so leaving it felt weird I knew I had to find so she could help me but I don't have her number or the alpha's number and newyork is a big city and I'm a stranger to this city after all.

I finally found a way out nobody would be happier than I am at this moment, I quickly shift back into my human form, I walked out of the forest I saw so many people roaming the street some were humans while some were werewolves, vampires and witches aren't allowed on the same ground as ours but some packs can sign a peace treaty between them and the witches we aren't on the ground because long ago the war of the supernatural's happened which caused a huge ruckus, the world of the supernaturals was a mess and the war was caused by a witch and vampire anyway two very powerful creatures.

We once lived in harmony and peace in one kingdom with one king to rule you see the humans never knew of our existence, but then the war happened and now we have three different kings. well, you see, that's why we aren't allowed on the same ground.

I put on a beanie and the hood of the hoodie I'm currently wearing, I need to find a commercial store to get some clothes to change into, but first thing first I need to find a place to stay, with that being said, I walked down the street head hanging low I already passed the bus station, note to self must come back here tomorrow I mean I can't keep running to newyork I already don't know where I am.

Finally seeing a motel ahead I walked over, it doesn't look that bad you know, I walked inside reception great the receptionist is a human but I still need to be careful humans and wolves are everywhere including those dark creatures, I walked over to the receptionist seeing me coming over she smiled politely at me '' Hi ma may I please get a room here ?'' I asked her, '' sure, how long do you want to stay dear?'' she asked, '' Just a day please '' I answered, '' That would be 90 dollars dear '' she said.

After I paid for the room she gave me the key but insisted on showing me the room, on our way to the room I got to know that this motel is owned by her and her husband and they barely have any staff here and she enjoys doing the job, and all their kids are all grown-ups now and she told me the city I'm in is Jacksonville which is also safe.

Finally getting to the room I opened the door, I know it may seem rude just to leave her like that so I turned around to tell her bye but before I could utter a single word she hugged me and said " Honey I'm just right downstairs if you need anything just let me know okay?" with that she left me, I walked into the room I looked around.

In the room you can easily see the ugly wallpaper if you walk further in you can see the bed, if you look to your left you'll see a door that leads into the bathroom, speaking of bathrooms I really need to pee and take a shower.

I walked into the bathroom, okay so it's decent, not bad actually. I quickly took off the dirty clothes I'm wearing and took a quick shower nahh I actually peed first then took the shower and changed into the last clean clothes in my backpack.

After changing I went to the bed cause trust me I need a really good sleep right now I haven't seen myself yet, I lay on the bed turning from one position to the other trying to get a good position to sleep in, you know that one moment when you're trying your best to sleep but you're still anxious and then you get uncomfortable and start looking for a more suitable way to sleep, well that's what's happening to me right now.

*Sighs* I lay flat on the bed still alert because you can't be too sure, what if a hunter lodges in the same building as me or worst? Arghhh. this is insane an alpha or vampire or creature of the night can't come here right, I thought trying to calm myself down from overthinking and going into the train of what if's.

Counting sheep that's it! , that's all I have to do and I'll asleep I heard it works well, there's no harm in trying after all. After a while, I gave up and just laid quietly on the bed and the next thing I know the sunlight is shining through the curtain.' Uggh my face' I murmured lowly, I rolled over gently opening my eyes and shutting them back, I turned to face upwards then opened my eyes at first glance I didn't recognize where I was, I looked around then everything that happened and how I came here.

Gosh how long did I sleep no when did I sleep I have to admit it through even though this bed is a little hard that sleep was much needed, shit I can't stay here forever I still have to find Zoe.

I got up stretched a little then went to the bathroom to freshen up, "oh great I forgot I wore the last clean clothes in my bag '' I said. I quickly washed my face then went downstairs, I saw the old lady receptionist I walked up to her and gave her a small smile '' Good morning ma, is there any commercial store and a place I could eat around here?'' I asked, "Good morning dear, yes there is, you just have to walk down the street straight ahead you'll see one and there's this cute café on the other side of the street," she said smiling brightly, Does she smile this brightly all the time?.

I walked out of the building and followed the direction she gave, Head low i entered the commercial store picked up a few clothes paid for them then left, I went back to the motel to change, and after changing I left and then went to the cafe the old lady recommend. It's not like I'm hungry but If I don't eat I'll be too weak to run if needed.

I ordered one Carpino on the go and a sandwich and orange juice to eat. After eating I went to the bus station and bought my ticket, New York I'm coming for you even if I don't find Zoe i know I'm very very far from those a**holes, I don't know if I can trust this Zoe woman what if she's like my Uncle from my father's side, what if she also thinks I killed them or what if she's like the rest of them*sigh's*.

I entered the bus although it might take some time to get to New York. I sat by the window side taking in the view of buildings as we pass by, I soon fell asleep. Sometime later I was woken up by this really cute guy he's human though, he smiled at me "Hey we've reached the last stop " He said still smiling, I looked around and saw the bus was almost empty now, quick question what's with humans smiling at me." Thanks" I said not daring to look up at him I got down.

So I'm at newyork now all that's left is to find Zoe in this big city it's like finding a needle in grain, how I'm supposed to find a woman I don't even know.

The internet! How could I ever forget such a thing exist, but I don't have a cellphone and haven't surfed the internet in a while now, let me check if I could find a clue or picture about how she looks like in the backpack mom hid for me, i should have been patient enough to go through everything in the bag.

I walked into an old library I asked the librarian where I can find the computer section, she told me and I followed her instructions, I found it.

I sat on the chair I took off my backpack placed it on my thigh, took out the other backpack emptied the whole content inside since the cash is not that much although it will last me for several months I don't plan on using mom's money I don't think I deserve it.

I took the address book i looked through the pages then went to it's last page and saw a little picture inside the pocket of the book.

Would you look at that, why couldn't you be patient enough to go through the whole thing, Nicole? After myself criticism I turned on the computer and searched up her name . 'wow how many people own this name?' Ava asked, "Oh hey you're still there, and maybe lots of people bare it I don't know "I answered. Ava hasn't said a word since we left the forest.