
NICOLE (#1 Broken) 1st Draft

"I Damien Jayden Ross reject you Nicole Ava Jacobs as my mate and luna, you're undeserving and unworthy to be my mate. And don't you dare say a word about this to anyone"Damien said. "I Nicole Ava Jacobs accept your rejection Alpha Damien Jayden Ross Alpha of Bright moon pack," I said in a low voice which shocked him. ****************************** [Full book on wattpad] She escaped, she was finally free but what happens when she trespasses into the most feared pack of all time? With all hopes lost and her trying to forget the mate that rejected her, what happens when she finds out she has another mate, not one but two? With the rumors, Alex and Asher don't have much hope of finding their mate but destiny has another plan for them. They're broken They need fixing She's gifted but she doesn't know it She's destined to save the world of the supernaturals. Will, she succeed? Will they heal each other? Will she trust the right people to get things done or not? Will she make the right decision? will she survive? First in the BROKEN series BROKEN Series NICOLE HER BROKEN BETA Mate's with the Devil All books can be read as a stand-alone book ***************************** Idk about you but I suck at descriptions and just hope you find this book enjoyable. All ideas are mine and this is a work of my "IMAGINATION " This is my first book on Wattpad and webnovel like ever created. Thanks for reading -Vee

MissAlexis · Teen
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Chapter 5: FREEDOM

Nicole's p.o.v:

After what happened I couldn't stop crying sometimes I usually cry because of the loneliness, and pain I go through as the lowest of all omegas, and being an omega isn't this usually bad or have the lowest levels just this pack, and I'm the only one with such a rank, I have just two friends one which is the head of the omega's daughter and she's just a few years older than me, while my other friend as well I wouldn't consider him my friend even though apart from Anisa he speaks to me even though he was asked not to, Anisa still hasn't found her mate yet and Derrick either.

Speaking of mates I heard and was always told how your mates are supposed to love you, cherish you, adore and care for you even if the world was against you he/she would stand by you and always have your back because that's how the goddess has made and destined things to be, she pairs you with the one you're meant to love and care about, your one true love as its already been pre-destined. I remember when mom would read me stories about mates every time before I go to bed everyday, I remember the touch and sound of her soft hands and her angelic voice whenever she patts my head and sings me to sleep or when she had style my hair for school , I remember her sweet scent how she smelt like fresh batch of cookies and lavender , and dad , hes big rough hands that would always tickle me or that held me on the first day school when I was scared and hes scent he smelled just like freshly made coffee ,and my brothers I missed them all , its already midnight and I cant stop crying they would have been here to celebrate my birthday with me not just mine but Nicolas as well ,we would have both been eating our favorite cake , Nicolas would have found hes mate today and Jackson would have come home with his , he would have been and delta or head of trackers team in the pack , he never wanted the beta's potion him and dad had aggred that giving Nicolas the postion was the best even though nick always declined a lot he still would have been beta as he's bestfriend was the alpha's son after all . I missed them so very much, I missed hearing Jackson's music first thing in the morning when I woke up well except for my alarm clock, I missed Nicolas barging into my room to annoy me or vice versa, I missed mom and dad, I missed all of them so very much I don't know but I kinda missed the old Lucia the one who was once my best friend even though it was an act or whatever.

I feel so lost right now I have no one to talk to even if Anisa and Dereck are there they wouldn't understand and I didn't want to spoil her image of what she thinks about mates I cried some more, I needed a hug right now I needed to be in my mom's arms with her telling me it okay, its going to be okay , I don't deserve it or i'll be better of without him, it was just a dream , its all gone now , but she isn't here and i'm all alone again , I was always alone but anisa made it a little less alone . my sobbing stopped a bit as I heard a voice , it was low but still audiable I ignored it but was starting to panic then I heard it call my name and said" stop panicking will you, i'm right here,'' I turned around but was met with the darkness of my room and that made me to panic even more " who are you and why cant I see you" I asked still panicked , with that I saw a bright light then found myself in an unknow room with two different wolfs , one had a golden brown and a few dark spots fur while the other ha a pure snowy white fur it was a rare kind I know that 'nobody has a pure snowy white wolf if they did in other packs then I don't know about it, I don't know why I walked up towards the pure snowy white wolf as it was so mesmorizing and I was drawn to it I touched the fur which was extreamly soft and heard the voice again " choose anyone and its going to be your wolf , child" it said and I looked around trying to find the owner , when I couldn't see anyone excepts the wolves I walked up to the one golden brown and dark spots on its fur I liked it but couldn't feel any form of connection so I moved towards the pure snowy white wolf and rubbed its soft fur in its tummy while it nudged its big fury head to my body and I heard that voice again " I see you chose the white wolf just like I knew you would just wanted to be sure and who I am ? you'll find out soon child now go back" and with that I fell unconscience and by the time I woke up I saw I was back im my room , I groan standing up from the floor a voice again this time around it was in my head and it groaned as well ' Let me sleep a little more will yah' , I stood frozen in shock " Who are you and where did you come from ? wait a minute are you my conscience? cause if you're then where were you and I didn't know you talked" I said with a little sacarms because I wasn't in a good mood right now and I'm starting to develop a headache. " Oh hey dear my sweet human, the name's Ava your sweet gorgeous, badass, one in a million wolf, you know I'm now a part of you right," the voice said no I mean ava my wolf. Registering everything that had happened left me in utter shock but happy, from hearing the voice to meeting the two wolves and choosing the white wolf to this very moment, gosh tears of joy and happiness filled my eyes, my wolf's here with me, I finally have my wolf I'm no longer wolfless or alone because here with me, mom and da would have been very proud right now, I thought as I got ready to my chores for the day as it was just some few minutes past four in the morning, then I remembered everything from waking up a little bit happy than usual to making breakfast for everyone to preparing for chole's birthday party to being forced by Anisa into joining her to dance to being left with Dereck then being forced and dragged away by Damien and feeling sparks when he held my hands and dragged me down to that room to when he rejected me and me accepting his rejection, with the look of disgust he threw my way after I came out of the room and seeing him to seeing him and chole sucking faces or when lucia tried to have her way with him . I didn't know when a single lone tear dropped from my eyes then more came falling then I heard ava my wolf say" Girl he doesn't deserve us, okay, both he and his wolf are unworthy and undeserving of us besides he's the one that rejected us isn't it so he's a loss" to say I was shocked by her outburst would be a total understatement because she sounded really mad and cool at the same time and sounded alright for someone who just rejected by an idiot. I shook my head at her behavior and nodded I no longer have anything to wait for or do with this pack might as well leave." Yeah, that's the spirit girl, now let's get the hell out of this hell hole of a pack" Ava said with a wide grin and went to sit at the back of my head. I gathered a few clean clothes I had and the dress Anisa had given me earlier and put them into my worn-out backpack then snuck into my old room surprisingly some of the picture frames were still there and intact then I took each one of them containing different memory I placed them carefully into my bag, then searched for anything valuable that chole hasn't taken yet I opened the walking closet, this room was meant to be given to chole since she became beta's daughter but surprisingly they didn't give her and just left it vacant for some reason. I bent down , moved a board bellow the shoe rack and took the emergency backpack mom had hid there a long time ago when I was 14 , she said" honey this for emergency purpose only don't touch or open it until the time is right okay" and I just forgot about it , I know you might be wondering why I never took it earlier, well you see I was banned from entering here my old room and they have guards watching this very room 24/7 so I cant come here and just forgot about it until this moment , I took the backpack and placed the floor board back in its place and left like I was never here , damn I'm really lucky today aren't I , I thought as I placed both letters I had written for both Anisa and Dereck on my bed , I knew when Anisa comes to wake me up to starts my chores she would see it an I would've been long gone , I went back to my old room quietly and carefully not to wake up the hungover guards who were sleeping down stairs I know they aren't guarding this room because they are all drunk from last nights party . I opened the window and peered down to see how far I will be jumping but from what I'm seeing right now I would probably break all my bones or worse die if I jump and I and height aren't on mutual terms, while ava just shook her head in disagreement ' jump, we have to get out of here it's now or never and even if you get hurt it would be only just a little and you'd heal more quickly than a human, you've got me okay so jump before the guard inside wakes up dummy' she said. I opened the window a little bit more then placed one foot out first then I started to panic okay nic you got this you just need to place your second foot out then jump out it's not that hard now is it, I pet talked myself whereas ava just sighed, I placed my second foot out the window and looked down searching for any guards and that was my mistake cause I felt dizzy instantly when I saw the distance from where I was to the ground, 'okay you've got this, on the count of three I told myself as I closed my eyes sure enough ava was counting and took a deep breath then jumped as soon as it reached three, it took all my will power not to scream and fear of waking the guards or catching the attention of the ones doing board patrol and those that didn't live in the pack house. Once I landed properly on the ground I checked my body for any sign of injury but I only found a scratch on my knees and palms, I stood up and dusted my palms on my blue sweatshirt and dusted the dirt off my worn-out black shorts, I hid behind a bush not far away from where I landed, I checked both ways for any sign of guards/ warriors, seeing none I speed towards the southern border and ran into the forest, sure enough, I stopped when I noticed how far I had gotten. I'm finally free, damn it feels good to be free, I thought

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