
NICOLE [Gifted Series#1]

Left in the world with nothing apart from a little hope to find her mate without knowing what the future has installed for her. Being rejected and abused by the one who was supposed to love and cherish her forever, thinking that she'll spend the rest of her life wolfless and lonely. Empty and heartbroken, she ran away and for good this time. with all hope lost and trying to forget her mate alongside the feeling of rejection, what happens when she finds out she has a second chance mate and not just one but two freaking mates? Not knowing the kind of power that resides in her, Nicole the once wolfless who was labeled as a freak and as a murderer is freaked out when she finds out her first power is freaking healing. With series of events happening one after another and powers growing deep within her. will she succeed? will her trust issues get the better of her stopping her from getting things done or not? will she survive the tests and trials she'll be facing? will she be getting a happy ever after or not? find out more as you follow Nicole on this journey of hers. All Rights Reserved. This is all my idea and imagination. cover from canva and Pinterest

MissAlexis · Teen
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17 Chs

What the heck, Mates?

Not everybody get's second chances.

Nicole's p.o.v:

We stopped at a large brown door, she knocked then after hearing a come in she opened it and let me in then left. I looked back at the door that just closed why!! lady just why!.

I faced forward and saw the saw same woman I saw on the internet, sitting on her office chair with a huge beautiful curved table in front of her. Oh my, she's going to chase me out or accept me and use me as her slave or worst her pack's... Before my thoughts could drift further or I drown in overthinking, the lady spoke.

"Wow" I hear her gasp, yeah I know I don't look my best but don't make it obvious.

"Sorry, You look just like her, sit down dear," she said as if sensing my discomfort.

"How's your mom, it's been a while since we were last in touch because your dad's pack is very far and business as well, oh how I miss our old days," she said the last part with a distant look as if reminiscing the past. Why does she have to remind me again?

"Th.. they're dead, they.... died in a fire three years ago," I said with tears flowing down my cheek, she tried to wipe them off but I flinched, I'm not good with people touching me.

"What! she's gone" You could hear the shock evident in her voice, I try to hold back the tears that were pooling in my eye.

"Oh you poor thing, what about your pack and why do you have a smell of a rogue?" She asked softly. I'm not a baby, lady so stop pretending and trying to win me over, I thought.

"I escaped, I read a letter mom wrote she said to find you if needed and I left my old pack," I said with little courage I had left.

"It's okay Evie and I were best friends, and she was like a sister to me so now you're like a daughter to me, "she said the last part beaming. Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?

"You can move into my pack house, I can ask my son he's the alpha I'm sure he won't dare say no to me and if he does Imma just whip his ass," she said as she picked up her phone to call her son

"No, it's ok... I'm fine just living on my own, I could get an apartment," I said quickly,me joining a pack, nope not happening, I just escaped one.

"Okay then, but the offer still stands though what grade are you? You could start school at our pack school... I mean we have a school that's built by the pack but others are allowed to attend as well and .." before she could continue I stopped her.

" Zoe we're on summer break and I'm just a senior and I kinda need a job, anything is fine," I said hurriedly, I've never been good at communicating with people, and it's like the money my parents left is enough, it is but I just want to touch it anymore after paying for the motels and bus rides. I feel I don't deserve to spend their money.

"That's settled, you can work here you just name the position you know you're good at just let me know if you need anything okay I'm one call away okay," she said happily.

"No, Anything you decide is fine by me, besides I don't wanna get in through the back door," I said quickly, I don't want her to give it to me out of pity nor do I want to be the main topic of gossip in this place.

'Okay, be here at 7 am sharp for an interview" She said, sounding a little disappointed, well you can't blame me I'm just looking out for myself and trying to avoid trouble.

"Okay thanks I'll be leaving now, "I said turning to leave.

F**king finally, I'm no longer a working slave for that h**l hole of a pack.




It's been a month since I left the pack for good and it's been a few weeks now since I started working for Zoe so in total it's been two months and three weeks, in those past weeks Zoe has tried to get me to open up and also join her pack, did I mention her son is the alpha, oh no I didn't because I freaked out when she said so, that has to mean she's the old Luna of her pack and no alpha would want a walking threat among their pack members, so she permitted me to stay on their grounds.

So I'm currently a walking threat since I obviously declined Zoe's offer and I don't want to join a pack out of pity, they'll just finish what my hell of a group couldn't finish anyway.

In these past few weeks, I got myself an apartment a good distance away from the restaurant and my apartment isn't on any pack grounds or land, you're wondering why well because I don't like trouble or problem of any sort.

Right now I'm in my apartment getting ready to go to work, I work alongside cake face, wow I'm getting more creative with names for her. School hasn't resumed yet so ...yay lucky me, even if has I still can't attend classes as I'm still a rogue.

I'll have to go for a run later when I'm back, I thought as I closed my front door and took the Uber I ordered to the restaurant.

After entering the restaurant I saw cake's face first, why does she have to be the first person I see why can't it be sweet ole Joyce or Rika? My day has just begun yay I'm excited no I'm not.

"You know even though the boss gave you this job you have no right to just walk in here like you own the place, you should always remember your place and not think too big for your own good, tsk tsk," cake face said sorry Bianca, and now my day has officially begun.*sighs*




Zoe let me off work early so I thought why not get a few things from the mall, here I am in the crowded mall, or at least about to leave with just shopping bags that contain two matching pairs of activewear and two fluffy hoodies.

I walk down the busy street leading to my small apartment lost in my thoughts and suddenly I bump into the rock hard wall which made me lose my balance, I braced myself for the fall but it never came only to feel strong arms holding me.

"I'm sorry," I said, I felt the domineering power coming from him and this sweet smell, so I do something stupid, I look up and that's when I knew I messed up, staring back at me is the most beautiful pair of blue eyes, looks like they're Electric blue or something, I could feel myself drowning in them until I hear someone clear their throat.

I look to the side and see a guy that looks just like the one that was holding me but with brown hair and somewhat gray eyes beside him standing another guy that's glaring daggers at me. Quickly I jump away from the blue eye beauty that was holding me then I heard a growl, what the fuck did he just do, Before I know what was happening I felt myself being held tightly by blue eye beauty.

Freaking out I quickly hit him where the sun doesn't shine, he lets go of me, distracting the other two guys and giving me a good chance to escape so I take it and ran in the opposite direction of where we were which is the park.

Slowing down a little I turn to see if they were following and good God they were actually following me, I speed up not turning back even for a second.

"Mate, Mate, Mate"I hear Ava whine as I continue to run further into the pack not knowing this is a f**king forest that also belongs to the bloodshot pack.

So I stop to rest by a tree, F**k I just kicked Alpha in the f**king in I'm so f**kig dead, sh*t. That's all that ran through my mind as I turn to check if I was still being chased but I see nobody so I sigh in relief and relax.

"Hello, little Mate" I hear a really hot voice with a bit of an Italian accent to it say by my ear making me jump in fear. I see a smirk playing on the mouth of the cold grayish-blueish eye guy that's oozing off the same aura of an alpha-like blue eye guy.

What the actual f**k is happing, why, like just why, why me. I don't need another person sorry persons-people to reject me and fuck me up. Yo moon goddess you hate me aye, I thought with a sad sigh leaving my mouth.

"let's go muffin, "The guy with the blue eye said, okay so don't blame me I don't know their names.

"What's your name little mate," His twin with cold grayish-blueish eyes said, giving me another fright of my life. He literally just popped out of nowhere to my left side.

"N-N-Ni-co-le, "I said stuttering, oh come on don't blame me, they look like greek gods hotter than those guys/models on magazine covers.

"Nicole, "They both said my name like they've been doing it for a long time, I think I'm crazy or its the damn effect of the mate bond because I kinda love the way my name rolls off their tongue, soon I'm brought back to reality by what they said next.

"We, Your mates are Asher and Alexender or Alex stone "What....the freaking Stone brothers and twin Alphas of BloodShot pack...Great going Nicole you kicked the most terrifying man on earth..well the second most Terrifying man on earth and in the supernatural[werewolves] world because his brother is the first, oh... I'm so dead. I thought as I shiver slightly which went unnoticed by them.

Earlier in BloodShot pack:

"It's been said and confirmed that rogues have been spotted around the commercial district," Jason said to his friends holding onto his chocolate and mint Ice-cream, Asher, Alex, and Stephano who were sitting in the office doing their own thing.

"On our territory right?"Stephano asked.

"Yep," Jason said taking a huge scoop of his Ice-cream.

"Let's go," Alex said expressionless, and so the whole group followed apart from Ashley and Jason.




" Hey, I don't know but I think something's wrong with Jaxon"Asher said to his brother.[Jaxon-Asher's wolf]

"I don't know man, Mason's been feeling restless as well, It's annoying and worrisome," Alex said to his brother as they look for a parking space nearby.[Mason- Alex wolf]

"Can you smell that?" Asher asked feeling happy for an unknown reason.

"Yeah, Rogue"Stephano said with an emotionless tone.

"No, It's something amazing," Asher said with an eye roll.

"Yeah" Alex replied as he checked the time on his watch repeatedly.

"I only smell a rogue in the fucking street, "Stephano whispered arguing back. soon enough the smell was getting heavy and pausing to argue back as his wolf was getting excited something bumped into him more like someone and that someone was producing the amazing scent he smelt earlier.


'We finally found her and she's really beautiful," Asher said to his twin through their mind link smiling stupidly which earn a playful eye roll from his brother.

"Yeah we did, I'm happy in a way"

"I got to hold her first though, and yeah I'm happy like f**king peanut butter," Asher said goofily.

"I know you both are happy you found your mate but she smells rogue...no she's a rogue"Stephano who has been quietly shooting daggers at Nicole the whole way said making the twins silent.

On the other hand, Nicole just followed them wryly as she could the hostility coming from Stephano.

"B-B-But I'm... a ...rogue"Nicole stuttered out waiting for the feeling of abandonment but got nothing, quietly she looked up only to find the guys staring at her, Alex with an expression

"No matter what you're kitten you're ours now," Alex said smirking ever so slightly.

"And we won't hurt you okay, you're safe with us," Asher said looking so serious like if she didn't accept it he'd go on a rampage.

Yeah right, totally safe, Nicole scoffed in her mind.

"Maybe we should give them a chance?" Ava said but it came out in the form of a question.

Why should I trust them, what if they just want to reject us Infront of their whole pack, that's worse than how Damien rejected us, I mean they're the legendary twin alphas of the bloodshot pack, they could get any girl they want literally girls fall at their feet at least that's what I heard. Damien's rejection doesn't hurt anymore but why does the thought of these two alphas rejecting me hurt? Nicole thought.

Hello and welcome to my story..hehe

So....What do y'all think about it..you know the whole situation?

Author: As for you Ava I thought you said no boys? what's with consideration thoughts huh?

Ava: I don't know...

Author: uh-huh, really?

Ava: Oh come on you caught me, can't you see how they look, they look much better than the cheap steak.*scoffs*

Author: Who's that?*confused*

Ava:Our ex-mate dummy, don't remember his name*Eye roll*

Nicole: Umm guys what's happening*Confused*

See y'all another time

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

MissAlexiscreators' thoughts