

Nicklaus is your everyday normal kid until he was reincarnated into a weird world. His golden finger was a weird ability that makes him turn into a battleminiac and eyes that copy and perfect every single skills he sees. To top it all, he came to know later he was not the main character but was destined to be the friend of the MC who everyone ignores as the MC does cool stuff. Watch how he trends through the line of insanity and almost insanity. One small line that might turn him into the greatest hero or the villain of worlds to come. This book contains mostly of my MC's Point Of View almost all the time because it is all about him that's why I named it Nicklaus. My MC is kinda like Broly, the more he fights the more he gets stronger so there might not be a single time where he loses and he is not dumb enough to fight someone that can one shot him. That's just stupid. Also, it may contains characters that are not my product so if you find any know that they are not my own but belong to works of original makers.

Alladin_Larma_7851 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

When Captain America Throws His Mighty Shield

Nicklaus had been keeping his nose clean for the following years. He kept his vilgilance in National Island but gave a deaf ear to the rest of the world. He also learnt that Olsa had been Inna few adventures on her own that she called New York the city for aspiring superheroes. Almost everyday there would be a supervillain trying to make the life of the heroes a nightmare. When 2015 came, he was asked if he would help the avengers recover the mindstone in Sokovia. He said he was a bit busy so the rest went on the road trip.

A few days later, maybe a month, Tony called him and asked if he would come for a party in the Avengers tower. He shrugged and accepted. He flew over to New York, Avengers Tower and found the party on going. Everyone was surprised to see him in his superhero costume for they would have thought like the rest of the Avengers he would show them his civilian identity. He landed onto the balcony and Jarvis appeared to welcome him. Nicklaus knew this were his last moments as an AI so he humored him.

"You came, good. I thought you would come in a more civilian attire," Tony said.

"Giving it up would be a dumb idea. You are a stubborn fool, Steve has no one to worry about, so does Natasha, Banner and our big prince here lives off planet. You do not have to worry about anyone tracking down everyone you love and use them as leverage," Nicklaus answered him.

"That's hurtful, it really is. C'mon, I have the perfect thing for you to do so that you can make up for it. Thor says he has a liquor that is illegal for mortals," Tony said and brought him to the rest of the group. "Thor, pour him some." Thor shrugged and poured some of the liquor into Nicklaus's glass. Nicklaus drank it all in a full then frowned.

"That doesn't taste like anything at all. Almost feels like water," he said. Thor was surprised.

"This is the mead of Asgard, gods drink it till they pass out at the third horn," Thor said.

"Maybe they are just lightweights," Nicklaus said as he put down the glass.

"Burn! Asgard warriors spend the rest of their lives drinking and eating yet they cannot handle their alcohol!" Tony teased the big guy who went to sulk somewhere else..

As the party went on, people came for selfies with Nicklaus and soon, he was swarmed. Rhodie looked over and a pang of jealousy hit him. He wanted to use this chance to boast and show them he was an Avenger material but the moment he saw Superior Man come in, he knew his moment was gone. Nicklaus also saw Stan Lee as drunk as a fish been helped out and he chuckled. Soon, the party was over and now only the Avengers were left.

"Say, can no one realty lift up your hammer, Thor?" Steve asked out of the blues.

"That's right, only the worthy can lift it up," Thor said, smugly.

"I would like to test out that theory," Tony said as he got up. His Ironman gauntlet came onto his hand and he got hold of the hammer and started pulling. There was not even a creak! He then tried to use boosters but it was all for naught.

"I'm not about to let a hammer show me it's better than my suits. Rhodie, a little help," Tony gasped. Rhodie put on his gauntlets too and the two were using boosters, trying to lift up the hammer but it never rose. They let go and fell down, panting hard.

Natasha went for it but soon gave up after one tug of failure. Banner went next and as much he tried he could not lift the damn hammer. He then decided to shake off the embarrassment by roaring fiercely, making the guys, and lady, to shirk back in fear.

"Sorry, too much?" he asked. It was Steve's turn and he gave it all he got. Nicklaus was watching carefully and be saw the runes Odin inscribed onto the hammer shone slightly and the hammer creaked for a moment before it stopped. Thor had his heart beating so fast but sighed in relief when Steve failed.

"Guess it's my turn," Nicklaus said and got up. Thor suddenly remembered Nicklaus had got hold of the hammer in the harrier carrier.

"No need, I already know you will prevail like last time. How did you do that?" Thor asked him.

"Some spitbin my palms and grit, it does wonders," Nicklaus answered him with a teasing tone and smile. They continued partying until lights started flickering and a banged up iron man suit gets into the room walking wobbly and wires sticking out of it.

"Ultron!" Nicklaus exclaimed silently. Ultron introduced himself then started the usual villian talk before he ordered iron man suits to get in and attack them.

Nicklaus remained seated as the rest went into their battle mode, except Banner who was hiding behind the counter. Nicklaus lasered any suits that came close to him, leaving them to be scraps. Ultron noticed him and tried to overwhelm him with numbers but he just lasered them all without breaking a sweat. One suit got hold of the sceptre and flew away. They managed to destroy all the other suits and Ultron was talking about how he wanted to keep this world safe by removing the greatest threat to it, the Avengers. Thor threw his hammer and destroyed him but he left saying a sentence.

"I had strings it now I am free." The Avengers looked around and sighed. They knew there and then they had a villian to fight. Nicklaus decided to diffuse the tension so he sang a song that made Steve flinch.

"Hey, stop me if you have heard this song before," he said making everyone look at him as if he was demented. "Wheen Captain America throws his mighty shield!" Everyone was now surprised. "All those who oppose his shield must yield!" Steve was now flinching repeatedly. "Unless you're a plane, or some ice or a brainwashed buddy with a robotic arm, then you don't necessarily have to yield!"

"Do you have a recording of that?" Tony asked and Nicklaus nodded eagerly. "Send it to me, I will make it my ringtone."

"But first, we need to look for Ultron. No need to point fingers at each other, I am sure the ones who made it must have a good reason to, isn't that right, Tony?" Nicklaus said making Tony flinch.

"Of course. Banner and I know him inside out and we will try to triangulate his location so that we can stop him," Tony said and dragged Banner out.