
Nicholas's Mistress

The moment he met her he knew he had to have her, but he he never envisioned a life of misery in her hands. The pain he had to go through drove him to the harms of another, he truly loved his wife but he didn't see a future with her anymore.

efancy_magdayao · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

The next weeks that followed Bethany claimed that she wanted to be actively involved in the business and she frequented the workplace. Nicholas suspected that there was far much deeper thinks going on behind her coming to the office, by this time he had ceased all communication with Katherine. He knew that it was a bad idea but he didn't have an option, Bethany continued to pester him every time and she kept undermining him in front of everyone in the office.

She would even attack any female employees who came close to him saying that they were trying to seduce him. Nicholas was fed up with all her shenanigans and he wanted her gone she had already invaded the only place he thought he could go whenever he wanted to get away from her.

That night he came home really late and he found the lights still on in the living room, there were two wine glasses on the table he noticed that one of the glasses had lipstick and he concluded that Bethany had probably had Danny over. He headed upstairs to the guestroom he had been as his bedroom. passing by the master bedroom he noticed that the lights were on and he heard voices coming out of the room. He bushed the door slightly and he was surprised by what he saw he wished he could unsee it.

They didn't even hear him enter the room, he stood there seeing his wife and the man she claimed to be her brother having sex. Right about that time Bethany turned and saw him and there was no remorse in her eyes Nicholas watched her smile with pride. If he had witnessed their actins a few months back he would have been deeply hurt but by now Nicholas didn't care anymore whom she decides to take to bed.

"Hi, Nick... I guess the secret is now out," Bethany said biting he lip

Nicholas was disgusted by her he wondered what he ever saw in her looking at her now he didn't see the woman he had been smitten with but a conniving witch who had ruined his life. He was only grateful that he never slept with her and there were no kids from their marriage.

He couldn't imagine the suffering the kids would have to go through if they had any.

"Well I knew something was amiss there what with the way you two were always inseparable," Nicholas said sounding disgusted.

Danny who had now worn his trouser was standing next to a completely naked Bethany who was smirking. Looking at him now Nicholas noticed the malicious look he was giving him and he wondered what he had ever done to him to deserve that much malice from him.

"Nick let me truthful here, Danny is not my brother but my lover, I have been with him for so long even before I met you," Bethany said sashaying towards him

"I already guessed that based on what I just witnessed," Nicholas said trying to avoid her touch on his chest.

"You think I would ever fall in love with someone like you of course not," Bethany said laughing at his face " you failed to arouse any feelings from Nick, so I went to someone who could satisfy, something you wouldn't know how to do,"

"I agree you fooled me Bethay, I never knew that the sweet beautiful woman I met could turn in to what you are now," Nicholas was fuming mad "I expect you out of my house immediately, and as for you Danny I don't want to ever see your face anywhere near my property"

"You are forgetting that I am still your business partner Nick you can't get rid of me that easily," Danny said bosting "it is ironic to see what love can do to a man Nick, this is just the beginning more is yet to come"

"you see Nicholas I was never in love with you, marrying you was just a means to an end, and being the idiot that you are you fell for the charm,"

"Everything to our first meeting was planned Nick; do you still remember? I was there that day mainly to capture your attention, it was easier than I thought,"

"I had been following you around for so long and you walked right into my trap,

you never disappointed me, Nick all that lying was starting to bore me," she said while dressing " it was hard having to pretend to love you, good thing you proposed that fast"

Listening to her talk to him like that would have hurt him but he no longer cared what everyone was going to say about his failed marriage, He couldn't wait to get rid of her.

"If you think of getting rid of me just like that Nicholas I will ruin you, remember that I own half of all that you are worth, believe me, by the time I am done with you will regret ever knowing me," Bethany said with venom in her voice

"This house belongs to the two of us it is under both our names so don't even think of throwing me out,"

"You might be my wife by name Bethany but you can never take anything I own I will get rid of you and I will make sure you never get any money from me" Nicholas wasn't going to roll-over and let her ruin him just like that.

He worked too hard to give up just like that, Nicholas came from the streets and he knew how it is like not to have anything to eat or even a place to stay. Many had told him that he will never make it in life but he proved them wrong.

Nicholas had met so many others money-hungry people like Bethany who never worked hard for what they want, who knew how to use others for their benefit. Bethany had only fooled him once he wasn't going to be fooled again. He had gone without food before, even if it means having to start from the bottom he was going to make it happen because he wasn't one to give up.

At that moment Nick swore that he was going to ruin Bethany and Danny even if it took his whole life, by the time he will be done with them, they will be begging for mercy. First, he had to find out everything he could about Bethany and Danny, if he was going up against the two he better be prepared. Nicholas didn't want a repeat of what happened.

There nothing worse than being caught unawares by your enemies, he had been reluctant for so long but now it was time to let the beast out. Before he became this sophisticated businessman, he had been known as the monster by those who knew him then.

Nicholas had been an underground fighter, that was before all the money and fame caught up with him. Trusting people got into so much trouble and Nicholas had almost forgotten that only to be reminded by Bethany how cruel the world was.

He had been stepped on so many by many, but he had learned to never trust anyone, he didn't know what blinded him so much as not to notice that Bethany is a snake.

As Nicholas backed up his things from the guestroom, he couldn't believe that he had been so stupid as to let someone take everything from him. He listened to Bethany and Nicholas laugh in the other room he felt like kicking himself for having let things get this bad.

He was now the one to move out of the house he had bought with his hard-earned and money, the house had been one of the first investments he had made right after his company had taken off. Bethany had convinced him to put down her name in the deed and he had not hesitated to do it.

Getting into his car he, looked back at the house he used to call home, he couldn't recognize it anymore it had become more like a haunted place. It brought back so many bad memories, looking back he noticed so many incidents where he had suspected Bethany's actions. He had immediately dismissed the actions because he couldn't see Bethany doing any wrong to him.

As he drove away he could still Danny's smile when he got out of the house he had stood there looking like the cat the got the cream. Nicholas had so many properties strewed around the city and he could not complain that he didn't have anywhere to go. He drove to a secret house he had recently bought under another, here he could relax since no one knew he owned the property. Arriving at the house it was already midnight and he didn't bother making anything to eat. He had employed someone to take care of the cleanliness around the house ones in a while. He ascented the stairs to the master bedroom, took a shower, as he got into bed he wished that he had someone next to him, and an image of Katherine appeared in his vision.