
Nice To See You Again

Garen Rine made a lot of mistakes during his childhood which was brought by his prideful character of an Alpha born of high standing but, he never felt so much regret to any of this, that is until wronging this one certain Omega, Liliane Fray. The young girl in his childhood appeared on his life once more, now that they're older, the bond becomes even more obvious, pulling the Alpha to a strong desire for this omega. The problem is that, Liliane destest Garen to the core. He hurt her heart in the past, she has all the reason to hate him. Can Garen ever find a way to make Liliane forgive him and give him a chance to love her? Being tangled in desire, desperation, and longing. An alpha and omega gravenly hurt by trying to love innocently in the world of the Verse, their story unfolds along with regrets and things previously unknown. Their end, what will it be?

Lizzy_Rouge · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Time feels forever when a people is hurting. A week full of heartaches could feel so long. One that was felt for years could feel like an eternal torture. The feeling of being constantly numb, tortured, dying, and it goes on like an endless cycle. The feeling of emptiness and sudden rush of emotions, regret, frustrations, heartache, reminiscing, longing, wishing, desperation, helplessness, and in the end, wishing for everything to just end but, still have some lingering desires for everything that have already passed.

"Liliane have been ignoring Yuhan since then." Davis says.

Davis Garcia, the only beta in this group. He was a med student and the one who helped in secretly treating Liliane when she harmed herself. He is a close friend of Yuhan and someone that Yuhan could trust so much. That was what Garen came to learn after a few days of sticking around. Davis also help Garen with his mental health after all that happened, and is currently supervising his training in this special training room.

"I tried talking with her but, she seemed angry." Garen says, his fist blows in a rhythm, sending countless blow to a human-sized punching bag.

His breathing, quite heavy but, manageable.

"TWO HUNDRED." Garen shouted as he places the final blow. His sweat dripping and him, panting crazily.

"Two hundred in an hour is still slow." Davis says and Garen couldn't help but sat down in dismay and exhaustion.

"Stand up now big boy, you still need to do some kickings." Davis says as he tosses a water battle to Garen.

Garen sighs deeply as he takes the bottle with tired-expression written all over his face. In all of a sudden, he felt intimidation from the air as he faintly hears some heavy footsteps closing in, his eyes hurriedly shifted towards the sound. Yuhan came to Garen's training.

"I'll give you a thirty-second rest then, we'll spar." Yuhan says and Garen could feel his veins heating up. Garen stood up and gazed directly at Yuhan's eyes.

"I don't need rest." Garen says.

Davis could only whistle himself out and slowly back away from the two. Garen and Yuhan stood and intensely gazed at eachother's eyes, waiting for their eyes to reveal its golden glow. Garen advances in a flash, raised fist that targets Yuhan.

"Fool." Yuhan easily blocked and simply stood still.

Garen tries to land another one with a kick but, Yuhan avoids it in a flash. Yuhan blocked all attempts so easily, making Garen feel frustrated everytime. After a few more hit, Yuhan apprehends Garen and pins him down. One move, that was all he needed while, Garen attempted to land a blow many times but, to no fruit, he utterly lost the spar.

"You let yourself be easily drowned by your emotions. You still lack speed, power, and analytics in combat."

"Do you think that you could protect Liliane with your current state?" Yuhan was blunt and it was real for Garen as he, of all people, knows better of his current state.

"You're a little bit mean to the lad, Yuhan. I say that, he got good forms in spite of being a noob." Davis says, his voice, stuttering a bit.

Yuhan lets go of Garen and takes a sigh.

"He could've win if he dominated me by using his pheromones to state his territory."

"At least, he knows how to control his pheromones better now." Yuhan added and Garen felt a bit lighter of himself.

"But, that's not enough." Yuhan exclaimed.

Davis could feel tenseness in Yuhan's voice.

"Yuhan, did something happen?" Davis asks and Yuhan's alpha eyes have slowly returned normal.

Yuhan took a sigh and frowns as he opens his lips, willing to share of the matter he is dealing with.

"The elders suggested that I recruit Garen to a club they plan to establish later on. They currently got their eyes fixed on him after analyzing the pheromone incident last time. For now, I could manage to distract them but, they seem to be considering him as a candidate."

"They also advanced the opening of all school levels and College to tomorrow." Yuhan explains.

Garen and Davis were alarmed, this is two days advanced than the original. They have to finalize preparing tonight and be in position by the morning opening ceremony.

"We'll have a meeting in thirty-five minutes." Yuhan says and they all left the training room.

Garen washed up in the locker room, the cold running water could not ease the heat from Garen's veins. Garen looked at a mirror beside him and gazed upon his self, his eyes, his golden eyes that glows out of this world. He holds great power but, he can't even utilize it properly.

"King of Alphas..."

"What a joke."

"I can't even be half of the alpha Yuhan is..."

The pitter-patter sound that resounds from the water and his silent breathing, Garen felt the need to catch up to Yuhan as soon as possible. Garen hurried with his bath, dried himself, and got changed with a new set of clothing he kept stored in his very own locker. As he was heaading out from the locker room, Davis was outside, seemingly waiting for Garen.

"Davis, I thought that you already went with Yuhan?" Garen asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that, you should not base your progress with Yuhan's current state." Davis says and he starts to walk off.

~~At the meeting room~~

Yuhan starts with re-evaluating the plan and checking the current progress and condition of their preperation. As Garen watches Yuhan's leadership, he can't help but feel utterly small. From the way that Yuhan carried the meeting, to how he talks with his team, not to mention, Yuhan is this guy who saved Liliane. Garen couldn't help but wonder how could Liliane choose him over someone as amazing, cool, capable, and even more mature alpha such as Yuhan.

"Any more concerns?" Yuhan asks the group and they responded in unison "None."

After the meeting, they ate together and after that, they were all told to rest up early and be also ready early for tomorrow. Garen and Liliane went back to their space as usual. The two would stay at Garen's room, they were inseparable within their space. Garen still have a week left for rest after being rampant with his pheromones.

"Lili, Yuhan is amazing, right?" Garen spoke softly as if dis-heartened.

Liliane was in a pause within thoughts, she wanted to answer but, also not want to but, in the end, she did.

"He is..." She says.

Garen could only smile bitterly from that answer, he was jealous but, also felt defeated.

"Lili, what is Yuhan to you?" Garen asks and Liliane couldn't help but feel heaviness at her chest.

Garen saw Liliane's eyes filled with sadness in spite of the smile she puts up.

"Yuhan... Is the first ever family that I choose to have a bond with in that way. He was the brother I forever wished for... He is... He is an important family to me..." Liliane couldn't help but cry as she describe Yuhan in these ways.

Garen felt Liliane's heart at the moment and he felt warmth within his heart. He can't ever be Yuhan because, Yuhan will forever be this amazing person even if Garen do surpass him in terms of power and abilities. What's more, Liliane rarely talked about her family so, Garen is happy to hear about someone who Liliane regard as such. He wrapped his arms around the girl, his pheromones of ocean breeze sends his loving sincerity with the words he is to say towards Liliane.

"Lili, I wish that you'd make up with him..." Garen says.

Liliane cries in his arms, her overflowing emotions and some kept anxiety were slowly disappearing from her heart. Garen understood both Yuhan and Liliane's heart. Yuhan wanted to protect Liliane but, Liliane suffered with the thought of possibly losing Garen in a way, once more. Liliane must've felt hurt by Yuhan's actions but, after hearing how Liliane described Yuhan, Garen could tell that they both cherish each other.

As heart-warming this is, Liliane's phone buzzed and played a ringtone from her pocket. It was an incoming video call from Ziel. Liliane answers and they were greeted with a big frown from the other girl.

[GAREN YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T DID YOU MAKE HER CRY?!!] Ziel's voice output was already controlled but, it still felt loud and scary in Garen's ears.

"No! Ziel! He didn't... We were just having a conversation about Yuhan and how Yuhan meant to me and made me realize of it." Liliane explains.

[*Sigh*... I would've gone there to chat with you but, no one is allowed to visit your space yet. AND WHY ARE YOU TOGETHER?!? HOW MUCH DID I MISS??? YOU NEVER UPDATED ME WHAT THE HECK?!?] Ziel was so frightening for the both that they felt chills in their spine.

Liliane and Garen promised to explain when the quarantine is lifted. Garen was even f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶d̶ b̶y̶ Z̶i̶e̶l̶ willing to give the girls some time together to catch up.

At the next morning, the day that they impliment their plan, they weren't able to forsee such a thing to happen...