
Nice to meet you, my one and only future

Fana was a cheerful girl with a big heart until something goes wrong .Ever since that day, she always feel like someone watching her from a far but she didn't care much until she started to receive gift from unknown person. One day when she decided to have vacation and everything had change. She began to learn who about him and her connection with Genesis. She never expected that the person she trust the most will betray her. *DISCLAIMER* I do not own the picture. To the RIGHTFUL artist that may stumble upon this, please do let me know and I will give you the rightful credit. Thanks.

PotatoLoveToWrite · Fantasy
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57 Chs


"Huf, huf!" The sound of panting have broke the silent morning in a remote snowy mountain.'Iguess I have lost them...' whisper her heart that is right now is beating fast like crazy. She try to calm her self down by take a few deep breath before she continues walking towards a pine tree. She settle herself down by the tree and start to recall what happened when she came here. *Crack* A sudden chill running down her spine, her heart start to racing like theres no tomorrow. She grab a small branch that is next to her hand, with a quick reflect, she swift the branch to only found out it was just a small squirrel that pick up a pine from the tree. "Gosh, what happens to me...I shouldn't be so panic right now...." she sigh as she slowly put her guards down.

"BAAMM!!!! " The next thing she knows is that her face is hit flat on the snowy ground. She feel that someone have pin her against the ground. 'Fck,this person is strong for sure...' murmured her as she try to get rid from whatever hold her against the ground. "Gotcha' where you wanna run now huh? " A low husky man voice is heard by her. She feel scared and want to run away if she could ever run away at that very moment. When she turn her head and saw a pair of blue eyes was aiming at her as if it was a wolf caught its prey.

That eye draw closer to her face and whisper at her ears,"I hope that this is the last time you try to run away from me, the next time you try to run away from me, remember to clear your foot print, you careless little cat. But remember, no matter where you are, .....*whisper* I will always found you. " his red lips slowly form up into a line and he smirk at her with a glareful eyes.... "Nice to meet you, my one and only future"