
Nice To Meet You Again

Sonya started living with her aunt from little alongside her cousin Simon. Although she doesn't treat her very good but Sonya has always been curious about the cause of her mother's sudden death and her father's disappearance. She went to country X where she thinks her father might be for her eighteenth birthday celebration and in the process met Maxwell who she knows nothing of. She end up saving his life and left soon after But for Maxwell it was love at first sight and seeing her again after five years, He decide not to let her go Join Sonya has she finds love and friendship. This is my first story and am just a beginner so I hope you don't mind my mistakes. I hope to receive your reviews and also your comments on each chapter to help me improve better

jayeobakehinde123 · Urban
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47 Chs

Sexual harassment

Micheal entered Max well's office and place some files before him.

"everything you need to know about her is inside the file" Maxwell pick it up and open it. he drop it down again.

"just explain the important ones first" Micheal looked at him pissed off.

"why do you ask me to keep it in a file when you know you are not going to read it"

"i never said i wont read it, i just ask you to tell me the important ones" Micheal sigh

"as you know before she is studying for her masters at your sister's school and she lives in the same house with your... Maxwell interrupted him.

"i know all that. am talking about other things"

"okay then. but what am about to say, i hope you wont get angry about it. its normal things that happens"

"just split it out already" Micheal removed his glasses and pocket it.

"she was bullied yesterday probably because she came in through the back door, and she was not assigned anything on the case you gave to her. she was just asked to take care of checking for errors in the financial statement and redoing them although when there is actually no error" he briefed him. Micheal did not know how he could describe the expression on Max well's face.

"and there is also something i think you meant be interested in" Maxwell ignored him but he still continue.

"she has a guy friend and a very handsome one at that. they are both graduate students from the same department and he also start working here as an intern in the same department with her. That's why i told you to approach her properly...." Micheal felt the temperature of the room drop and Maxwell facial expression changed.

"i will leave you then to continue your work" he said instead and quickly walk out before Maxwell replied him. Maxwell stood still for awhile before he starts to work again.

..... Blair finished her work and bade them bye.

"are you almost through with work? its time for us to get off work" Charles asked when he saw that Sonya was not getting ready to leave at all.

"i don't think i can leave now. I've not finished the work Mrs Katherine gave to me and plus the new ones Ariana added, i will like to stay and finish up everything and i also found that there is something wrong with this record. i don't have any class tomorrow anyways so its okay" Charles feels reluctant to leave.

"okay then, we will see each other tomorrow" he said and finally left. Sonya continued working without taking note of the time. she work for about two more hours after Charles left and felt hungry.

She stood up to make coffee for herself and took some snacks to eat. she check the time and it was past seven, she decide to rest a little bit and fell asleep.

Maxwell came out of his office after hearing from Micheal that Sonya has not left yet. he studied her from afar and when he saw that she has fall asleep, he moved toward her and adjust her head properly on the desk.

"she looked very tired" he thought. he called his secretary, Amy and ask her to pack all her work to his office then he carried her in his arms to his office. Amy was surprised to see him get intimate with a new employee but keep her mouth shut. he entered his office and opened another door inside his office and place her on the bed there. he covered her with a quilt and close the door gently after him.

"you don't even allow me your best friend to enter there but now you are even allowing a girl to sleep on your bed. Micheal said in protest. Maxwell ignored him and went to back his seat.

"you and Amy can get off work now we will continue on the rest tomorrow" he said to him instead.

"as you wish" he bow his head and walk out of his office. Maxwell sat down and continue from where Sonya stopped

….Sonya woke up after sometime and met herself on an unknown bed. she quickly stood up and looked around. the room does not seem familiar to her at all. she looked around and found no one else in the room and relaxed. she look around the room again, everything is well arranged. she smells the bed and its smells nice. she was still cradling with the bed when the door opens and she saw Maxwell come in. "why are you coming in here" she asked surprised. Maxwell smiled at her

"guess" she then realized that she as on his bed she quickly try to climb out of the bed and fell off. Maxwell rush to her and held her up.

"hey, are you okay?" he said concerned. she yank his hand away from her.

"what am i doing here? Do you bring me to your house? this is sexual harassment. i can get you arrested for this" she said a little bit sacred. Maxwell laugh and pull her up with him. she struggle to release herself from him but he was too strong for her. he pull her outside the room and Sonya saw that they were still in the office. she stop struggling. Maxwell also release her hand and went to sit on the chair.

"sit down here" he said and tap the chair next to him. she walk over to him and sat down.

"what on earth is he trying to do? why would him take me to his office and even allowed me sleep on the bed" she thought. "I would like it if you don't think too far, i just carried you here to sleep and nothing more" he said interrupting her thought.

"ahem.. thank you sir, i will like to leave now i still have some work to do" she said and try standing up but Maxwell held her down.

"i finish that for you already and its almost ten"

"really?" she turn to face him. he nodded his head to indicate yes.

"thank you so much" she said and almost hugged him but stop herself.

"i mean you are the CEO, and its wrong of me to let you do my work for me..." she rant on. Maxwell ignored her words and start to set food on the table for them

"am sure you must be hungry, lets eat first and then i will take you home" he said and handed her a spoon. She hesitated but still collect it from him.

"he must really like feeding people. thanks" she murmured and starts to eat.