
Nice To Meet You Again

Sonya started living with her aunt from little alongside her cousin Simon. Although she doesn't treat her very good but Sonya has always been curious about the cause of her mother's sudden death and her father's disappearance. She went to country X where she thinks her father might be for her eighteenth birthday celebration and in the process met Maxwell who she knows nothing of. She end up saving his life and left soon after But for Maxwell it was love at first sight and seeing her again after five years, He decide not to let her go Join Sonya has she finds love and friendship. This is my first story and am just a beginner so I hope you don't mind my mistakes. I hope to receive your reviews and also your comments on each chapter to help me improve better

jayeobakehinde123 · Urban
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47 Chs

Meeting again where we parted


''loveth, is Evelyn still coming back?'' Sonya asked ask for the third time. "I don't know but she should. I just hope she is okay" "why do you think she wont be okay?" "The guy we met earlier today,i don't feel comfortable about him" "why don't you give her a call then?" Sonya suggested "her number is not going through" After a while, loveth check the time and it was already past twelve and Evelyn is still not back. ''how about we go look for her'' she said and turn to Sonya who was busy on her phone. "Why? she is not a kid and besides is not that late yet" "I know but am just worried" "Okay fine let go look for her" Sonya surrendered. They get up and left the house to look for her. "where do you think she might be?" ''At the club" "OK let go there first" They took a cab to the club and went inside and look around but she wasn't there. ''lets ask the manager,she might be in one of the private rooms" they ask the manager and they were directed to one of the private room. they went to the direction described for them and found the room. they knock on the door and someone from inside open for them. "yes, what do you want?" Sonya scanned the room and found Evelyn at a corner. she looks drunk and wasted then her eyes land on Zayn. "what do you think you are doing" loveth said and charged forward but was blocked by another guy in the room. Sonya realized that this is something they cannot handle on their own and quickly send a message then she counted those in room, there were three girls and three other guys in the room apart from Evelyn and Zayn. "am here for Evelyn and i will like to take her with me" "why should we allow you do that as you can see she is having lots of fun with us" someone said. "i don't think so. she looks wasted" "zayn what do you do to her. Loveth said. "what are you trying to say? she came here herself no one forced her to be here" "then what are you doing here with her" Sonya chipped in. "this is our private room, why cant i be here" just then one of the waiter comes in and whispered something to Zayn. "what the hell are you talking about? why would police come here to look for me?" "oh they are here" Sonya said instead. "what do you mean by that?" one of the guys asked. she move forward towards them and sat down on the chair among them. "nothing much. i just inform the police that there are some guys who deals with drugs here and that am there with them" "are you crazy? do you think you can achieve anything with that. we don't do drugs here" Zayn said. "so what do you use on her?" she ask referring to Evelyn. the remaining guys quickly packed the remaining drugs with them and hid them. "That's non of your business" "okay then" she said and picked up a glass of wine from the table and pour some on her cloth, then she took a pair of slippers off. "i know you guys are rich kids and am sure you wont want to stain your parent's name. she said and sightly torn her top a little. "A girl is been drugged another is with a torn clothes, what do you think the police will think of it? Do you see what I can achieve with this now" she said calmly. and thank her lucky stars in her head. "lucky for her the police were near" Zayn hissed angrily and slap her across the face. "you bastard" he cursed. "Zayn what do we do? my dad must not know am here" "lets go" he said and they all made to move but Sonya held one of them and screamed "help! please help me!" zayn push her down and covered her mouth to prevent her from shouting. then loveth also followed her and starts shouting for help and one of the guys also move to cover her mouth, just then the door was opened and the manager entered with the police. zayn realized then that he has been tricked by her. the position the police met them was so compromising and its looks like he was forcing his way with her. he and the other guy quickly withdraw from them but the police already saw them. the police arrested all of them and help send Evelyn to the hospital. "do you know any of her family you can call" Sonya asked loveth after waiting for a while. "yes her brother" she replied and quickly dial Maxwell's number to inform him. he arrived there in no time and came to meet them in the waiting room. "hey" he said. Sonya turned towards his direction and greeted him hi. Maxwell looked at her for a long time. he was surprised that after very long time he last saw her he still felt deeply attracted to her. Sonya wonder why he was staring at her like that. "you are here" loveth said to him. yes, he answered and faced her. loveth quickly start to explain to him about what happened. He nodded his head at each of her word. after explaining to him, he faced Sonya again. "so we meet again from where we separated" Sonya looked at him without answering him wondering what he was talking about. when he had stared at her she had thought that it might be because he has not seen her before or know her as Evelyn's friend but now she begin to doubt it. "thanks for your help. he said. "welcome" she simply replied. the doctor came out to attend to them. "Mr hart" the doctor said respectfully when he realized who was standing before him. it was a drug to get her aroused sexually and a little bit of Indian hemp but its has been flushed out from her body, so we will move her to the ward now and check her till morning, then if there is no problem she can leave" "thank you doctor" "don't we need to pay the bills?" Sonya said to Maxwell. "they are the owner of this hospital" loveth whispered to her. Maxwell went out for something while Sonya and loveth went to meet Evelyn. Maxwell came in shortly after them. "we are going to keep her company so you don't have to worry" loveth said after a moment of silent. "okay then thanks" "Sonya, can i see you outside for a minute?" she nodded and followed him out. "what is it?" Maxwell scanned her with his eyes. "don't you need to change out of your clothes?" then she realized she had torn her top a little. 'pervert' she thought no wonder he keeps staring at her. she quickly covered the part with her hands. "let me drive you home so you can change then you can come back after" he said and starts to walk away without waiting for her answer. she quickly went back to inform loveth then followed him and entered the car and he drove off.