

(In the land of Akanano, in the western part of Africa in nigeria. During the 900 BC of the 13th century, was a powerful tribe and community called the igbo's.

It is know for it beautiful tradition and beautiful maidens with their uri used in designing their bodies and they are strong and elegant and are recognized as dancers. Akanano is a very big and great community in the igbo land, every seventh moon of the year, the celebrate their festival of peace.

Maidens couldn't wait for that day to come, because they would be giving the chance to display their dancing steps, and once in 10 decades the prince chooses a bride.

It another 10 decades and the prince is ready to pick a bride and the whole maidens now parades themselves and is waiting for the festival.)

OZIOMA: (coming back from the market with her friends.) You know, I've been wanting to ask this question, is it necessary for the prince to pick a bride on the day of the festival?

OGECHI: tradition has always been tradition, I mean it has existed for centuries now, we cannot change it (she added)

OZIOMA: I wonder why noble maidens like us has to parade ourselves with maidens that has no class!

OLACHI: (seems to pick interest in that) exactly my point, I mean our fathers are recognized as noble men in the land, that makes us noble maidens, we're not like the daughters of a nobody.

OGECHI:if you ask me, I don't think there's any use for this festival. (She added)

(While they were still talking, ngene passed them by and they stopped her)

OZIOMA:(turned to ngene) maybe we are to small for you to have passed us without even greeting!

NGENE: why do I always have to come across you maidens (she said in almost a regrettable tune)

OLACHI: maybe the gods are only giving us the opportunity to show some lessons to the daughter of a nobody, besides let me ask, where are you coming back from?

NGENE: from the NKWO market (seem to be in a hurry to leave)

OZIOMA: (drags her back)hey! Hey! Hey!! We're not yet done talking to you, who do you think you're are?

NGENE: rather than picking up a fight with me, I think you maidens should rather watch your backs, you might never know (she left them in a manner of furry)

OGECHI: did she just said that to us? (In disbelief)

OZIOMA: still shut of words. You know what, you girls should meet me at my hut(she left them as well)

(The both girls went after her as she went ahead of them).