
Nexus games

*WARNING* VERY SLOW UPDATES CAUSE I'M LAZY AND SWEARING! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT UPDATES! There will be a plot but I might go off on a tangent from time to time. ... This story revolves around Luke and Quinn creating games that specially selected people get placed into. Put simply two guys will make games that are spread throughout the omniverse(bunch of multiverses; DC, Marvel, Anime, etc.) ... If you leave a review make sure it is somewhat original with details and explanation, thank you I will first publish a chapter and tag it "(incomplete)" and will continuously update it until it's done and then label it as "(complete)" Oh and I don't really care about power stones, so while it may not motivate me it's the thought that counts. I added the image because it looked nice. I don't own the image. Feel free to give suggestions for a synopsis once you've read a couple chapters as I suck at those. Oh and since I like using italics and don't want to get a contract, I'm gonna either use Wattpad or Royal road as my main publishing site. I will use the same name and still publish here though.

The_Second_ · Video Games
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Pilot (Complete)

For reference I have not done any preparation and thus not only do I discover the plot alongside you, but the structure of the story does not exist. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it!

P.S. This is a chapter of around 4000 words, future chapters will also have at least 4000 words (I hope).


In an unspecified location, far far away, lay a youth no older than 20 within a capsule not unlike a cryo pod, sleek and futuristic, with energy pulsating from within the gaps in the warm, embracing glow of soft gold. Those strange crevices stood out on the smooth design of the bizarre construct, spreading out from the crystalline sheet facing the man inside, like a spider's web down its curved pedestal and into the floor, to disappear into the maze of white surrounding the encapsulated man.

An uneducated viewer would notice the young man inside this crystalline shell. They would take note of his fair complexion, his perfectly smooth skin, and its soft glow, as if a bright and pure mass of thought shone beneath it. They would be compelled to notice his short wavy hair, swaying around a sharp, noble face that seemed to be free of scars. His eyelids locked in a perpetual stasis, hiding beneath them a pair of eyes reflecting a pure azure hue that held a gaze deep like the ocean. His thin, rose lips curved ever so slightly into a soft smile that revealed a set of sharp feline teeth.

From time to time, his features twitched into a hideous glare, and the light beneath his skin darkened and pulsated, as black tendrils spread over his body, through the machine and into the pale void. The young man would spasm and twitch, as if in great pain and his entire body tensed like the string on a bow, ready to snap at any given moment. Then would come the second transformation, where his face would twist into a pained, maniacal grin, and the darkness would recede into the body, as if it were forced down.

The youth in question was engaged in a conflict within the confines of his mind.

"Luke! How many times do I have to tell you to shut the hell up!" a voice cried out.

"What do you mean? I have nothing to shut up." inquired 'Luke'.

"Goddammit! You know what I mean!" replied the first voice.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't understand what you mean Quinn." said Luke.

"Ugh! I meant to stop talking." groaned 'Quinn'.

A silence echoed in the room that was not quite a room, where two orbs of light appeared to 'look' at each other, as one started to become increasingly brighter. "At least respond, you little s-" but before the light could grow any brighter, the other light halted it, by responding in a confused tone, "But you told me to stop talking?".

Before the two orbs of light could engage in yet another fruitless argument, a golden panel appeared above their 'faces'.

<<Welcome to Sanctuary>>

"What the hell!? What is that? What does it want?" the orb 'jumped' back in surprise.

"I think the golden screen wants to welcome us."

"I already know that, you useless waste of air!"

"If you knew, then why did y-"

Before Luke could say anything else the golden screen flashed.

<<It is recommended that the users pay attention, and cease pointless bickering>>

Before either Quinn or Luke could reply about the rude and brash screen, the screen continued.

<<The users are currently residing within the incubation pod of Sanctuary>>

Not fazed at all by the strange entity Luke inquired "Excuse me mr golden screen, but what is the 'Sanctuary' and why are we being incubated?".

<<The full details of Sanctuary cannot be given to either users due to lack of mental capacity, and its basic functionality will be given after incubation. And the reason for incubation is for your future body to be able to function with two entities residing within it as well as to operate alongside Sanctuary>>

"I see, thank you mr golden screen."

<<No problem user Luke>>

"No problem? NO PROBLEM?!! First you kidnap us, then you lock us up here, wherever 'here' is, and now we have to wait till we hatch!? How the fuck is that no problem!"

The orb of light began frantically pacing around the room that was not quite a room, all the while thinking if he accidentally got onto a white van with a nice man, and worrying he was gonna be locked in the twisted man's basement forever, while lamenting why all child kidnappers were gay.

However he resisted the urge to scream the obvious. "And you. Why are you so damn calm, you a retard or something!?"

<<User Luke is indeed on the spectrum. And the reason for there being no problem, is because apart from your name, your existence has been removed from everywhere outside the hub, including your memories. Currently your existence is in a forced state of calm to ensure no issues arise>>

"Oh, okay, that makes sense, all my worries are gone, now that I don't exist. Let me just wait here. And while I'm at it, why not drink some tea, and watch some kangaroos hop over the desert horizon, with their pouches filled with skittles."

<<Commencing simulation>>


"Please continue mr golden screen, that does seem quite interesting."


The setting suddenly changed to the prairies of Australia, where a mob of kangaroos could be seen dashing past the horizon with skittles falling out their pouches with each jump. Two people with identical features were observing the kangaroos with a cup of tea in their hands. If one were to listen closely they would hear one of the individuals cursing about how a golden screen could go and have intercourse with itself, while walking over to the other individual with and ranting about their autistic tendencies. Only for the other individual to sip his tea, and gaze peacefully at the skittle carrying kangaroos, with nothing to cover his bare body.

As these antics continued, time slowly trickled away. Until finally the message came.

<<Incubation nearing completion, may both users prepare to be integrated>>

<<Integration in 5...>>

"Does that mean I'm gonna be in him?!" as he pointed at Luke guzzling a mix of mountain dew, wasabi, maple syrup, and Cheetos mushed into yogurt. "Fuck that! I'm outta here!"


"You basta-"

<<Integration in progress>>


<<Integration complete>>

In the unspecified location, the pod slowly opened with steam rolling out the sides for dramatic effect. Only for the youth laying within, to stay still for nearly a minute before opening his eyes cautiously, to take in his surroundings.

But in spite of that, there was nothing to take in. As all he could see, was an oval shaped room made of the same smooth, white material as his 'bed'. With the pulsating energy from the gaps matching the ones from the pod. The youth, now out of his pod, observed the room in calm, before turning around to notice the lack of an incubation pod.

After recovering from the strange sensation, Quinn thought to himself, 'Well that's not weird at all, is it?'

Taking Quinn by surprise Luke responded saying, 'Actually, I think it was quite weird.'

'Gah! Where d'you pop out from?'

'I was here since the beginning...'

"Nope, no, nu-uh! I am not dealing with you again!"

With yet another argument ensuing once more, one side of the blank, oval room suddenly flashed violently before dimming, as text appeared on the wall.

<<Could the user please approach the screen>>

Groaning Quinn asked "Do I have to?"

<<If user Quinn decides to ignore the instructions, control of the body will be given to user Luke>>

Quinn glared dejectedly at the screen, before making his way to the screen while muttering in a sedated tone, "telling me what to do... I'm only doing this cause I feel like it... *Hmph*". With eyes blazing with mild anger, Quinn faced the screen before him.


[Developer mode]





<<The user's current task is to develop games in order to obtain more omniversal energy>>

Quinn thought silently to himself, 'Seriously? Games? Not that I'm complaining, but really?' before he decided to leave it alone as he probably wouldn't understand jack.

"Sweet! But I don't really know how to program and code, so..." the screen seemed to deadpan as it watched the naked boy twiddle his index fingers together while twirling his ankle. Ignoring Quinn's antics the screen continued.

<<The user simply has to imagine how everything works and it will be made that way, however the user has to be specific as to not use up extra energy, to create a replica from your knowledge will not strain the system, but will be highly inefficient. So it is recommended to think out every stage of the game>>

"Gotcha. Exactly how much energy do we have, and how much do we need to make a game?"


'Okay, control, it's all about control. Just imagine punching that thing in the face, while it wears a tutu... Aaaah much better.'

To which Luke inquired 'Is that normal?'

<<The chances of that being normal are 1 in 0, so it is not normal>>

"You know what, fuck this, just kill me already."

<<Termination in T-minus 10>>

"Stop! I was just joking, jeez!"

'That wasn't a very funny joke.'

"Can we just continue with this whole system thing? Please?"

<<Before creation, you must name the game>>

"Hmph! Easy! It's gonna be called..."

"Resident evil 0"

<<The name has been accepted>>

'Nice!' In a flash of a bright intense light, Quinn appeared nowhere. As he looked around in a daze, he tried thinking about how he should change and improve RE0. He decided to copy the game for now, then prepare for an extension and a multiplayer mode later on.

<<Customization initiated, begin creation>>

Time slowly dwindled away as Quinn worked step by step recreating one of his favorite games with some tweaks here and there.


"This should be enough for now. I just have to test it out to see how it is."

<<Entering game>>

Taken by surprise by the sudden message, Quinn suddenly felt the smoothest sensation overcome him (It was even smoother than Micheal Jackson!). Before being taken aback by the abrupt change of scenery. All the while overlooking the shiny text.

<<Due to inexperience host will not be fully submerged in the game>>

Quinn still felt dazed as he looked around to find himself flying in a helicopter alongside three other tough looking guys. Suddenly a rough hand grabbed Quinn before yelling at him over the loud whirring of a helicopter. "Rebecca! Are you alright?"

The sudden question was enough for Quinn to snap out of it. "Yeah! Yes I'm fine, just nervous..."

"Oh yeah, it's your first mission isn't it?" Edward asked with an annoyingly arrogant smirk.

Before Quinn could think of a comeback, Enrico interrupted. "Wrap it guys, it looks like we're in for a crash landing."

Before they slowly descended with a busted engine.

All these events seemed to play out before Quinn as he felt like he was taken by the flow, and unable to control his actions. In short it was as Quinn said 'Freaky shit'. Bravo team decided to go on and scout the area while the pilot Kevin, decided to stay behind to see if he could fix the helicopter. They decided to split up later on when they found a wrecked MP wagon which was upturned while transporting a prisoner named Billy Coen, for execution, where Rebecca(Quinn) and Edward would search the forest for traces of Billy, with the rest of Bravo team searching for the cannibal murderers.

Quinn was shocked by the level of realism and how the game was the same, yet completely different. Until finally he felt himself in control of Rebecca as he entered the 'Ecliptic Express'...


After some time, shouts could be heard in a large damp wet room, as a woman was being dragged around by a giant centipede. "Luke! I could really use some help right about now!" "I am not Luke, remember." "Fuck! Billy! Just help out already! I'm dying!" "Don't worry Rebecca, I'll save you." Cried 'Billy' in a poor attempt at acting.

Luke, completely engrossed in role playing, took out a grenade launcher and fired repeatedly at the colossal centipede maneuvering around the room with ease.

'Billy' suddenly stopped firing, much to the dismay of Rebecca. "Why the hell did you stop shooting!" Billy looked up at the figure of Rebecca hanging from the centipede's claws, with a slight smile spreading on his lips. "I ran out of ammo."

Mentally, Quinn thought to himself 'that, is a sadist' "Just throw me the knife!"

Quinn suddenly felt a knife fly past him as it impaled the centipede, ending up inches away from his head. The moment he saw Luke/Billy's face laced with disappointment, he swore to himself that he would beat him so badly he'd become a masochist. Now was not the time however, as he pulled the knife out and began relentlessly gutting the centipede with a fearsome expression adorning his/Rebecca's face. The process was grueling but the beast was slain, his guts on display for all to witness as Rebecca emerged soaked in blood.

Luke could barely stifle his strange laughter, as Quinn just stomped downstairs towards the typewriter to record his progress. "Never again! You hear me! Never again!"


Exhausted Quinn leaned back on a chair within Sanctuary. "I've had enough of this for now. The game is perfectly fine as it is now and I just can't be bothered to add more. Goldie, what's gonna happen?"

<<Alpha testing has been completed, thus beta testing should commence>>

Scratching his chin he said "Beta testing. I see, I see. How exactly, are we gonna do that"

<<Beta testing will be conducted with the use of 'Gate nodes', that will be sent to an unrecorded version of Earths, where it will randomly select ten 'players' to participate>>

Deciding not to bother with the 'Gate nodes' Quinn continued "I'll set it up for them then, tell me when they come Goldie." With that he left to make some more minor adjustments before chilling in the Antarctic,with his penguin buddies, sipping a cold one.


Meanwhile, in one of the unrecorded versions of earth, a man could be found drinking alone in his apartment. The man in question, was mocking himself for being able to best a man he dubbed 'The Thinker' but not able to keep his girlfriend. As he continued to revel in self-pity, he suddenly clutched his head, as visions of a strange device burst through his mind, calling to him. In response to the supernatural occurrence, the man opened a 'breach' to a dilapidated warehouse and leapt through it without thinking. Only for him to throw up when he arrived on the other side.

"Note to self, *urk* no breaches while drunk."

After a few minutes the man recovered from his sickly state, and finally noticed the strange device at the center of the warehouse. The contraption was made up of 5 tubes, each set up at a 45 degree angle, with enough room for one person to lay inside it. The 5 tubes were in turn connected to a navy blue 'thing', that resembled a suction cup used for milking cows. "Man its dark in here!" Startled by the entrance of another voice the breacher turned to face four other people entering the warehouse. Backing away from the newcomers the breacher bumped into the machine causing it to activate.

<Players detected. Players may now enter the gate>

One of the newcomers walked over to the device with the other three following after him. "Well, guess we're going in now." Belatedly reacting, the breacher asked "Whoa, whoa. What is going on, and who are you guys?" The leader stopped dead in his tracks before coming to a conclusion and walked over to the breacher.

The man stood at a proud height of 1.79m with rough olive skin, his tank top boasted his muscular frame and inconceivably thick arms. "Didn't you read the invite? It asked you to be a player, and if you said yes you arrive here. I figured that if an email has the power of teleportation, I'd rather not question it. The name's Krish Wazied by the way. You?"

Slightly stunned by the sudden barrage of words, he replied somewhat absentmindedly. "Ramon, Cisco Ramon" Krish smirked at the reference before entering one of the remaining vacant pods, leaving Cisco not knowing what to make of the man. He then entered the last pod left over and was soon greeted by a baby blue screen.

<Scanning... Data acquired. Welcome player Ramon. Please create a nickname before entering the Nexus>

"As a great man once said, 'always have a nickname prepared'. Plus, since using vibe just feels wrong, let's go with 'Wanderer'."

<Nickname 'Wanderer' confirmed. Transfer to the Nexus in process>

Cisco was startled by the abrupt sucking feeling that seemed to want to pull him through an invisible wall, until it finally broke, sending him to the Nexus.


Ten people could be found lying on the smooth surface of a floor. A loud pop echoed through the area, slowly rousing the guests from their slumber. Coming to, the guests stood up, surveying the area. It was empty, devoid of anything but its smooth marble floor and luminescent pillars strewn randomly across the void, only to fade into the nothingness above. Ten seconds passed with nothing but tense silence to fill it. Until one guest had enough.

A 1.6m tall woman, dressed in casual wear, stepped forward and voiced aloud a question, to which many of the guests present felt relieved that they didn't have to. "Hello? Anybody there?"

The same blue screen they saw before, appeared before each of them.

<Welcome players, to the Nexus. Currently there is one game available; Resident evil 0>

<This is a beta test and a co-op game, a partner will be automatically selected for you>

<Enter game?>

{Yes} {No}

The players hesitated to enter the strange game, only for them to do so moments later when a player later known as, Speedy, had already entered the game.


Robbie(Robert) felt disoriented when he came to be in the body of Billy Coen. This state did not last long however, as the guard sitting over him, slapped him across the face with enough force to leave a mark. "No dozing off now bastard" he said with a smirk, before shoving his boot onto his face.

Robbie wanted to shout, to cry out in anger. He couldn't. No matter how much he tried he could only watch as he did nothing in retaliation. It was jarring. Like having a lucid dream where you see yourself but through your own eyes. It didn't make sense, it didn't have to. That slap shouldn't have hurt him! He was a hero! He had powers! He felt the anger bubbling within him for being slapped without reason. Deciding to calm himself, Robbie thought back to how he came here.

This all started with an invitation, stating he was chosen as a player for some new game with cutting edge technology. He didn't believe it. He looked into the email, and found nothing. No sender, no date, nothing. Tracking it proved futile. It piqued his interest how someone made an email like this. He wasn't a techno-wiz, but he knew his stuff.

When he arrived at the dilapidated warehouse, he wasn't too surprised to see others, this was a game after all. It'd be boring playing alone. He felt calm, too calm. Like he was put under for an operation. He got in the 'gate' and woke up with the others. He could understand their hesitation, but what good would it do to stay put or say no? This was clearly the work of a powerful mutant, he may be arrogant but he wasn't stupid. So he accepted and said yes the moment he read the screen.

His thoughts were interrupted when the MP wagon suddenly skidded to a stop. "Hey! What's the hold u-" The guard was interrupted as the wagon suddenly started again, going off-road, stumbling into the forest at dangerous speeds. Robbie and the guard could hear panicked screams sounding out from the front of the vehicle, before it abruptly slipped on a tree root, falling on its side, sliding for a few meters. Causing the guard to fall on Billy.

As the guard recovered from his fall, the doors of the wagon burst open, as a cerberus dog (not the three headed one) leapt through the opening, latching on to the guard. Wasting no time, Billy rose to his feet, grabbing the knife sheathed at the guard's knee and broke his handcuffs in a feat of great strength. Before stealing the pistol of the guard, and running blind into the forest without looking back.

As he floundered for what seemed to be hours through the woods, he came upon an old shack and forced himself through the doors, locking it behind him. Yet before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he came face to face with a gun aimed at his temple. "To think the criminal came to me. I might get a promotion to Alpha team." The man, now revealed to be Edward by his nametag, flashed a cocky grin at Billy. "So. anything to say for yourself?"

Robbie wanted to retort that he was no criminal, but the words coming out his mouth didn't match his thoughts. "Look man, we're not safe here. Some fucked up looking dogs flipped th-" He was interrupted before he could continue further by Edward "Dogs? You couldn't think of a better excuse?" Gritting his teeth in frustration, Billy tried again. "I'm telling you! We don't have time! We need to get outta here! Fast!"

Before Edward could reply, he glanced out a window, catching sight of a pair of glowing eyes shrouded by darkness, slowly approaching the cabin. He turned his head to get a proper view of the odd creature. Catching on to Edward's strange actions Billy looked through the open window and time seemed to freeze, as realization dawned upon him.

In the darkness of the woodland, stood the dog. Baring its fangs, growling at Billy, drool dripping down onto the undergrowth. Its growling grew in intensity, something was clearly wrong with the dog. The skin on its flanks was torn from the flesh, and hung loosely, revealing pale bone and rotting flesh. One of its paws held little more than dirty bones and loose muscles. Bearing one ear and murky eyes, as it kept its gaze on him, causing Robbie to shiver under the dim, coral glow.

Time started once more, as with a rush of adrenaline, Billy ran to the back door, knocking it off its rusty hinges with a well placed shoulder charge. Ignoring the chilly air, he ran with the sole purpose of escaping the vicious animal. Gunshots pierced the silence permeating the horror-filled forest. He heard cries for help. Robbie urged himself to ignore them, to get away from that hellhole. Billy muttered to himself. "Poor dude." Before coming across a train...


Meanwhile in Sanctuary, Quinn let out a satisfied sigh. "It feels good to be the one watching instead of the one suffering."

While a similar figure turned away from their screen and said "Time to prepare the welcome..." with a wide smile on their lips they sauntered down the hallway of a grand atrium.

<<Users have successfully detached>>


You guys can comment which game or novel, you would like to include and If I know it well enough I'll choose it

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed

Could you all please tell me what you guys thought so I can improve it.

Thank you!

The_Second_creators' thoughts