
Chapter 1

A girl with a long copper hair is standing alone with clothes ripped apart. Feeling so weak. Full of bruises and wounds. Struggling to keep her balance as she looked at me with those green eyes. I'm stunned by the look of her eyes locked into mine while saying words I couldn't even hear. Her voice can't reach me. I raise my hand yet she's so far. I keep stretching but couldn't reach. She turn her face and start to fade away as I look at the ashes raining from the sky wondering who she is.

"Princess." I slowly open my eyes. The light slightly beam at me as I saw Antoneth standing next to me. It's been a long time. I've already forgotten about that dream. I sit and ruffle my hair. "If you want to take some rest we can go back to the castle." She said.

"There's no need for that. I just got tired from waiting for you. You're late." I stand as she help me and pat my clothes. I stretched out my arms to loose some stiffness. This tree had more roots than before. My back hurts. "You should know how short my patience is." I mean it as a joke but I see that she takes it seriously.

"My apologies princess Odella." She said and bow her head. She's always taking her work seriously when it comes to me. She's always like this. I considered her as my friend yet I feel some distance between us.

"Raise your head. Don't mind it." She raised her head and stand properly. I believe this is the first. She was never late and always been early. I feel that something is wrong with her.

"I didn't know that it'll took me so long." She looked worried. I want to ask what's wrong but I don't want to trouble her.

"It's fine. Just don't do it next time." I said to ease her mind.

"I will." She relax a little. She really can't hide things from me yet it bothers me that she's hiding something. Anyway, she'll tell me everything when she's ready.

"I think we better get going. We still have things to do." It's a fine day better not spoil it. "So what's my schedule for today?" I asked. Antoneth get her booklet and browse some pages.

"You are invited to give your blessing to Mr. Arton's engagement to Ms. Wright ."

"What?" I shouted. Did I hear it right? I haven't done it before. Why so sudden? The king is the one who usually do that. Blessings of the union of two noble families is done by the highest noble of the land and that is the king. My father.

"Just a small talk would do." She smiled. "They just need a simple message from you."

"But I don't think I'm fit for it." I just remembered that I'm wearing just a simple turquoise dress with a belt, raven cloak and simple black sandals. I just wear the cloak because Antoneth insisted. She said it has something do with the weather.

"Why?" She asked. "You are the next in line from the king. You should know this kind of things sooner or later."

"Ugh.. You see.." I can't think of a better excuse because she's right. Ugh screw it. "With this dress I might just ruin the engagement. I'm not wearing something that firlt the occasion." I said pointing at my dress. I don't think I soud convincing. She looked at me up and down and smile.

"No, It's okay. You look perfect." She said with an approving gesture.

"If you say so." I roll my eyes then she laughed. "Yeah you win." I said. I'm relieved to see her laugh even for a second. I don't really like parties and gatherings with the nobles.


We're in front of the ceremony hall. I'm staring at the huge oak doors that was never replaced in order to preserve it's natural beauty. It reminds me of my childhood days where I sneak to play here before. The door opens and we get on our way in. It's a perfect place for a ceremony like this. It is an old style hall that has an elegant touch because of huge windows and crystal chandeliers with varnished mahogany floors. The audience looked at us and give us a warm welcome as the couple approach us. I've read their profiles before we got here but it still feels a little different to see them in person. After a little conversation I proceed to give them my message. I stand beside the couple on the stage and give my short greetings as they look at me from their seat.

"What a warm welcome from all of you. You know very well that the king usually do this kind of stuff and I'm very grateful that I am given an opportunity to give my blessing to this couple beside me." I smiled at the couple and turn to face the audience. "First I would like to have a toast for the beginning of their journey together." The audience raise their wine glass as I raise mine and have a toast. After the ceremony the couple approach me with big smiles.

"We're very glad you could come princess Odella." Said the man wearing a grey suit and black tie with his family emblem pinned on his collar. He is Mr. Howard Arton the first son of Arton family that is known as one of the leading business owners in the industry. I thought they were bankrupt but from this huge ceremony I don't think they are. "We know you're busy."

"Don't mention it. It is part of my duty." Maybe they got engage to break off the rumors.

"Thank you for coming princess Odella I hope to see you on our wedding." Said the woman standing beside him wearing a purple dress that show off her figure. She looks younger from her age in the profile. She is Ms. Diana Wright a theater actress from blue lagoon theater and arts group that is owned by her family. She's very popular among men and often misunderstood by others. I think she's kind though Antoneth warn me not to get too close.

"Your most welcome." I've never been invited to give my blessings before. I think this is a good practice. Both of them smile from ear to ear and I see their aura very clearly. They are werewolves but it doesn't bother me. I'm used to it. Antoneth is a good example of it though I haven't seen her wolf form. In this world werewolves are often used as servants in nexus especially when you're an orphan. They're good at hiding and I don't want to get involve so I'd rather not expose them than ruin their peaceful life.

"You don't have to say that your majesty." Diana hold my hand and give me their token of appreciation.

"Thank you." I smiled and hand it to Antoneth. "Your such a nice couple." When Antoneth and I were done we go ahead and leave. Both of them are wolves yet no one noticed but me. Ordinary people won't see them different from others except the elders but they use hidden spells to avoid that. Because of my left eye I can see it clearly and spells like that don't work on me. I discovered this ability when I was about to fall from a bridge and Antoneth save my life. She's the first person whom I used my ability unconsciously and since then I am able to use this ability on my own freewill.

We rest at the pavilion for a moment. I'm tired. That engagement is very exhausting. I really don't like to mingle with the nobles. I need a long sleep later but how about that dream? Will I dream about it. I frowned and saw Antoneth looking at me.

"Is there something wrong your majesty?" She looked worried.

"How about we kill some time?" I said to change the subject. "There is still a long way before we go back." And I have to divert my attention. "Come on, we still have plenty of time. Why don't we go for a rematch?"

"Just like before." She asked.

"Of course." I grin. "It's been a while since we had one and I'll definitely win this time." She's my rival in every game and she always win except for motor race and the only game I win from her.

"How sure are you?" She grin. "I admit your good at motorbikes but not so good towards horses." She's right. Though I like horses, horses hates me.

"Don't underestimate me." I've change. I've learned to befriend them. "It's been so long since we had a race. Don't underestimate me. " She looked at her booklet and face towards me. It looks like we won't get a chance.

"I'm sorry your majesty. I don't think it's a good idea. You have a party to attend later." Huh? What party?

"You sure?" I don't remember anything.

"Yes your majesty. The east king will be here." Now I remember. I forgot about it. Antoneth is really a good help. I made the right choice of making her my secretary.

"Your right it's not a good idea. Thank you for reminding me as always." I sigh. I thought it would be a great day. The sun shines very nice today.

"It's also not a good time to do that because it'll rain." How? The sun shines so bright and there's no sign of any rain. Anyway, she's the expert. She knows this kind of things.

I look around and saw a man riding a horse approaching as the light from the sun is being covered with dark clouds. Antoneth was right, it'll rain. He stopped in front of the pavilion and go down from his horse. Antoneth and I stand up and approach him. I know him. He's the royal messenger of the castle. He wears the same clothes as before. A turquoise suit buttoned up to his neck with black boots and cloak that match his leather bag and a beret with the royal emblem.

"What brings you here?" I asked.

"I'm delivering a message from the king." This must be very important.

"For me?" I asked. He could have just told me about it earlier.

"I'm afraid not, your majesty. This is addressed to Ms. Antoneth." What? He hand the letter to her and have her signed some papers.

"I never thought that the king would have a business with you." I frowned at her. I feel something strange. Antoneth open the letter and read it seriously.

"Y-yes m-me t-too." She sounds nervous. That letter is very intriguing. There must be something about it. I have to know. The messenger give a dry cough and I turn to face him.

"Will you please excuse me your majesty. I have other errands to do." I glance at his bag and saw some letters that are not yet sent. His job must be tough. He has to make sure that the letter arrived at the hands of the recipients before he can go.

"Sure." I said. Royal messengers must be strict when it comes to time. No doubt he's a royal messenger. "Thank you for the hard work." I smiled.

"Your most welcome your majesty." He said and bow before moving on his way. As I turn to see Antoneth, she's a little teary. I've never see her like this.

"What does the letter said?" I asked. She gaze at me. Her knees are trembling and she burst into tears. Now I'm getting anxious. She seems like a different person. "What does the letter said?" I asked once more looking at her seriously but she duck her head and remain silent. Ah! It's frustrating. I hate to see her like this. What is happening? I don't understand. I need an explanation.

To be continued