
Nexus Convergence (Canceled)

The entire multiverse used to be automatically managed by a series of interdepended systems created by a being of immeasurable power. One day, the Fate system, the one which used to assure the safety of any world inside the multiverse, started giving up on some of the words and it's creator was nowhere to be found. Ethan, resident of a relatively peaceful planet called Earth, was pulled from his deathbed by a new system that came online. A system whose only purpose is to save those abandoned worlds. Join our hero as he travels from one world to another, all with the hope of eventually gaining enough power to return to the one person he loves the most, all the while being unaware of how this entire journey is set to change him.

RiderRo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Imperial Capital

We followed after Oliver and soon arrived in front of the city gates. Describing the city as huge was an understatement. The walls were almost double the size of those in Bastion. I could feel a slight mana concentration passing through them which prompted me to ask Oliver:

"Oliver, is there mana running through the city walls?"

Oliver turned to look up at the walls with pride and said: "They say the walls of the Capital are blessed by the world itself and have been here since before the empire was even formed. The mana that passes through them only serves the purpose of increasing their durability. A side effect you will see at night that there's a small glow all over the wall, illuminating the surrounding space."

I nodded absentmindedly and followed Oliver in skipping the entrance queue. Once we reached the guards, Oliver showed them some badge and they bowed before letting us inside.

After we entered the city, it was like a whole new world opened in front of us. The population density reminded me of some of the big cities back in Earth. You could see people walking all around, some in groups, some alone, some carrying weapons, some books, some tools. The rush you also felt from a busy city back on Earth was ever present here.

As me and Anise were looking around in amazement, Oliver said in an apologetic tone: "We have to go and let uncle know that Lysa and Velor are safe. What are your plans in the city?"

I replied while still admiring the city: "No problem. We plan on looking around for a while and check the Capital out."

Oliver nodded and said: "How about we meet tomorrow at the adventurer guild here in the capital?"

I agreed and we said our goodbyes before Oliver left together with Lysa and Velor. Left alone in a totally new place, I grabbed Anise's hand and we started roaming randomly, taking in the atmosphere around the city.

At around noon, we decided to stop by a small restaurant and try the food here as well. After taking out seats at a relatively quiet table, we placed our order and Anise asked:

"So, how do you plan on meeting to the Imperial Wizard?"

"I have no idea. I think I'll ask the others tomorrow since they are more familiar with the city and they might think of a way to make it happen."

Anise nodded and our food soon arrived. The food was quite good but I still felt it didn't really hold a candle to the delicacies back on Earth. After we were done eating, we payed our bill and walked out to search for an inn. We didn't have to walk for long since there was inns all over the place and one of them was only a few meters away from the restaurant. After paying for a room, we sat down on the bed and started our lessons again.

Our lessons held until the morning of the next day when we asked the innkeeper for directions and started heading towards the adventurer guild in the Capital.

The adventurer guild was also a lot bigger than both the one in Cloven City and Bastion City. We were about to walk inside when Oliver walked up to us from the side.

Seeing him alone, I asked half-jokingly : "What about Lysa and Velor? Are they in trouble?"

Oliver chuckled and said: "Not that much, but they are not allowed to leave their house for a while. How did you enjoy the capital?"

"Not bad. We walked around for a while yesterday and even ate some of your traditional foods." I replied.

"They were delicious." Added Anise.

"I'm glad you liked it here, but I'm a bit sad that I didn't get the chance to treat you to a meal myself. Sorry about that."

"No problem." We both replied and I added: "We can go now since I have something to ask you about."

Oliver agreed and started leading us through the busy streets in the direction of the big castle that was visible from all over the city. As I saw the direction we were walking in, I asked Oliver: "I imagine that big castle is where the emperor stays, isn't it?"

Oliver nodded and replied: "Yes and no. That's mostly the place where he deals with official business. He actually lives in a big mansion in the castle's courtyard."

"He has a castle and doesn't live inside it?"

Oliver laughed and replied: "If you were to see the inside you will understand. The castle may be grand and awe-inspiring, but living inside would probably be a pain. Most of it is build out of hard rock and it's has a permanent cold and suffocating atmosphere. The imperial family of a couple of generations ago constructed a mansion inside the castle's courtyard and they have been living there ever since."

"Couldn't they use fire magic to heat up the place?" asked Anise.

"It's not only about the temperature. The atmosphere is also quite somber."

We both nodded in understanding and followed after Oliver in silence. He lead us to a small restaurant that didn't look quite busy. As we walked inside, a petite looking girl dressed in a waitress outfit noticed us and came towards us with a wide smile plastered on her small face.

As he got close, she said: "Bother, you came.". Both mine and Anise's mouths opened wide since Oliver was at least twenty centimeters taller than this girl. Her ponytail fluttered gently as she ran towards us and lifting herself on her tip toes she started straight into my eyes and asked:

"Are you Ethan? Nice to meet you. Oliver already told me last night that you are an awesome wizard and that you even saved his life, but he appears to have forgot to tell me the fact that you are also very handsome." She spoke so fast that she left me tongue tied.

She then immediately turned towards Anise and lifted herself on her tip toes again as she started into Anise's eyes next: "And you must be sister Anise. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Why are they purple-black? Does everyone in your family has the same eyes? And your hair, it looks so soft. Can I touch it?"

We were both stunned by her constant ramblings and turned towards Oliver for help. He put on an exasperated expression and pulled his sister away from Anise before saying: "Iris, how many times do I have to tell you to stop clinging to everyone you meet like this. Can't you see you're bothering them?"

Iris pouted immediately and said in a wronged tone: "But I was just excited to meet them. Don't you see that they look like pair blessed by the world itself? And how am I clingy? I just…"

"Okay, that's enough." Oliver interrupted her words before saying: "How about leading us to a table? Did you forget you are working? Auntie will get mad at you again."

Iris immediately put a fake serious expression as she said: "Customers, please follow me to your table." ,and started walking towards one of the empty tables. Not even too steps later, she seemed to remember something as she turned towards us and said: "Thank you for taking care of my brother.", before leading the way again.

We followed after her and sat down at the table she guided us too. The place didn't look that busy, with barely a handful of customers inside. Once seated, she walked away with skipping steps without even taking our order. Her steps stopped soon after and she turned back. Her cheeks reddening slightly, she picked a menu and placed on our table before skipping away.

Oliver said with an apologetic tone: "I'm sorry about my sister. She's speaks a lot and is easily distracted but she's a very kind person. She wanted to meet you guys once I told her about what happened in the war and didn't give up until I promised to bring you here."

I chuckled and replied: "I don't mind. She quite cute." Anise nodded and we browsed the menu to pick something to eat. After deciding on what we wanted, we waited for a few moments before Iris returned.

"Did you decide on what you want to order? I recommend…"

"Iris, we all decided on what we want to order." Oliver interrupted her again and we all placed our order.

Once she noted everything, she said: "I'll bring everything right away.", and walked towards the back where the food was prepared.

Once we were alone again, Oliver turned towards me and asked: "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

My expression became serious and I started explaining everything that happened when I first arrived in this world. Our food arrived halfway through our story, but we didn't start eating as I continued with my story. Once I was done, I told him that I need to find an artificer that specialized in spatial magic to help me and that the Imperial Wizard was my best choice.

"Do you know if there is a way I can meet with the Imperial Wizard?" I finally asked.

Oliver expression became a little awkward as he heard my question. After thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "I know her personally, but obtaining a favor from her isn't going to be easy.

I was excited when I heard the first part of his sentence, but the second part prompted me to ask: "And why is that?"

Oliver scratched his head and said: "She's a bit awkward and doesn't usually listen to anybody. Even the Emperor has a hard time dealing with her…"

"How exactly is she awkward?" I asked with a curious expression.

"Well, her nose is always in some book or another and is hard to even grab her attention. She doesn't really care about anything else except reading, practicing magic and creating magic items. The only reason she accepted being the Imperial Wizard is because the emperor promised her access to all the books inside the imperial library. I even heard that when the emperor asked her to help with the war she declined right away saying that she had no interest in some stupid war and that was not a part of their deal."

'So she's a hardcore nerd.' I commented in my mind before asking Ai: 'Ai, I never thought about it, but is it possible to create books containing the knowledge you have from Earth? This might help us make to a deal with her.'

[Yes. You can use earth magic to shape any piece of wood into a book and use coal to imprint words on the book's pages. It should work.]

"Do you think you can set for us to have a meeting with her?" I asked Oliver as soon as I heard Ai's answer.

"We'll need to obtain permission from the Emperor to meet with the Imperial Wizard, but that's not that hard. The real issue is that she might not agree to meet with you."

I thought for a while before getting Iris's attention. She came up to out table and said: "Did you enjoy the food? Maybe you want something else? Or seconds?"

"No. I know that this a bit weird, but do you think you could bring me a piece of coal and some firewood. I want to try a spell."

Iris placed her fingers on her chin and pondered for a moment before a big smile plastered itself on her face as she said: "Sure, but since that's not on the menu you'll owe me a favor."

"No problem." I replied right away and she ran in the back to look for some firewood and coal. Oliver turned towards me and asked: "What do you need all that for?"

"To make something that would convince the Imperial Wizard to see us." I replied with a smile.

Around ten minutes later, Iris returned carrying a small sack with firewood and some coal. Placing them near my table, she took a seat near her brother and looked at me with interest. I figured she wanted to see what I was going to do, but I didn't mind and picked up a piece of firewood and the coal.

'Ai, compile some information about spatial magic that might attract her attention. Also include the long distance teleportation spell.'

As information appeared on my interface, I channeled my mana and got to work. After altering the firewood's shape to that of a large book, I started using mana to manipulate the coal and fill it's pages with the text on my interface. Once I was done transcribing everything, I wrote on the cover of the new book 'Quantum Teleportation' and handed it to Oliver.

After Oliver opened the book and started reading casually, Iris, who was sitting near him, started clapping and said with shinning eyes: "Wooow. You are even more amazing than my brother said you are. I can't believe you can use magic to create books. What else can you do?"

"Iris, go back to work." Said Oliver before I could reply prompting Iris to pout again and leave out table. After being left alone, he read a few more words and closed the book. Nodding he said: "I don't really understand whatever is written here, but considering your capabilities I guess it will manage to grab her attention. I'll make sure to take care of everything as fast as I can."

"Thank you and I owe you one."

"No problem. Can you tell me which inn are you staying so I can find you as soon as I manage to get an answer?"

Nodding, I gave him the name of the inn and he stood up right away as he said: "I'll go right now and try to solve this as soon as possible."

"You don't have to go right away." I said.

"The situation is a bit difficult in the Capital right now and things might become a bit more chaotic in the future. I better take care of this while things are still peaceful." With that, he didn't wait for me to reply and went towards the exit. As he passed by his sister, he said something to her and continued on his way.

Once he got out, Iris came to out table and sat down in his place: "Brother told me that he will take care of the note, but you still owe me a favor. That being said, you can pay be back by agreeing to go on a walk with me after my shift ends.".

I wanted to decline but I noticed a weird and crafty glint in her eyes. Sighing, I replied: "Sure, we don't mind. Tell us when your shift ends and we'll come to pick you up."

She shook her head and said: "Only you. I want to go on a walk with you only." She then turned towards Anise and said: "I'm sorry sister Anise, but I promise I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend."

The whole situation seemed weird, but I didn't get the chance to answer as Anise said: "I don't mind."

Before I could ask if she was sure, Iris immediately said: "Great. My shift ends in three hours. Don't be late." With that, she stood up and walked towards the back of the restaurant.

I turned towards Anise and said: "Are you sure?"

She nodded and said: "It's fine. I trust you and I don't mind even if something happens between you two, but how come you never told me you could use magic to make books like that?"

"Honestly, I never thought about it since I never felt I had the need to. Nothing is going to happen between me and Iris. I'm curious what she wants to talk about tho."

"Can you make me one of those books so I have something to do while you are out?"

"Sure. I planned on making some more for the Imperial Wizard anyway. I can make them now and let you read them first."

After I agreed, we walked out of the restaurant and made our way to our inn. After asking the innkeeper for some firewood and coal, we paid him a gold coin for them and walked inside our room. I spent an entire hour and a half on making books before there were only about twenty minutes until I was supposed to meet up with Iris.