
Nexus Bloodline

New Book, Run or Die Runner "All it takes is one birth to alter and destroy the world." The Mysterious Entity murmured. In a world where realms collide and bloodlines hold hidden power, the Nexus Academy stands as a crossroads of destinies. Lennox growing up with two curses caused him to be alone he never expected anything of the world beside wanting to change his life but he manages to grab his thread of nexus, a force that allows them to traverse realms and harness unique abilities in different worlds.

Danger_God · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter-33 Skull Knight

Upon reaching the end of the hallway, Kira gazed into a dimly lit arena, where the flickering candles at every corner created an eerie atmosphere. The space was filled with hundreds of skeletons, arranged in a morbid spectacle. Yet, what truly shocked her was a giant figure seated at the center of the gruesome assembly was a giant skeleton perched upon a chair crafted from various bones.

'What kind of skeleton is that?' Kira wondered, examining the giant's deformed form as it leisurely consumed bones.

The giant figure stood at an imposing height of 7 feet, clad in dark skeletal armor adorned with pulsating engravings. A gruesome masterpiece of blackened bone etched with the marking from the hallway, Otherworldly light emanated from the eye sockets, a tattered cape fluttered beneath the armor, and veins of dark energy pulsed beneath.

After carefully examining the bizarre giant skeleton, Kira scanned the room, searching for an escape route. She couldn't afford to face the multitude of skeletons, especially with the giant potentially joining the fight. Going backward was not an option either, as she'd be further cornered. Spotting another rusty gate, she realized her only way out was currently locked.

"Darn it... Trapped with no apparent escape, and the only exit seems to be that gate, yet it's securely locked," Kira complained

Leaning against the hallway wall, she contemplated her escape. She devised a plan to throw a bone as a distraction and make a run for the gate. However, she acknowledged the risk if the giant skeleton decided to rise while the others were distracted, her plan could backfire. Just as she finalized her escape strategy, the sound of bone crunching ceased, and a eerie voice echoed in the arena.

"It seems like the master has graciously brought us some fresh bone." a deep and unsettling voice resonated towards Kira.

'I've been noticed. Furthermore, they imply about a master. Are there others lurking underground, and what the hell it can talk?' Kira mused, in astonishment.

With the empty eye sockets of the giant skeleton fixed on her and the other skeletons abruptly turning their gaze in unison toward her, she felt a chill run down her spine. The giant skeleton's head shifted to inspect her wounded body, and an eerie voice resonated from its jaw.

"Oh, she's injured, perfect," it declared in an oddly joyful tone, despite the lack of vocal cords. Then a command followed, "Bring her to me."

Several normal skeletons, seemingly under the control or command of the giant, began to move toward Kira with a purpose. Quick on her feet, she grabbed her bow, realizing from before that her regular arrows wouldn't be enough. She decided to utilize her shadow arrows, whispering to herself, "My shadow arrows should be able to destroy them in one shot. But if they all come at me, my arrows will run out."

Preparing for the impending onslaught, Kira swiftly released multiple arrows in succession. Each arrow found its mark, destroying the skulls of the first wave of skeletons that approached her.

"You idiots, what are you doing standing there?" the giant's voice resonated angrily. "All of you, go attack her together."

Now facing a larger group of skeletons, Kira felt the pressure intensify. Assessing the situation, she knew she needed to unleash her Shadow Spike attack to deal with the overwhelming number of enemies as with her Shadow Spike being an area of effect attack.

Kira's eyes gleamed with intense focus, fueled by her weakened body. With a determined gesture, she extended her hand toward the ground, summoning shadows with commanding precision. With the help of darkness in the room surrounding her and the night enigma they both help, her control over the shadows.

A dark sphere materialized swiftly, and with a swift motion, she hurled it at the middle of the multiple oncoming skeletons. Like before, instead of directly targeting them, the sphere collided with the ground.

The impact transformed the ground beneath it into a battlefield of malevolent black sharp spikes of shadow. The spikes erupted with lethal precision, slamming into multiple skeletons. The crushing sound of the destroyed skeletons echoed through the arena.

Kira sighed in relief as her shadow spike attack successfully obliterated multiple skeletons. However, her moment of respite was interrupted when she realized that some of the skeletons, hadn't been destroyed. Their movements ceased suddenly, creating an uneasy stillness in the air. Then, a heavy footstep resonated through the arena.

Kira looked up and saw that the giant skeleton had risen, its black sockets now revealing a crimson glow. The ominous presence of the giant skeleton sent another set of chills down her spine. 

The ominous giant skeleton declared, "Ok... it seems I underestimated you. I better end you before master arrives."

Kira, now on guard, questioned, "What do you mean? Who is your master? Is it Morgana?"

"That woman will never be my master," the giant skeleton responded, visibly aggravated.

Kira quickly realized that there was someone else down there, referred to as their master. Grappling with the giant skeleton's impending attack, she decided not to mention Morgana or their master to avoid further provocation.

"I am one of Master's lower skull knights, and today I will prove to her that I can become one of her personal knights," the giant skull knight declared, picking up a long club made of bone with a skull as its head on the side of his bone chair.

'So, there are more skull knights, stronger than them,' Kira thought, shocked and uneasy about the revelation.

As the Skull Knight approached with a slow, deliberate pace, Kira quickly shot two normal arrows, attempting to fend off them off. However, The skull knight easily knocked the arrows away with its long club, and then, with increased speed, lunged into the air toward Kira.

Slowly, she evaded the Skull Knight's attack, barely maneuvering through the constrained space. The Skull Knight slammed its club onto the ground, obliterating all the skeleton bones underneath.

Seizing the advantage of her surroundings, Kira utilized the area's layout to her favor. She unleashed two shadow arrows, aiming for the Skull Knight's armor. Both arrows managed to barely pierce through, the Skull Knight's armor.

"Do you think those puny arrows can hurt me?" The Skull Knight taunted.

Realizing the urgency of the situation and drawing from her remaining strength, Kira decided to end the battle swiftly. Despite the pain coursing through her body, she initiated another of her attacks Normal attacks called 'Shadow Web Bind'

With a swift and deliberate motion, she extended her hand toward the still-advancing Skull Knight. As multiple shadows erupted from her palm, weaving and winding through the air with unnatural speed. They coalesced into tendrils that reached out and wrapped around the Skull Knight, ensnaring it in an intricate web of darkness before it could move away or attack it.

With the tendrils ensnared the Skull Knight, restricting its movements as it struggled to break free. The Skull Knight dropped its club, pleading for release.

"Ah... release me!" it demanded.

Maintaining her concentration, Kira tightened the shadow web bind, frustrating the Skull Knight. In the tense atmosphere, she conjured multiple shadow blades and sent them slicing into different parts of the Skull Knight's body, focusing mainly on its exposed skull. The blades destroyed its armor and cracked its bones, weakening them.

Exhausted and drained of strength, Kira released the shadow web bind. The Skull Knight fell to its knees, barely clinging to life, its crimson eyes returning to the standard darkness. Kira leaned against a wall, removing her bow, notching an arrow, and aiming it at the weakened Skull Knight, determined to finish the battle.

In her state of being exhausted and drained of strength, Kira maintained a strong, steely gaze as she threatened the giant skull knight, "Now tell me who your master is, or I will destroy you." Her words were punctuated by deep, sharp breaths.

The giant skull knight, now on its knees with its head bowed, responded with a mix of sadness and a veiled threat, "Master, I have failed you. But Even if you kill me, Master will come and finish you."

Kira, unswayed by the threat, sent a shadow arrow towards the skull knight's skull. At that moment, a very oppressive and ominous presence engulfed the arena. The giant skull knight, realizing the impending danger, looked towards the rusted gate and pleaded, "Master, Please help—," but before it could finish, the shadow arrows pierced through its skull, silencing its voice.

As the giant skull knight fell heavily onto the ground, Kira kept her gaze fixed on the rusted gate. Suddenly, a long, bone-made hand reached out from the gate and grabbed her legs. Before she could react, the arm yanked her, dragging her across the arena and out of it.

"Ah!" Kira's scream echoed in pain throughout the underground as the mysterious bone-made hand forcefully pulled her away, leaving behind the bone-filled arena and the defeated giant skull knight.