
Nexus Bloodline

New Book, Run or Die Runner "All it takes is one birth to alter and destroy the world." The Mysterious Entity murmured. In a world where realms collide and bloodlines hold hidden power, the Nexus Academy stands as a crossroads of destinies. Lennox growing up with two curses caused him to be alone he never expected anything of the world beside wanting to change his life but he manages to grab his thread of nexus, a force that allows them to traverse realms and harness unique abilities in different worlds.

Danger_God · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter-18 Vision or Reality

Lennox's days at Nexus Academy were filled with focused training and the gradual mastery of his Pyroclasm bloodline abilities. With each passing day, he delved deeper into the mysterious energies flowing through his veins, honing his fire skills. He also formed a close friendship with a fellow student, but after a day in her apartment, Kira never returned. Lennox decided to move on and forget about her.


In his dorm room at Nexus Academy, Lennox let out a yawn and stretched his back, relieved to have a comfortable bed after spending almost two months at the academy. As he lay down, he enjoyed a moment of quiet, savoring the tranquility before succumbing to sleep. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, a sense of calm washed over him. Gradually, his consciousness drifted away from the physical world as he fell asleep.

Lennox found himself once again in the dreamworld of the Aetherbane world. "I'm still having this dream," he said, slightly annoyed but also intrigued. "I wonder if the figure is still here." He felt a deep sense of gratitude towards the mysterious figure who had introduced him to the Nexus system, changing his life in profound ways.

As Lennox stepped forward in the dream, he sensed a significant difference this time. Suddenly, a tapestry of visions unfolded before his mind's eye. The first image materialized a vast and ancient forest, brimming with life. Majestic trees, intricately carved, reached toward the sky, their branches forming an elaborate canopy overhead. The air was alive with the melodies of creatures concealed within the foliage.

Standing amidst this enchanting forest, Lennox felt certain that this dream was unlike any he had experienced before. He observed streams glistening like liquid silver, meandering through the lush landscape. Strange and marvelous creatures, some felt familiar and others alien, moved gracefully amidst the undergrowth. He felt an inexplicable urge to pay attention to every detail, as if something important was about to happen either now or in the future.

As Lennox continued walking, he couldn't shake off the feeling of anticipation. After a few minutes, he reached the end of the forest, and simultaneously, the flickering images in his surroundings began to coalesce into a more defined form. The forest became vivid and clear, with every detail etching itself into his mind. Amidst the lush expanse, a solitary old man figure emerged, surrounded by an aura that exuded both power and wisdom. This presence seemed to transcend time itself, capturing Lennox's gaze and evoking a profound sense of recognition within him.

Lennox stood there, captivated by the enigmatic figure before him. He felt an inexplicable connection, as if he had encountered this person before. 

"Who are you you are not the figure was here before"Lennox asked susifpisusly'But if feel something very familiar about him' he thought.

"Well, I'm just a vision of the past," the old figure said, his voice carrying a tone of wisdom as if he held ancient secrets he longed to share.

"Hmm, whose vision? I don't know you or what you mean, but you seem very familiar," Lenox said, his curiosity piqued. "Can you tell me why? I've always wondered why every figure I meet in this world feels familiar."

The old figure waved his hand gracefully. "Well... why don't you see for yourself?" he said in a hinting tone.

As the vision unfolded, Lennox watched in awe as it revealed the story of the old figure's past. He saw a young white teenager engaging in intense training montages, practicing intricate forms of control, manipulating fire with finesse, and honing their skills. He observed as the figure grappled with the early stages of harnessing his bloodline's abilities.

With the passing years, the young teenager grew, facing battles against fierce adversaries. Lennox began to understand what the figure was trying to convey a vivid account of his story. The vision showcased the figure's resourcefulness and strategic thinking, demonstrating their mastery over the bloodline's potential. Each confrontation was a testament to her abilities, showing how far the bloodline's power could be pushed. Despite this clarity, Lennox remained unsure why he was being shown these events.

Amidst these visions, moments of introspection emerged. Lennox observed the old figure seeking solace within the very forest that surrounded him now. During these quiet interludes.

As the visions gradually faded and the forest's vibrant hues dimmed, a wisp of fire, similar to Lennox's azure fire, shot into his head before he could react. Inside him, the wisp traveled down his Nexus Vein to his wrist, and suddenly, images and memories of a new skill appeared in his mind. Lennox felt a surge of excitement and anticipation, realizing that he had been granted a new ability a gift from the old man.

"Infernal Convergence," Lennox exclaimed, the words flowing out in a shout of memory, the recollection of the new skill flooding his mind. "Capable of making your body a living avatar of flame!" His voice resonated.

Lennox stared at the memories of the internal convergence in shock, his mind racing with questions. He couldn't fathom where this powerful skill came from or who had created it that it became his ultimate skill. As he looked up at the figure, a sense of wonder and confusion filled him. The old figure wore a bright smile on their face, their eyes twinkling with pride and satisfaction as they watched Lennox.

"What was that about?" Lennox asked, his curiosity deepening. "Why did you give me this skill?"

The old figure chuckled softly. "Well, that was one of the last powerful skills I made during my time," he said, a hint of sadness in his eyes, but also a glimmer of contentment.

"Well, thank you, old man," Lennox said gratefully. "Whoever you are..."

"Well, as you live, get stronger, and learn about the world, you will unlock more abilities like this and gain more knowledge," the figure said, his voice fading as he spoke. "Have a wonderful life, Nox...You have something coming."

With those words, the figure began to dissolve into the surrounding shadows, leaving Lennox with a sense of gratitude.

Just as Lennox was about to ask a question, the figure dissolved completely, and everything quickly receded. His consciousness gently returned to his physical surroundings, but he was still asleep.


Meanwhile, in the tall tower of the Nexarch office at the academy, Nexarch Valariana and Nadia were engaged in a conversation. The atmosphere in the room was tense and uncomfortable, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.

"So... how is Lennox's training coming along?"Nexarch Valariana asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

"Well, it's been good. As you said, he has a very strong potential, especially with the sight of that azure flame," Nadia answered, her voice carrying a hint of discomfort.

"Well, you know why I brought him here,"Nexarch Valarian said in a hinting tone, his eyes narrowing slightly as he emphasized the significance of Lennox's presence in the training academy.

Nadia knew what Nexarch Valarian was talking about because he had shared with her the prophecy linked to the academy concerning Lennox. 'But you don't know when that prophecy is, you could just be wasting your time,' she thought, her mind filled with doubts about the uncertain future.

"Well, there is a mission request from Earth," Nexarch Valerian said, his tone grave. "They are under attack by some creatures from the breach," he explained, his words carrying a weight of urgency.

 Nexarch Valarian then detailed the mission to Nadia , who felt a sense of foreboding settle in her chest as the gravity of the situation sank in. "What do you want me to do?" Nadia asked hesitantly. "Should I assemble a team?"

"No, I want the team to consist of Lennox, Theo, and Kira," Nexarch Valarian said firmly, shutting down Nadia's suggestion. "Consider it a practice mission for them."

"But this mission is very dangerous," Nadia said in shock, her mind racing with images of the worst scenarios those breach creatures could inflict upon them.

"Yes, it is, but they need to experience danger to get stronger," Nexarch Valarian explained, his voice firm, emphasizing the importance of facing challenges for growth.

"Alright, but should I watch over them?" Nadia asked, her concern evident in her eyes, as she couldn't challenge his request, but deep inside she was hoping for some reassurance amid the impending peril.

Nexarch Valarian chuckled and nonchalantly leaned back in his chair. "Yes, because I'm sending other students to different cities. Inform all the instructors to change with another and go with them to protect them, but only in extreme danger," he instructed, his tone unwavering.

"What city should I drop them in?" Nadia asked, her voice tinged with frustration. "Light danger, medium, or high?"

"Green City," Nexarch Valarian replied without hesitation.

"Fine," Nadia said, her tone sharp. "If anything happens to them, it's your fault." With that, she stormed out of his office, her mind racing with a mixture of worry and determination.

Although it appeared as though Nadia had stormed out due to Nexarch Valarian decision to send Lennox, Theo, and Kira on such a perilous mission, she understood the necessity of real-world training. As Lennox's mentor, she couldn't shelter him forever within the academy's walls. She knew they needed to face challenges to grow stronger. With a sigh, she set to work, tirelessly preparing for the mission.