
Nextgen Kids: Down in the Negaverse

In a parallel dimension, the DNK, negative parallels to the Nextgen Kids Next Door, struggle to live in a dark, miserable world where friendship means little. The DNK was founded to fight crime and protect people, but many of its operatives lack passion for the art. However, as an intergalactic dictator attempts to conquer their world, will the DNK change their ways and try to make a better world? This story is a parallel series to the main Nextgen Series, where the adventures of the DNK mirror those of the KND. All crossover characters are uniquely integrated, so you don't have to know their canon backgrounds. The first 20 chapters are recommended prereading for the Seven Lights Saga, as these characters will have a side-plot in that story.

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The Life of Nerehc and Arorua

Chapter -17: The Life of Nerehc and Arorua

Age 0

Lehcar EiznekCm-Seltaeb calmly sat in her rocking chair, smiling down at the tiny baby in her arms. The small infant was comfily wrapped in an orange bundle, a tiny strand of brown hair dangling between the yellow eyes of his smiling visage. Lehcar's husband, Yllaw peeked overhead to get a look at their newborn son. "Awww. He has your eyes, Sweetie."

"I know, Yllaw." Lehcar replied, still looking happily at her baby. "Who'd've thought a couple misfits like us could make something so precious?"

"Heh, we've already made two of them, eh?"

"I know… but there's something special about this one…"

"So, what should we name him? Eilrahc or something?"

"Nah…I'm thinking more of 'Nerehc.'"



Yllaw smiled. "That's a nice name."

"Yeah… an evil name… Nerehc EiznekCm Onu."

"Your mind works great, Lehcar. I'll go get dinner ready." The goateed husband let them be.

Lehcar gently held a finger above the baby's face. The newly-named Nerehc giggled and reached his arms, trying to take her finger. Lehcar lowered her finger down and allowed the child to suck on it. She then turned her hand over and watched as the mark of the Triforce of Power appeared on the back of her hand. "Awww. My sweet, sweet Nerry." The infant slowly drifted to sleep after, feeling some kind of dark energy flow into his form. A smirk appeared on Lehcar's face. "You're going to be a wonderful killer someday…"

Age 2

"What's this word say?" Lehcar asked, touching a stick to a board with a phrase written on.

"Kkk-wwww…EEE-buh-buh." The two-year-old Nerehc tried to pronounce.

"And this next one?"


"Keep going…" Lehcar smiled assuringly.

"Aaaaaa… BUUUUuuug."

"So what does it say?"

"Kweeeeb, is a… BUG!"

"Yeees! Kweeb is a bug!"


"And what do we do with bugs?"

"Squish them!"

"Aww, good, Nerry!" Lehcar joyfully ruffled up her son's hair.

"Mama?" A 3-year-old girl barged into the room. She had dark-blonde hair and a red dress. "Will you play with-"

"Arorua, I told you not to interrupt us! Don't interrupt your brother's reading lesson!"

"S-Sorry!" The child timidly backed out. Nerehc seemed to stick his tongue in her direction.

Age 3

"Mommy… I had a nightmawe." Nerehc sadly spoke, lying under the covers of his bed.

"Awe, what happened, Sweetie?" Lehcar asked, sitting on the bed.

"I dweamed I was beat up by a bunch of big kids. I was too little to beat them. Do you think I'm little, Mommy?"

Lehcar gave an assuring smile and touched her son's shoulder. "Son… have I ever told you about the proud alien race, known as Kateenians?"


"The Kateenians are a tribe of really tiny aliens. Even tinier than your little footsies. The Kateenians get picked on a lot because of it. But you know what? They don't really care. They're proud of who they are. They like being really tiny. They don't believe you have to be big to be strong. Can you imagine anyone DUMBER??"

Nerehc gave a happy giggle.

"Son, you should never feel bad about your height. Because if anyone should, it's the Kateenians. They're no bigger than bugs on the floor! Sure, they may ACT tough… but once we catch them between our fingers, they're completely submitted to our rule! Then we can do whatever we want with 'em."

"Are they tasty, Mommy?"

"Oh, of course! In fact, here's one right now!" Lehcar held up a bag of Kateenian Gummies and took a piece out. "Try and get it!" Nerehc kept trying to grab the squishy candy as Lehcar kept pulling it away from his reach.

Finally, Lehcar decided to drop it and let him catch it. Nerehc happily chewed the tiny candy. "Mmm! They're tasty, Mommy!"

"Ha ha ha. They sure are, Nerry." Lehcar ruffled her son's hair again.

Age 5

"Have fun at your first day of kindergarten, Nerehc!" Lehcar smiled, watching her son walk toward the small building.

Upon his way, the 5-year-old ran into a small Mexican boy with a sombrero and guitar. "Hola! My name is Pablo! Would you like to be my friend?"

"Pfft. Get lost, Loser." Nerehc angrily walked by the frowning child.

"W-Wait! I can play guitar! Watch!" Pablo proceeded to play a catchy tune.

Nerehc's eyes widened at the music. "Huh…not bad." Nerehc smirked. "Hey, if you play that as my theme music, I'll let you be my minion."

"What's a minion?"

"It's, um, er… a 'friend.'"

"Oh! Okay! I'll be your minion!" Pablo continued to strum the strings of his guitar.

Nerehc nodded his head to the catchy theme as Pablo followed him into the building, watched by a smiling proud Lehcar. "Awww. My son's first minion…"

Age 6

Nerehc and many other children his age impatiently stood in an empty field area. Nerehc looked up as his parents approached him. "I dunno, Mom. What if I'm not good enough for DNK?"

Lehcar knelt down and placed a hand on her son's shoulder. "Nerehc EiznekCm Onu… you're one of the most evil children I've ever raised. You've gotten great at your bending. If anyone can show these fools who deserves to be leader, it's you. One day, you might even rule the universe."

"Will I get to shock people with lightning, and step on Kateenians??" he asked excitedly.

"Sure, Son. Whenever you like."

Age 8

Nerehc was put under the command of Supreme DNK Leader, Marba. Marba was a twisted, despicable boy who threatened to lead his comrades to their doom, but when Nerehc decided to revolt against him, very few operatives expressed protest.

"GUESS WHAT, everybody?! I'M in charge now! Nerehc EiznekCm Onu! Son of former Supreme Leader Lehcar and grandson of Ganondorf!"

His announcement was met with gasps. Some of them already knew who he was, but to think such an infamous child was now their leader. The grandson of Ganondorf, the King of Evil… How would this boy be any better than Marba?

Nerehc himself asked that same question. That's what his mother wanted of him… to rule in the name of evil. This was only the beginning. But somewhere inside, Nerehc asked himself… is that what he wanted?

During the announcement, his older sister merely scowled at him. Just as she did for years… when Nerehc got the special treatment. This boy… didn't deserve to lead.

The Diary of Arorua

My name is Arorua EiznekCm Onu. You may have heard of me. Daughter of Lehcar A. EiznekCm, and granddaughter of Ganondorf A. Dragmire. The man who some know as the reincarnation of the Devil. Everyone remembers Ganondorf as the Dark Lord who once tried to destroy the world with demonic hordes. But no one expected him to have a daughter. And because my mom was Ganondorf's daughter, she inherited part of his dark powers. And when my mother slayed Ganondorf a little around 20 years ago, she absorbed his full powers. And then she married and had kids. So, you'd think the same thing would happen again, right? Well, it did. Unfortunately…

My older brother and I were really young at the time, so we didn't really care much. We heard we were about to get another younger brother. But when we got a little older, and our mom told us about our family history, I never begun to hate anyone more than Nerehc EiznekCm Onu. My little brother, whom our mother favorited and cared for more than me or Sirhc. My little brother, who was granted the gifts of darkness by the one who stole them from her own father.

My mother was the first born of Ganondorf's two children, so it's only logical that she would be granted his powers, right? So why was it, even when Sirhc and I were here first, my "adorable" little brother got to be our mother's favorite? Well, my older brother, Sirhc is too much of a wimp as it is, but I'm no coward like him, and I have more competence than either of them. So, why did my mom miraculously decide that Nerehc would inherit her fortune and not me? It's always "My Sweet Nerehc" this and "Little Nerry" that! And all he does with his power is goof around and set things on fire for the fun of it.

Our mom always told us that Ganondorf always treated her badly and she didn't want to be anything like him. She said she wanted to give her kids the respect she wanted from them. But does she? No. Not really. I'm always getting in trouble for being mean to wittle Nerry. She never cared about her kids equally, she cares about Nerehc far more than me or Sirhc. Why did he get to be the favorite? Why did my mom decide to love him so much? Because I wasn't a complete lunatic like him? Whatever. I've always dreamed of crushing my brother. Then my mom would HAVE to give me her power. There's no one else that could fulfill her place when she was gone. We all know Sirhc didn't have the brawn to do so.

But she probably wouldn't. She'd probably slit me for killing her sweet little devil. Nerehc will always be our mom's favorite. No matter what he does, no matter what excuse she has, she'll take him over us. …And I will always hate him for it.

But one day… I met someone who can help me. A girl with soulless eyes, dressed like a ghost…