
Next Wizard

The old man turned his gaze to the brightest points of light, "The Big Dipper is a guiding star, his appearance shows the arrival of 'The Guide''. The Pleiades Cluster is a guardian star, its appearance signifying the arrival of the growing season, 'The Beginning of Happiness'. The Coma cluster is a star of darkness, a sign of the coming harvest failure 'beginning of destruction', "said the old man, moving his eyes to each of them. "The appearance of the Big Dipper constellation is not time-bound, the Pleiades star cluster are bound to the Taurus constellation. Whereas the Coma star cluster are bound by the Coma Berenice constellation, which sometimes appears next to the Leo constellation." "So, Dad, is this a good or bad thing?" Asked the youngest, staring up at the Pleiades star cluster. The old man looked back to the point of the Big Dipper constellation, "Good or bad prediction, it does not determine the outcome of the future. Because the future is a branched branch, the ends are uncertain. We can only peek at one of the branches indicated by nature. Because of that will we, have no meaning. Good or bad fortune, everything returns to the choice of everyone who has a natural will." After hearing that, the brother wasn't sure why, he continued staring at the Coma star cluster. * * * Just to tell everyone that this is my first story that has been postponed and must be overhauled. English is not my native language. I planned 100 chapters throughout this book and I really started writing it because I wanted to read it myself. There will also be some grammatical mistakes and some plot holes consider this a rough concept. I basically at this point lol went well so far until I plan to come back later to fix small things. things like speeches and paragraphs I sometimes miss things. being gentle is the first time for me. oh lastly, i plan to update as much as possible once a day. If I'm excited, I will update a chapter or two a day, but if not, I will try at least three times a week.

Nief · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Aarrggghhhh !!!

Right now my birthmark is very painful. The surrounding skin feels very hot. My right hand, clenched into my left chest. But it still does not reduce pain.

Without me understanding, this birthmark took over my body. My body starts walking somewhere. Slowly I climbed steep hills, down steep valleys, explored lush forests, along deep rivers. Unknowingly I stood on the edge of the lake in the middle of a small house floating on the water.

As if my body was instigated to continue following me, I had now boarded a small wooden boat after a few steps moving from where I had stood before. I took the paddle lying on it and began pedaling slowly. On the way to the middle of the lake, the boat slowly rotates.

After a while, the rotation feels tighter. When I realized, I was really in the middle of a large whirlpool. The roar of a rolling water roll. A gust of wind blew around me. The loud sound of the boat squeaking as if splitting at any time. I am as strong as I can to move my body. But no matter how hard I tried, this body remained frozen on the ship.

For a few moments, the whirlpool suddenly disappeared, leaving only my boat that was still spinning even though it was slowly stopping.My fear momentarily disappeared in the silence of the night. I also tried to look at the water under my ship to make sure there was no more whirlpool.

Right now my body is moving according to my wishes, or my desires are in line with what is controlling me. My body is currently leaning towards the side of the ship. I looked at the water in the lake as if conveying something calmly. Like calm before a storm.

It felt right, a second later I realized my body had flown into the air. I can't see clearly. However, all I could catch were a few shadows that slowly flew the boat that I was riding.

My birthmark at this time reacted unbelievably like that very hot ember. My left chest feels very strong, very hot, and very burning. I do not know how long I flew, but with this pain. I am numb with time.

Little by little my body began to fall, but at that moment I could turn my face toward the small house in the middle of the lake. And without realizing it, I faintly found someone standing in his yard. I could not see the person clearly, because the house was very dark.

I don't know why, a ray of light slowly came towards me. Because it's so blinding, I immediately close my eyes. But for a moment but surely, before I close my eyes.

I can clearly see the bottom of the person's face. He wiggled his lips as if to say something.

After closing my eyes, I can't open it. Time is running so slow that I feel right now.


I jerked out of bed.

"Wake up, Chaerrulllllllll, you lazy bum!" said a woman I knew who she was.

"Grandma, aahhhh have been told, please don't wake me up with water! Even at the end of the rainy season, rain still often appears!" I said annoyed at her.

"Tell me who you are to be a sleep expert!" said grandmother as she walked away from my room.

"Clean up quickly. And then go to school!" She said, closing the door roughly.

You are a crazy old woman! How can I sleep tonight if the mattress is wet ... Aarrrgghhhh !!! I muttered annoyed in my heart.

I stood by my bed. A moment later I looked out the window. Water slowly began to appear behind a glass window that hadn't yet opened. Even so the dew has thickened on the surface of the glass.

I began to solve problems caused by my grandmother. The first thing I did was change the clothes I was wearing now because everything was wet. But when I took off my shirt, I was stunned for a moment.

Look at my left chest. Seeing the dark patches in the shape of the letter "P" not far from my collarbone. Grandma said, that place has existed since I was born. Initially I considered these places as ordinary birthmarks. Until my 7th birthday. In the middle of the night, I woke up due to extreme pain in my left chest. For fear of waking my grandmother, I could withstand the moans of my pain. And this continued for several days afterwards.

The pain in my birthmark began to appear rarely. Occasionally appear with different pain. I don't know for sure, what caused it, and how it happened, but my feel says it's a sign.

Seeing this birthmark reminds me of my previous dream. I can only smile wryly. Because dreams like this are not the first time this has happened.

After changing clothes, I put wet clothes, blankets and sheets in a dirty clothes basket in the bathroom. Then the last is drying my wet bed. I am a little confused about how to dry it in a rainy place like this, but I have found a slightly strategic place in the attic of the house.

After cleaning and wearing a school uniform, I approached the kitchen for breakfast. But what I found was an empty plate lying on the dining table.

"Grandma, where was the food I cooked last night ???" I shouted at her.

"There is no food for lazy people like you !!!" She said lightly.

"But I'll cook it !!!" I replied annoyed.

"But I bought the ingredients !!! You're already in school!" She said, changing the subject.

You are a crazy old woman !!!! I muttered annoyed again in my heart when I slammed the front door.

For a moment I calmed down at the door before finally walking to school. However, when I first left the house. I was reminded that today it was raining by small drops of water falling on my body. Unfortunately, even though I remember, I didn't have a umbrella because I was damaged by crazy old woman a month ago.

I will also take a step back to the front yard of the house. I thought for a while how I could get through this rain.

After I weigh a few things. Finally I decided to continue through this rain by running. I am lucky to rain now.

After a few residential blocks, I passed by running and entering the shop area. Suddenly the rain fell harder. I ran confused where to take cover. Because if not, I'm sure I'll get soaked.

After passing a few shops I found a shelter. A small shop that currently looks closed because inside is very dark.

I noticed that this shop from the outside was really scary. The outer walls were cracked, the paint faded and peeled, the window panes and window frames were mostly badly damaged, dust subsided maybe a few centimeters, and moreover some animals made nests in several corners of the field. I imagine the various ghosts that inhabit this shop like in the comics that I often read, if ghosts really like living in dark and well-groomed places.

Husssss !!!!

Aarrrggghhhhh !!

Damn breeze! make neck hair erect! I grumbled in my heart.

This shop is really scary, but unfortunately I can't choose another shelter.

Patient Chaerul! You must be brave! You are braver than Scooby-Doo and Shaggy. Just to take cover, the rain will stop soon, be patient !! You can!

I tried to calm down. Even though my mind is still in turmoil, my feelings are really restless, especially since the atmosphere around it is very quiet and makes me uncomfortable, as if a sign of something happening. I turned my back on the store, and didn't even dare to peek.

Cold sweat started coming out from my back, plus the rain getting heavier which made me start to shiver a little.

I suddenly remembered in the comic that I read, that ghosts usually come from behind. At that moment,

"Krilinggg !!! Krilinggg !!!"

"Hey!" A girl's voice sounded immediately jolting me.

"Ahhh! Gho ... Gho ... Ghost !!" I was very surprised and immediately ran away.

"Hey! I'm not a ghost!" there was a scream of displeasure from a girl behind me. But because of my fear, I still ran fast.

"Wow! Are you a guy? Still afraid of ghosts today!" The girl shouted in the back. When I heard that, I had turned into a nearby alley and hid nearby.

I regulate my breathing that has been struggling.

Damn, how could I be feared by a girl? Huh maybe this is because of the comic that I read lately, and because of that unlucky dream this morning! I muttered to myself.

"Wow! Hhahahahh! I did not expect, a girl as beautiful as Raden Bella Puspitasari suspected as a ghost! If I say this at school. Maybe your fans will chase after him, Bella," laughed a boy.

"Khan, be careful if it spreads at school! I will make sure you will be very 'happy' like last time," the girl replied threateningly.

"Ahh! Bella, I'm just kidding," answered the panicked boy.

"Ne.. ..nd Bell.., Khan! The ... mi..... a me.., ..t's ..rry !!!" There is a soft voice that is not so clear from other girls.

(Never mind Bella, Khan! The man might be a mess, let's hurry !!!)

I peeked next to the shop through the corner of the wall at the sound. I saw a girl with long silver hair with a part of her hair tied, with a navy-haired man wearing glasses and near the two of them stood another girl with short burgundy hair, holding a black box in her right hand. They each held a thick book in their left hands and wore a robe of a different color, the silver-haired girl wore a sunset pearl-colored robe, while the other two wore the same-colored robe, manhattan.

I continued to look at them from the corner of the wall, and didn't realize that a car crossed the road in front of me without slowing down. Which caused several small splashes of water to hit me. Because the distance between the road and my current location is only about four steps.

I also didn't realize that I might be late again today. Because I'm too focused on paying attention to three people. They then walked a little in a hurry in the opposite direction to me. I estimate they might be my age or even younger.

I tried to pay attention to them more carefully finding out who they were. But unfortunately I was disturbed by a large truck passing by in the direction they were headed. Because I have to try to avoid the water splashed by the truck.

Damn truck! I grumbled in my heart while directing my gaze towards the departure of the damn truck.

A moment later I was surprised when my eyes returned to the three people. However, they have disappeared.

Are they not there? I thought to myself.

But where are they? I kept asking myself as I continued to search for them along the sidewalks that my eyes could explore.

I am really confused now. Nobody can explain why they can disappear in seconds. Disappeared when I was interrupted by that damn truck. Even though the sidewalks of the road could not hide their existence. And the road turns still a bit far.

Or maybe I'm just hallucinating? And they really are ghosts? Geez! The fur on my neck stood up, maybe this was the only reason that could explain the strangeness that had happened before.

After a while, the rain began to recede. Leaving only a drop of water falling from the sky.

Today I was really shitty, damned! I murmured in my heart.

I decided to walk into the small shop area to make sure what I was seeing was really just a hallucination.

And it turns out that is true. There was no sign that I could find where they stood before I lost their existence. But when I want to leave, my birthmark starts to glow. I staggered for a moment, then leaned near the small shop window. I feel very painful.

A moment later, the pain began to subside, and disappeared. I sighed, wondering why this.

I looked around, looking for something suspicious, but nothing. My hands felt the shop window frame, looking for a handle to help my body stand up. However, when my body started to stand up and build strength in my hand, the window frame was pushed in.

I was too surprised, because my body also crashed into the window.

Unlucky windows and shop! I grumbled.

I tried to pull my hand back. But when I move, I feel like I'm touching something.

I stopped pulling my hand, and began to grope the crack in the window frame that had been pushed.

After a while, I pulled my hand. My hands looked very dirty, some wood chips stuck and thick dust covered my hands. But my attention was diverted into my palm.

That is a necklace. This necklace is edged like a green stone and surrounded by iron-patterned wings. While the chain is made of iron rather patterned plants near the eye of the necklace.

I pay attention to this necklace. In my opinion there is nothing special about this necklace. Looks like an ordinary necklace, just a little good and a little patterned.

I think I should save it first. If I need money, maybe I can sell it. I muttered to myself while cleaning my hands and putting the necklace in my bag.

A moment later I ran again to school.

** ** **