
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 38 : Thorkell

All of them except Aurora were in a little suprised as Cain was strong enough to defeat everyone except Thorkell here if they don't have their summons , Elaine who heard Aurora telling that those flames will not stop until a person dies grew curious and asked

"Cain , what are these flames and why is Aurora telling we can't kill those flames and how can you control poisons . You can control only energy right"

"ho that , It's what i inherited from Artorix . Though Artorix mainly had the power of Energy manipulation I asked him to give these undying flames to me and the poisons is the ability I learnt"

Thorkell Looking at the beasts who were now almost dust spoke

"So , you plan to hide this power if my guess is correct "

"Yes, I'll mainly focus as a Swordsman , ground manipulation magic and poison control . The flames and anything related to those abilities I'll hide it until the time is right"

"So how much percentage of your strength is shown here as I can see this amount can be evaded by Lady Aurora easily "

"About 20 to 30 percent"

Aurora then looked at Thorkell and the others and spoke

"Yeah , He looks more like a demon when he fights at his full strength and he also didn't use his sword but rather fists and large claws and also his regeneration is no joke . After Leviathan's final attack he regenerated from skeleton to a complete body within hours

And If it wasn't for my hereditary ability I would've also been burnt to death , If any of my siblings who didn't have the same hereditary ability they would've burnt to death"

The others just nodded as they were a little shocked but also expected he would be dangerous and calmed themselves as Thorkell spoke

"Let's go to the last level "


At the last Level Thorkell was supposed to Clear it , after going a kilometer into the level Thorkell spoke

"I'll finish it soon and Cain , I'll use my 4 th strongest attack and to compare my strongest attack is 20 times stronger than this "

After that Thorkell moved a little further from the group and roared loudly , This was a roar of challenge , which asserted the territory to Thorkell and hearing this all the beasts started to run towards him in anger and huge roars .

The most prominent of them were a group of 20 to 30 Thanators charging at him , each of them were large as huge Trucks . [reference art in comments ] They had completely Black skin and a huge tail with bones covering it's head and protruding at some parts of it back as they ran on all fours . Each had a Strength of an A- rank .

Thorkell took out a huge broadsword and waited as they started to come closer to him , but the temperature started to cool down , it was becoming colder by the second . After sometime they could see their breaths as it came out from their mouth and feel how cold it had become.

Thorkell then took his broadsword which had cold fumes coming from it , When the beasts were about 100 meters from him and sliced a a horizontal arc of light sped through the area freezing everything in a 800 m radius arc . All the Beasts were frozen solid unable to move or make a sound . None were spared all were sculptures of ice. Within seconds the Horizontal slash was followed by another slash which released a compressed sharp arc of pure mana which cut through all the beasts in a perfect slice.

Within just 10 minutes Thorkell had finished off the whole floor without even moving from his place and just two attacks.

when Cain went closer to examine the ice , it wasn't even melting until he started to concentrate his flames immensely on them . The Ice itself was very strong like metal and seemed like a rock . Looking at this Cain asked

"Thorkell what is this ice ? It's... very strong "

"It's pseudo Perma-Ice , it mimics the qualities of Perma-Ice which can only casted by Primal Ranked Ice mages . Though It's just a cheap imitation of the real stuff , it's incredibly tough and can be melted with intense heat . But Perma-Ice and Semi Perma-ice are several times stronger than this "

Elaine continuing as Thorkell was speaking

"To even cast Pseudo Perma-Ice , the person needs to have a very high level of Ice magic control and Thorkell even in 5th Stage Saints is one of the strongest among them and has higher strength than normal 5th rank saints"

"Yeah , yeah enough praising me now lets take rest for sometime and leave to the town close to the dungeon so that we can sleep there rather than camping"

Rebecca adding to Thorkell

"A short break is enough , let's leave soon We can take a longer rest in that town"


After around an hour all of them had left the Dungeon and headed to the town which was a quite some distance from the dungeon .

They reached the Town by night . Within one day the group had travelled around 200 kilometers with clearing a dungeon . The town had fortress like wall around it and was incomparably small as to Zrervin , it was circular border with 4 entrances at equal distances from each other and had a radius of 5 kilometers from the center of Town .

Elaine also explained Cain that this was the basic general layout design of small cities , Towns and Villages everywhere around the world with slight changes such as a square fortress or if no forests nearby just some metal grills around the borders of the Town .

They all went and stayed in the largest inn in the town , where Rebecca , Elaine stayed in one room and Thorkell in the other . Though Thorkell was somewhat disappointed as till now Aurora stayed with the other two women and he was alone . Now since Cain came he would be able to have some one to talk to with general men talk freely without restraint but Cain and Aurora took off to another room.


In the room where Rebecca and Elaine were there , Elaine spoke

"Is Cain really safe to travel with ?"


"I mean you saw him right , his strength , and rate of growth , we were needed to find a person who came to be known around few months back and for his age he is monstrously strong and extremely Talented . What if he is just acting to get an opportunity turn on us"

"I know , even I have my concerns but even you know that Lady Aurora took that Soul bond Contract and had it with him . So we can be safe now , and since Lady Aurora is set out to make him her's in every way . She will likely brainwash him in every way to seduce him to like her "

"Yeah , as far as I've seen . He isn't that smart but was Impulsive , and maybe easy to manipulate"

"Don't go deciding just now , We even haven't seen his true abilities or nature yet , we just need to be on guard , but isn't Thorkell weirdly trusting him"

"Rebecca , who do you think Thorkell is . He most likely wants Cain to marry Aurora so that she can live a great life he mostly is thinking of using him "

"Maybe , but just focus on one thing . We only serve Lady Aurora and her well being and happiness is our top priority , so take rest now we can relax tomorrow morning and leave to the next town"

"Tsk , it's just boring but fine . But I really hope Cain and Aurora be together , I want Lady Aurora to be happy "

"Yeah ,I know"


While Aurora was on the bed as she was cuddling in Cain's arms , he was hugging her closely and gently as Aurora spoke as she looked at Cain with caring eyes

"You needn't think about Thorkell , he is extremely talented individual even when compared to Aquonia Empire's level . Except a very few about like 5 to 10 every generation are talented monsters like him"

"Yeah , but his application of attacks itself were different , While I'm highly relying on my flame's unique ability and just focusing for them to touch the opponent leaving out so much of the attack power go to waste while his is just precise . When i saw the after effects of his attack , the attack was very condensed and precise ,like a concentrated attack"

Cain's face showed that he was in awe of Thorkell's skill as he continued to ask

"Is Thorkell skilled with the sword and will he teach me to control mana , Like is there some family secret he can't share ?"

Aurora was getting little irritated as she spoke

"Yes he is a very skilled swordsman and he can teach you.. "

She climbed on Cain and sat on his stomach as she spoke with her face close to Cain's face

"I can control mana as good as him or maybe better , you can remember how I manupilated water in our spar right "

"Yeah , now that I think about it you're very good in that too "

"So , shut up and sleep . I'm tired , cuddle me I want to sleep , you can teach me your tricks later too "

Cain pulled her closely as Aurora slept like a baby with him completely defenseless , Cain looking at her tried to kiss her as she spoke in a sleepy tone

"Tomorrow , I'm tired now" as she grabbed Cain like a body pillow and slept .

Thanators beast reference art in comments

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