
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 34 : Progress ?

Looking at Cain in flames which enveloped him but didn't burn the couch he was sitting on nor Aurora who was sitting on his lap . The Felt his Primordial Aura and instinctively got up from their seats and bowed to him as they kneeled .

Looking at them Cain spoke

"Hey , I mean i like you all bowing to me like this but why ?" Aurora spoke as she hugged closer to Cain

"We descendants of Primodials have innate pressure which we call Primordial Aura though it won't effect us in any way normal people feel intense pressure but if it's from a Primordial Some of the normal folk even die due to the pressure and even descendants can feel it"

"Hmm , its like that i just usually suppressed all my power and aura all the time so i usually didn't find any difference . "

"Well the thing is this Primordial Aura doesn't effect are kind in the least and people can grow used to it and when in the restaurant i was releasing my aura to get you off the table but it didn't effect you in the slightest so that's why you got caught by me " Aurora started to smile and started to caress his face

In this form Cain's instincts usually take over as it was in battles he would get sadistic desires which would be amplified , but looking at Aurora's beautiful slender body and as she looked at him in affection he grabbed Aurora by the Waist and started to caress her thigh and with their faces close to each other he spoke

"You know I'm thinking marrying you won't be bad too bad , and no one i've seen till now is beautiful as you " feeling Cain's breath and touch she could make out he was speaking the truth as she could sense it by his blood circulation .

Cain pulled her closer as though he didn't care about the surroundings , Aurora started to breathe heavily her face was completely red as she spoke

"Even if I agree ,What if it's decided that I'm going to be married to someone else by the Primordials "

"What do you mean ? if You've accepted me i can just kill them right , I mean even if they are stronger I will burn whole empires , I'm immortal and it doesn't matter even if you don't accept me or are tricking me if I've decided what is mine , it is mine and whoever comes , well I'll just kill"

A sudden burst of dreadful Aura covered the whole mansion the temperature started to rise but Aurora was completely alright she started to rub her cheeks against Cain's and started to breathe heavily , she started to drool a little Cain held her more tightly but Aurora pushed him a little in heavily deep breathes spoke as she caressed his lips

"We can do this whenever you want darling but my subordinates are suffocating can you reduce your aura"

"Tsk , Fine"

Suddenly all the dreadful aura and the heat disappeared and the flames on Cain died down . The three who were three who were kneeling on the ground due to the pressure got up and sat on the couches as they gasped for air . Looking at them Aurora spoke

"What did you think , Before leaving I asked my mother what if the Heir of the flame primordial wants me . She told if i can it would be great , she also told its highly likely the heir wouldn't care about her but show consideration and support on their own if she were anytime in trouble if the current heir was like she expected . She also told she won't be holding her on candidate until i finish my journey to find him "

Thorkell who was sweating spoke

"Miss Aurora it might come out as rude but even i might have difficulty to defeat him in that form , how did you get him to sign the contract "

"Oh , yes I would've never be able to defeat him without the help of Leviathan . Yeah by the way Cain why didn't you summon , didn't you form a contract yet .As far as I've known Artorix was known to summon the Demon race which can only be rivaled by the god race which Sophis can summon"

"Tsk , summoning is for the weak" he spoke in authoritative tone

"huh , Cain summon you're summon now "

"Rely on your own strength , didn't i tell you it's for the weak"


Cain unable to deny her summoned his summon , The Hell Gob . Looking at that creature all of them tried their best to not laugh . Thorkell trying his best spoke

"Do not worry ...puff Heir the beast looks very sturdy ..puff"

Rebecca , Elaine and Aurora started to laugh out loud as Elaine spoke

"Hahaha !! look at that , its a fucking rock no wonder you didn't want to summon it" Aurora with tears in her eyes as she was laughing spoke

"Cain don't worry you can summon others later and even this looks like its of the demon race... demon race .. hahaha!! Sorry , I'm sorry Cain really"

Cain cancelled his summon as he sat quietly as the laughter died down , Thorkell spoke

"Lord Cain don't worry you're extremely strong taking into consideration the time you have been in this world and Lady Aurora's summon Leviathan is one of the strongest summons in the whole world though she can only summon it for a little while at its full capacity "

Aurora looking at Cain spoke

"Hey Cain was what you spoke earlier was it really what you felt "

Cain looking at Aurora as she was sitting on his lap spoke

"If you really want me , then it's true what i felt . You're the most strong and the most beautiful women I've seen and I like how you act . If I was strong enough i would've taken you as my wife "

Aurora looked at Cain and started to smile weirdly and started to giggle as she covered her face on Cain's chest. She after few seconds spoke

"Rebecca give me the Orb of Azir"

Rebecca gave her a transparent glass like orb , as Aurora held it in her hand and spoke

"Here examine this if you want , its like a lie detector which also is incredibly accurate for Primal ranks. it turns pitch black when you lie while holding it "

Cain took this orb in his hand as he examined it asked in his mind

'What is this '

[The Orb of Azir as she said this is used for detecting the truth and even likely to work on Primordials , it is formed due to the tears of the Divine Calamity Beast Azir. It picks up energy fluctuation in Soul waves which is formed when a person lies turns murky black and when truth is told it becomes transparent , There is no effect of varying context or anything . It is recommended not to break the orb to check its working as Artorix in curiosity broke the orb releasing a huge blast of mana]

"Hmm , so ?"

Aurora took this orb and spoke

"I'm a strong Muscular man "

the orb in her hand became murky black , then she spoke

"I want Cain to be mine and not look at any other women , he should love only me . If he doesn't I will make him, whatever it takes be it using sorcery or other magic arts. I don't care about anyone as long as I have Cain"

The orb turned back to its transparent glass like form

Looking at that Cain started to laugh like a maniac as the people around them started to be worried as they knew Aurora's dangerous obsession , if she was Obsessed about anything she would definitely have it and this was the first time she wanted a person to be hers .

Cain placed his hand on the orb and spoke

"Hahaha!! I have a freakin yandere on me now . Aura , I don't care what you do , who you kill , what you destroy, I'm all yours I'll not look at any women other than you. But I will Kill any man who tries to come close to you with any of those intentions . But I will not let you go I will have you with me always ."

Aurora started to blush as she threw the orb towards Elaine ,which was still in the same state as when Aurora told the truth . Aurora started to giggle weirdly and started to blush as she hid in Cain's arms.

Cain started distortedly smile as he caressed Aurora's head.

Thorkell had tears in his eyes and looked like a father who was having his daughter married , Elaine looking at him spoke in a quiet tone to Rebecca

"Hey , I don't know but this is not they way how people who love each other speak right ? and look at Thorkell he looks like a dad who is sending away his daughter "

"I know , it's just ... Cain's like the previous primordial he's just waiting to get stronger and Aura , she found someone like her . Just stop thinking , having a Primordial as Aura's Husband is the best for her"

"I know but look at them , they're laughing like creeps "

"Shut up , we can talk later"

Aurora like a little girl spoke

"Elaine do you really think we're alike ?" Elaine shivered as she saw Aurora's Blushed red face and her eyes which were dilated in ecstasy .


"Kya!! Cain we're alike look at that "

"Yeah " Cain spoke as he hugged her like he was hugging a delicate teddy bear and started to caress her her head and started to smell her hair.

Thorkell looking at them spoke

"Lady Aurora I'm happy that you've found a person you like but Lord Cain what of your goals , it will likely hinder you "

Cain left Aurora as she sat properly on his lap and Cain spoke

"Ho , well Artorix told me be whatever you want that I'm free to do whatever i can . He just doesn't want the name of the Flame primordial to be sullied . So my main goal was growing in strength "

"So , you'll surely receive support of the Aquonia Empire and taking into consideration that you will be participating in the IAC tournament 10 months from now It will be a good way to have your debut as Aurora's husband , but let us keep that your the Heir as secret until you reach Primal rank"

"Hmm , fine within that time i may be able to reach Peak final stage if i train hard enough and take proper resources"

The three started to get cold sweat as Elaine spoke

"Lord Cain , aren't you Peak rank right now ?"

"Huh , no" Rebecca in a grim look spoke

"Sir Cain , please don't joke your strength is enough to defeat me anyone here without their summons easily except Thorkell"

"Yes i know , but i broke through to Expert rank few weeks back so i know"

Thorkell looking at Cain and started laughing loudly and spoke

"Hahaha!! so this is the potential and strength of a Primordial . Lord Cain you may not know but you're almost strong as a Peak rank "

Thorkell then got up and kneeled in front of Cain and spoke

"I Thorkell , swear eternal loyalty to Lord Cain to follow and aid him , though only second to Lady Aurora . Please Accept my request as I want to continue serving you both"

both Elaine and Rebecca followed the same

"Hmm , so it's like i will be a temp leader to you guys whenever Aura is not there or im like a vice captain and Aura is the Captain "

looking at the three of them Cain firmly spoke

"No , I want you all to be loyal to Aurora only . That's fine by me i can act as a Vice captain if necessary so no need "

Thorkell a little disappointed spoke

"Thank you for considering it , so about how to move ahead ..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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