
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 32 : Equal Match ?

Cain rushed at Aurora and started to circle her using flash step , as he released poison mist from him .

Aurora shot water spears at high speeds all around her , Cain rushed it into those spears as he rushed towards her .

He used War Demon's Roar and paralysis gaze to paralyze her in fear and in place . She froze for a moment , Several water spears were stabbed into Cain but without a care by enveloping his sword in Hellfire he slashed at her aiming at her head .

Aurora erected a huge water barrier between Cain and herself and leapt into the air but Cain dashed through the barrier and cut off her left leg.

As she was in the air looked at Cain in obsessive eyes , her leg which had Hellfire on it was litoff and was regenerated as she screeched loudly which paralyzed Cain in place .

She shot herself from the air with a water wave propelling her towards Cain and slashed him with her swords , but Cain used ground manipulation to throw himself who was paralyzed out of range and he started to burn brightly as the paralysis broke off .

Cain looked at her and was surprised his flames had no effect on her he asked himself

'Why isn't hellfire effecting her ?'

[There is some sort of substance in her body which neutralizes the eternal effect of hellfire but she does take damage from it]

All the water droplets which were levitating in the field rushed towards Cain as bullets from all directions .

Cain burned brightly as with his fire now completely covering his armor . Before the water bullets could pierce him they were vaporized .

But taking this opportunity Aurora Rushed and pierced him with her two swords in both sides of his chest but without letting her pullout her swords he rushed in and held her neck and started to burn more brightly and and created a small dome with both of them with ground manipulation .

Aurora was shouting in pain and slowly started to burn , but the water in her swords started to seep into Cain's body and started to rip apart his shoulders looking at Cain in anger as she was burning looked at Cain and spoke

"Eternal Flood"

Soon the dome which Cain had made to contain all the heat and burn both of them alive burst open with steam and water splashing out everywhere .

Cain and Aurora were both thrown away from the blast , Aurora started to heal herself and Cain shouted in pain as he evaporated all the water in his body which was ripping him apart from the inside .

Cain now was completely focusing on the fight he took back he sword and his nails grew into Claws and while he was bunrning and healing himself rushed towards Aurora .

Aurora who had almost healed herself shot several huge highly compressed water torpedos at Cain , Cain in a state of battle evaded them and rushed towards Aurora stabbing her heart with his hands . Aurora started to cough up blood as Cain started to burn her again , she shot a huge water torpedo at Cain and Screeched in the same way which caused him to got paralyzed.

There was a huge hole in Cain's abdomen which healing as he slowly getting up as he was thrown far away .

When he looked at Aurora her clothes were torn but she was fully healed and spoke

"Battle Form , summon "

Mana started to swirl around as they were sucked into her a crystalline aromr covered her whole body and huge tornado of water was swirling behind her a huge roar was heard and a huge dragon like serpent came from the whirlpool .

It looked at Aurora who was Completely bashed but was now in her battle form which would last only 5 minutes but give her immense strength and it also looked at a man who was having his blown abdomen healed and spoke

"Whoa Aurora what did you do for a guy to beat you up this bad "

"Leviathan , shut up we just need to defeat him "

Cain looked at the both of them , Aurora was in a different form and her power was 10 times stronger than before and her summon was leviathan , THE leviathan he felt as though it's power was compressed but it was way more stronger than him.

Looking at both of them Cain started to laugh like a maniac

"Hahahaha!!! Fuck you all" , thinking in his mind

'Activate all skills which boost my strength and all attack skills which supplement my hellfire'


His armor was deactivated and returned back to his ring form and he could hear ringing sound in his head

[Immortal Hellfire Body First form activated

Berserk activated

Flame Manipulation being used

Dominance Aura Activated

Mana Manipulation being used

Energy Manipulation being used

Terror Gaze Activated]

Both the Leviathan and Aurora shivered as Cain's form changed , the ground around him started to melt . Aurora shouted

"Leviathan prepare you're strongest attack "

"I know , but who is that guy . You should inform me of such things before"

"Just fucking prepare you overgrown snake"

Leviathan started to concentrate all its power into its breath attack and Aurora used her most powerful attack with it and both together shot towards Cain .

Cain using Ground Manipulation to support himself aiming both his arms he spoke

"Fire eater and poison breath"

With both his arms Cain shot huge fire storms with a serpent like face and with his mouth a highly dense poison breath, the three of them mixed together and shot towards Aurora's attack .

A huge blast was accompanied as both their attacks collided and Cain fainted after the attack as a bright light covered the whole barrier .


Cain felt he was sleeping on a hard surface and some rocks he slowly woke up as he was completely naked and flames were on his body healing him , he had a severe headache and as he looked around he saw Aurora .

She was sitting on a couch which was made of ground , as she was getting herself healed through her regeneration , Cain stood up as he was in flames walked towards her and asked

"I won ?"

"Huh ? Think about the contract in your head you'll get to know"

Cain nodded and tought about the contract as words appeared in his head

'The Contractee Cain has lost the battle thus the contract will be followed as in Case B'

Cain was frustrated , but asked Aurora

"How long was i out ?"

"5 hours"

"WHAT !? and the barrier is still there won't your companions be worried ?"

"Don't worry about me , you will be my aide for the next 5 years so worry about yourself and they will never disobey me"

"Tsk "

"What ? did you just click your tongue, my Cain come here "

"Whose you're Cain-... Ahhgggrhhh..."

"If you don't obey me you'll feel immense pain through now come here"

Cain came and stood infront of Aurora as she spoke

"Remove your flames if its not healing in any area and kneel"

Cain didn't question and followed as he was exhausted from the fight and didn't want to feel that immense pain , he just wanted to take a good sleep and rest .

Looking as Cain followed her every order Aurora started to blush and caressed his face and pulled his face towards her face and started to smell him and as she looked at Cain she could make out he was too tired from the battle that he wasn't able to think straight and was following her orders due to instinct screaming not to feel more pain .

Looking at Cain in affection she asked ,

"Do you have clothes ?"

"Yes as spares , just normal shirts and pants "

"Fine give one pair to me and you wear one"

Cain who was naked wore some loose clothes while Aurora wore his clothes as her's was almost torn due to battle . Aurora looking at Cain spoke

"Cain carry me " as she opened her arms in his direction

Cain Lifted her and carried her like a sack of potatoes , little irritated Aurora but blushing a little spoke

"Carry me like a princess "

"Tsk , Fine"

Cain after carrying her like she wished for , she called back the Domain Artifact as now they could see all the people who were waiting for them .

Thorkell , Thomas , Elaine , Rebecca , Liam and Olivia who were waiting were them were shocked as they saw both aurora and Cain wearing the same type of clothes and the whole arena with craters and blasts . Also seeing how Cain was carrying Aurora they were shocked.

As Cain came close to them instantly using flash step , Aurora looking at their surprised faces spoke

"I'm tired , I'll speak about what happened tomorrow . Thorkell where are we staying tonight "

Thorkell still in shock but spoke

"The same place the Zrervin Duke's estate "

"Oh , ok fine lets go Cain . I can show directions"


Using Air step and Flash step Cain with Aurora in his arms disappeared .

Thorkell looking at Elaine and Rebecca spoke

"Rebecca you told me that Lady Aurora didn't want to be disturbed , so I waited almost 6 hours can you explain what happened "

Aurora's battle form and Leviathan charecter refernce art in comments

BluRogcreators' thoughts