
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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163 Chs

The Turning Tide

The match in the NexaRealm arena had reached a critical point. Hana and Kang-dae of Team Fire had successfully fended off their pursuers, making significant progress towards the enemy's flag. Meanwhile, Soo-jin, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee had not only secured an elimination against Simple Devils' Marksman but also effectively halted any attempts to disrupt Hana and Kang-dae's advance.

The atmosphere was electric as the game unfolded. Hana and Kang-dae's coordination had been impeccable, their movements synchronized as they outmanoeuvred the pursuing Fighter and Mage from Simple Devils. With a combination of speed and resilience, they had managed to break free, pushing steadily towards the enemy base where the coveted flag awaited.

On the other front, Soo-jin's daring engagement had kept Simple Devils on their toes. Her initial assault had drawn the attention of the Marksman and Mage 2, leading to a fierce battle that showcased the raw skill and determination of Team Fire. Despite being momentarily overwhelmed, Soo-jin's clever baiting had set the stage for a decisive counter-attack. Sang-hee's ice magic had immobilized the Marksman, allowing Jin-kyong to secure a clean and precise elimination, marking the first blood of the match.

"What a play by Team Fire! They've managed to fend off the enemy and are now making significant strides towards the flag. Soo-jin's tactical retreat and subsequent ambush, supported by Sang-hee's ice magic and Jin-kyong's precision, have turned the tide in their favour," Dong-yul's voice boomed over the arena, capturing the tension and excitement of the moment.

In the background, Joon-ho, Hyun-ae, and Kyu watched intently, their expressions a mix of pride and anticipation.

"This is what they trained for," Joon-ho remarked, his eyes never leaving the screen. "Their coordination is spot on."

"They've really stepped up. Soo-jin's manoeuvre was risky, but it paid off."

Kyu remained silent, his intense focus mirroring that of the players on the field.

With the momentum now firmly on their side, Team Fire prepared for the next phase of their strategy. Hana and Kang-dae approached the enemy flag with cautious determination, while Soo-jin, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee repositioned themselves, ready to fend off any counterattacks and ensure a clear path for their teammates.

The next moments would be crucial as both teams braced for the impending clash. The battle for supremacy in NexaRealm was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.

Hana and Kang-dae moved swiftly through the rocky terrain of High Terrain, their eyes fixed on the distant flag that represented their objective. The path was treacherous, with uneven ground and jagged rocks that could easily trip the unwary. Despite this, they pressed on with unyielding determination.

Having successfully shaken off the relentless pursuit of Simple Devils' Fighter, they were now solely focused on reaching the enemy flag. Their only remaining concern was the potential threat posed by Simple Devils' Mage, referred to as Mage 1, who was somewhere nearby, likely preparing another ambush.

"We're almost there," Kang-dae said through their comms, his voice steady and reassuring.

"Stay sharp. Their Mage that was with us just now could be anywhere," Hana nodded, glancing around for any signs of Mage 1.

The duo moved with a combination of speed and caution, their training and experience evident in their coordinated steps. The flag was tantalizingly close now, just a few hundred meters away. Hana, with her Fighter and Assassin hybrid skills, took the lead, her movements a blur of agility. Kang-dae, with his Tank's resilience, followed closely, ready to shield her from any sudden attacks.

As they approached a small clearing that lay between them and the enemy base, Hana suddenly raised her hand, signalling a stop. She crouched low, her keen eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. The air was tense, filled with the distant sounds of battle and the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze.

"See anything?" Kang-dae took position beside her, his shield raised defensively.

"Not yet," Hana replied, her voice a whisper. "But I can feel it. He's close."

They advanced slowly, inching towards the flag with every passing second. The tension was palpable, each step measured and deliberate. The terrain provided little cover, making stealth nearly impossible. Their only option was to rely on their skills and hope to outmanoeuvre Mage 1 if he appeared.

Just as they were within a hundred meters of the flag, a sudden flicker of light caught Hana's eye. She spun around just in time to see Mage 1 emerging from behind a boulder, his staff raised high. A series of glowing runes appeared in the air, forming an intricate pattern that crackled with arcane energy.

"Incoming!" Hana shouted, leaping to the side as a bolt of magical energy shot towards her.

"Keep moving! I'll cover you!" Kang-dae was quick to react, stepping in front of Hana with his shield raised. The bolt struck the shield with a loud crack, dispersing harmlessly.

Hana nodded and sprinted forward, zigzagging to make herself a harder target. Mage 1 unleashed a barrage of spells, but Kang-dae's shield absorbed the brunt of the attacks, allowing Hana to continue her advance. Despite the onslaught, she managed to close the distance to the flag.

"We're almost there!" Hana called out, her voice filled with determination.

"Just a bit more! Go, Hana!" Kang-dae, his shield glowing from the impacts, gritted his teeth.

With a final burst of speed, Hana reached the flag, her hand outstretched to claim it. Kang-dae held his ground, fending off Mage 1's relentless attacks. The objective was within their grasp, and with it, a crucial advantage in the match.

Hana reached the flag, her swift hand snatching it from its pedestal. The moment the flag was in her grasp, a triumphant smile spread across her face. She turned on her heel, ready to dash back to Kang-dae and secure their prize.

However, just as she was about to make her way back, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. The Simple Devil's Fighter, his eyes blazing with determination, was back for a second round. The embarrassment of his earlier failure seemed to fuel his resolve, and now, with the flag on the line, he couldn't afford to mess up again.

Hana's eyes widened as she saw the Fighter charging towards her, his weapon raised high. She quickly relayed the information through her comms.

"Kang-dae, the Fighter is back! Cover me!"

"Got it! Stay close, Hana!" Kang-dae, still fending off the relentless barrage of spells from Mage 1, glanced over his shoulder and saw the approaching threat.

The Fighter, closing the distance rapidly, launched into a powerful slam attack, his weapon aimed directly at Hana. She dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow. The ground where she had stood cracked under the impact, a testament to the Fighter's strength.

"You won't get away this time!" the Fighter snarled, his voice filled with frustration and determination.

Hana, keeping her movements fluid and unpredictable, began to retreat towards Kang-dae. She knew that facing the Fighter head-on wasn't a viable option, especially with the flag in her possession. Her goal was to evade and regroup with her Tank.

Kang-dae, sensing the urgency of the situation, stepped up his defence. He parried another spell from Mage 1 with his shield, then charged forward to intercept the Fighter.

"Over here!" he bellowed, drawing the Fighter's attention.

The Fighter, momentarily distracted by Kang-dae's challenge, hesitated. This split-second delay was all Hana needed to slip past him, her agility and speed making her a difficult target to pin down. She darted towards Kang-dae, who was now fully engaged in combat with the Fighter.

"Get to safety, Hana!" Kang-dae shouted, blocking a heavy swing from the Fighter with his shield. The impact sent shockwaves through the ground, but Kang-dae held firm.

Hana nodded, her focus unwavering. She knew that Kang-dae could hold his own against the Fighter, buying her the precious time she needed to escape. With the flag securely in hand, she sprinted towards their base, her heart pounding with adrenaline.

The Fighter, realizing that his target was slipping away, redoubled his efforts. He attacked Kang-dae with renewed ferocity, each blow more desperate than the last.

"You're not going anywhere!" he roared, frustration evident in his voice.

Kang-dae grinned, his confidence unshaken.

"We'll see about that." With a powerful shove, he pushed the Fighter back, creating enough space to prepare for his next move.

As Hana dashed away, the crowd erupted into cheers, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.

"Team Fire's Hana has the flag! Can she make it back to their base? The Simple Devil's Fighter is giving it his all, but Kang-dae is holding him off brilliantly! Is this the first game secured?" Dong-yul's voice echoed through the arena, capturing the intensity of the moment.

The match hung in the balance, the outcome uncertain. Hana's swift movements and Kang-dae's stalwart defence were a testament to Team Fire's coordination and skill. With the flag in hand and their spirits high, they pressed on, determined to secure their advantage and claim victory.

I apologize for not providing an update yesterday. I had to meet three pressing deadlines, with two submissions required yesterday and one due today. Despite my best efforts to manage my time, the workload proved to be more demanding than anticipated. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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