
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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163 Chs

The Final Five Minutes

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and intensity. The last five minutes of the match ticked away, each second more crucial than the last. Team Fire, with their slender one-point advantage, fought desperately to prevent Simple Devils from returning their flag and forcing the game into overtime.

Soo-jin's blades clashed with the Assassin's, their duel a blur of lightning-fast strikes and counters. The Assassin was agile, his movements almost too quick to follow, but Soo-jin was equally skilled, matching his speed and ferocity with her own. Their faces were masks of concentration, each fully aware that the outcome of their fight could determine the entire match.

Nearby, Sang-hee maintained her barrier against the relentless barrage of spells from the two Simple Devils Mages. The magical energy crackled and roared as it collided with her shield, but Sang-hee's resolve was unwavering. She stood her ground, her eyes glowing with the intensity of her focus, knowing that if her barrier fell, Soo-jin would be vulnerable.

Kang-dae and the enemy Fighter continued their brutal struggle, each swing of their weapons sending shockwaves through the air. Kang-dae's shield bore the brunt of the Fighter's powerful strikes, but he held firm, his muscles straining with the effort. He knew he had to keep the Fighter occupied, to prevent him from joining the fray and tipping the scales in Simple Devils' favour.

Jin-kyong, perched at a distance with her sniper rifle, scanned the battlefield for openings. Her Eagle Eye passive ability allowed her to spot the Assassin's swift movements, and she relayed the information to his teammates.

"Soo-jin, the Assassin's trying to flank you from the left!" she shouted, her voice cutting through the noise of battle.

Soo-jin reacted instantly, pivoting to block the Assassin's blade with her own. She countered with a swift strike that grazed his arm, drawing a grunt of pain from her opponent. But the Assassin was relentless, pressing his attack with renewed vigour.

The two Simple Devils' Mages, realizing that their spells were being neutralized by Sang-hee's barrier, began coordinating their attacks. They chanted in unison, summoning a massive fireball that blazed with intense heat. Sang-hee's eyes widened as she felt the surge of energy. She reinforced her barrier, gritting her teeth as the fireball struck with a deafening roar. The barrier held, but Sang-hee could feel the strain.

"Kang-dae, I need support!" Sang-hee called out, her voice tight with effort.

"On it!" Kang-dae replied, shoving the enemy Fighter back with a powerful blow. He raised his shield and charged towards the Mages, his presence a formidable deterrent.

The enemy Fighter, recovering quickly, snarled in frustration and followed, unwilling to let Kang-dae interfere with his teammates. Their clash resumed, the ground beneath them trembling with the force of their blows.

Meanwhile, the clock continued its relentless countdown. The tension was palpable, each member of Team Fire acutely aware of how close they were to victory, and how easily it could slip away.

"Three minutes left!" Jin-kyong's voice rang out. "We can do this!"

Soo-jin, her movements a blur, landed a solid hit on the Assassin, forcing him to retreat momentarily.

"Not so fast," she hissed, pursuing him with unwavering determination.

Sang-hee, her barrier flickering but holding, glanced at the timer. Every second felt like an eternity, the pressure immense. She sent out a quick blast of magic, forcing the Mages to scatter and regroup.

The battlefield was a chaotic dance of steel and magic, each player giving their all. The final minutes stretched on, every movement, every strike, every spell cast with the knowledge that this was their last chance.

The fate of the match hung in the balance, the suspense building to a fever pitch as the final seconds ticked away. Team Fire fought with every ounce of strength and skill they had, determined to hold their ground and secure their victory. The outcome was still uncertain, the tension unbearable, as the battle raged on.

The battlefield's intensity was at its peak, with the outcome hanging in the balance. The Assassin made a sudden, unexpected move, slipping past Soo-jin with a deft manoeuvre. Soo-jin cursed under her breath, immediately trying to recover from her mistake. She surged forward, but the Assassin was faster, using his skill to dash ahead, leaving Soo-jin in the dust.

"Soo-jin to team, the Assassin got past me! I need backup, now!" Her voice crackled with urgency through the comms.

On the other end, Jin-kyong and Hana were the only ones not engaged in direct combat. Hana, lacking the necessary range, relied on Jin-kyong's marksmanship to intercept the Assassin. Jin-kyong adjusted her position, her heart pounding as she aimed. She exhaled slowly, ready to fire the shot that could save the game.

But just as Jin-kyong was about to pull the trigger, a sharp pain exploded in her chest. A bullet struck her heart, the impact knocking her back. The game system's announcement echoed ominously.

[Team Fire: Player Eliminated!]

The enemy Marksman had beaten her to the punch.

With Jin-kyong down, Team Fire's hope seemed lost. The Assassin raced towards his base, the flag clutched tightly in his hand, while the rest of Team Fire could only watch in despair.

But then, as if fate intervened, the map began to dematerialize. The landscape dissolved into pixels, leaving everyone suspended in a blank, featureless space. The game system's voice boomed, announcing the end of the match.

The players from both teams were grouped, their expressions a mix of anticipation and resignation. The final seconds had ticked away, and the Assassin had been mere moments from securing the flag.

[Team Fire Wins!]

The system declared the victor.

Cheers erupted from Team Fire. Sang-hee, Hana, Soo-jin and Jin-kyong shared a jubilant group hug, their relief and joy palpable. Kang-dae, overwhelmed with gratitude and relief, collapsed to the ground, laughing and thanking his lucky stars.

"That was way too close," Sang-hee said, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"Tell me about it," Jin-kyong replied, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "I thought we were done for when that Marksman got me."

"We did it, though. We pulled through," Hana grinned, her eyes bright with triumph.

"We secured our first win," Kang-dae joined the huddle, his broad smile mirroring his teammates.

The camaraderie and relief were overwhelming. They had faced overwhelming odds, and in the final moments, their teamwork and resilience had secured their victory. As they basked in their hard-earned win, the anticipation for future battles and the promise of more intense matches filled their hearts with excitement.

Dong-yul's voice boomed through the arena as the players dematerialized from the battlefield, returning to the virtual stands and audience.

"What an exhilarating match, ladies and gentlemen! Team Fire clinched the victory in the final seconds, showing us the true meaning of determination and teamwork. Their last-minute manoeuvres, the resilience of their strategy, and the sheer will to win have given us a game to remember. Congratulations to Team Fire for an exceptional performance!"

The camera panned to the commentary booth, where Dong-yul sat with a broad smile. "We witnessed some incredible plays today, especially that clutch save by Kang-dae and the impeccable timing of Jin-kyong's shots. And let's not forget Sang-hee's bravery in returning the flag under immense pressure. This match will be talked about for a long time."

In the hall of the event, in the Game Building of Nexacorp Korea University, Joon-ho, Hyun-ae, and Kyu sat together, having watched the match unfold. Joon-ho was the first to speak, his voice full of admiration.

"That was insane! The way Kang-dae blocked the Assassin's attack and then Sang-hee secured the flag… They got me on the edge of my seat."

"Absolutely! And Jin-kyong's aim was spot on until that last shot. It's incredible how she managed to hold her own against the enemy Marksman for so long," Hyun-ae nodded enthusiastically.

Kyu, as usual, stayed silent but gave a small nod of approval. His eyes conveyed his respect for the skills and tactics displayed by their friends.

"They pulled through. They worked so well together, covering each other's weaknesses and capitalizing on their strengths. It was a perfect example of why teamwork is so important," Joon-ho leaned back, still buzzing with excitement.

"I'm so proud of them. They didn't let the pressure get to them and played their hearts out. I can't wait to see how they'll handle the next challenge," Hyun-ae smiled.

Kyu's quiet presence was a steadying influence, his approval felt even without words. He understood the depth of the game, and the strategic layers that had played out, and his silent acknowledgement spoke volumes to his friends.

As the commentary continued to wrap up and the spectators began to leave the virtual arena, Dong-yul's final words echoed in their minds.

"This is what NexaRealm is all about, folks. High stakes, intense battles, and the undying spirit of competition. Until next time, keep your strategies sharp and your teamwork tighter. This is Dong-yul, signing off."

The screen faded to black, leaving the players and spectators alike to reflect on the thrilling match they had just witnessed. For Team Fire, it was a victory hard-earned and well-deserved, setting the stage for future battles and greater glory.