
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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166 Chs

The Art of Strategy

Joon-ho sat on the other side of the hall, watching Aerial play. This was crucial to give his friends, Team Fire, valuable insight about who they might face if they reached the final. His primary focus was on two key players: Chin-hwa and In-su. The match had just begun, and the commentator Soo-min had already explained the starting dynamics. Now, it was time to dive into the unfolding strategies.

Bionocular wasted no time implementing their plan. They split their formation into three groups. Two of the splits each consisted of a lone Assassin. These solo Assassins moved independently, their mission clear: locate and secure artefacts. The third split was more formidable, comprising the remaining 2 Marksmen and the Mage. This trio wasn't just looking to collect artefacts; their objective was to engage Aerial directly, leveraging their combined firepower to contest any artefacts Aerial might try to claim.

Meanwhile, Aerial employed a similar 1-1-3 split strategy. However, their approach was audaciously aggressive. Chin-hwa and In-su, despite being a Marksman and a Mage respectively—roles typically requiring support and protection—each moved solo. This bold decision raised eyebrows, leaving their most powerful players vulnerable. The three Assassins, forming the last group, didn't stay clumped together but moved in a loose formation, maintaining distance yet staying within striking range of each other.

"Bionocular has opted for a diversified approach, with lone Assassins scouting and the core trio prepared to contest artefacts directly. In contrast, Aerial's strategy is nothing short of aggressive. Both their key players, Chin-hwa and In-su, are moving solo. This is a high-risk, high-reward tactic," Soo-min's voice filled the hall.

Joon-ho's eyes narrowed as he watched the split formations. Bionocular's plan was methodical. With their stealth and speed, their lone Assassins aimed to collect undetected artefacts. The main trio—comprising the Marksmen and the Mage—were positioned to confront Aerial head-on, leveraging their numbers to control key points on the map.

In contrast, Aerial's strategy screamed aggression. Chin-hwa and In-su moving solo was an audacious move. Typically, a Marksman and a Mage would require support, but Aerial seemed confident in their ability to dominate individually. The three Assassins moved in a loose formation, ready to converge on any detected enemy.

"This split by Aerial is aggressive. No one is focused on collecting artefacts directly; they all seem poised to snatch artefacts from their opponents. The Assassins' loose formation ensures they can support each other rapidly while maintaining the element of surprise," Soo-min elaborated.

The big screen showed the initial movements. Bionocular's Assassins slipped through the terrain, using the map's features to stay hidden. The trio of Marksmen and Mage advanced cautiously but steadily, ready to engage any opposition. On the other side, Chin-hwa and In-su moved with confidence, their paths unerring and direct. The Assassins of Aerial, though spread out, maintained an unspoken connection, their movements synchronised yet unpredictable.

Joon-ho's mind raced as he absorbed the strategies. Bionocular's plan was solid, relying on a balance of stealth and confrontation. Aerial's approach, however, was more volatile. It depended heavily on the individual prowess of Chin-hwa and In-su and the swift, deadly support of their Assassins.

"This is a battle of wits and skill," Joon-ho thought. "Bionocular's methodical approach versus Aerial's aggressive gambit. Understanding how these strategies unfold will be crucial for Team Fire."

The tension in the hall was palpable as the teams continued their manoeuvres. Spectators leaned forward, eyes glued to the screen, anticipating the first clash. Joon-ho remained focused, knowing that the insights he gained today could make all the difference in the showdown.

As the match progressed, the two solo Assassins from Bionocular finally found the artefacts they were aiming for. Their mission was clear: collect the artefacts and return to base to secure them. With the artefacts in hand, they began to make their way back.

[2 Artefact located. Alerting all players.]

The game system's announcement echoed through the arena, putting immediate pressure on the Bionocular Assassins. This mechanic was designed to add a layer of tension and danger, acting as bait for the opposing team to intercept.

True to form, both Assassins found themselves encountering members of Aerial. Each Assassin, while still afar, met with an opponent. To their dismay, the players they encountered were none other than Chin-hwa and In-su.

Chin-hwa, with his precise marksmanship, and In-su, with his powerful magic, stood as formidable adversaries. The atmosphere grew tense as the two sides prepared to clash. Joon-ho watched intently, knowing that the outcome of these encounters could provide invaluable insights for Team Fire. He needed to observe how Chin-hwa and In-su handled these situations, their tactics, and their coordination—or lack thereof.

"This is it," Joon-ho thought, leaning forward. "This is what I need to see."

As the match approached its first major confrontation, the hall buzzed with anticipation, every eye fixed on the unfolding drama between Bionocular and Aerial.

Chin-hwa, the second-best Marksman in Korea, faced off against one of the Bionocular Assassins. On paper, the Assassin should have had the advantage. Assassins were designed to close gaps quickly and strike with lethal precision. But Chin-hwa's title was not just for show.

As the Assassin attempted to close in, Chin-hwa's movements were fluid and elusive. Every time the Assassin thought he had a clear path, Chin-hwa would sidestep or reposition, always maintaining the optimal distance. His reflexes and game sense were honed to perfection.

The Assassin knew he needed to get close to Chin-hwa to win this 1v1 encounter. However, with every step he took closer, Chin-hwa capitalized on the opening to fire precise shots. The further the Assassin stayed, the more opportunities he gave Chin-hwa to land his shots.

"Come on, get closer," the Assassin muttered under his breath, frustration mounting.

But Chin-hwa's marksmanship was impeccable. Each shot he fired was calculated, exploiting the smallest openings. The Assassin tried every trick he knew—zigzagging, using terrain for cover, even throwing a smoke bomb to obscure his movements. But nothing worked. Chin-hwa anticipated every move.

And then, as if written by fate, Chin-hwa landed a perfect shot. The bullet pierced the Assassin's heart, causing him to disappear in a flash of light.

[Aerial: Enemy Elimination!]

The artefact the Assassin had been carrying now lay at Chin-hwa's feet. He picked it up, his face calm and composed as if the elimination was nothing more than a routine exercise.

On the other side of the map, the other lone Assassin from Bionocular faced off against In-su. Like Chin-hwa, In-su's position as the third-best Mage in Korea was a testament to his skill. Mages were typically vulnerable to Assassins, who could quickly close the distance and eliminate them before they could cast their spells. But In-su was different.

The Assassin moved swiftly, his eyes locked on In-su, ready to strike. However, In-su's spellcasting was a spectacle to behold. His fingers danced in the air, weaving intricate patterns of magic with lightning speed. Every incantation was precise, and every spell was executed with flawless timing.

The Assassin dodged and weaved, trying to avoid the barrage of spells. Fireballs, ice shards, and arcane missiles flew through the air, each one narrowly missing its target. Joon-ho and the spectators watched in awe as In-su demonstrated the true power of a seasoned Mage.

In-su's quick spellcasting left the Assassin no room to breathe. The Assassin's frustration grew with each near miss. He tried to close the gap, using his agility to dart left and right, but In-su's spells seemed to anticipate his every move. It was like trying to dodge raindrops in a storm.

Then, one of In-su's spells caught the Assassin off guard. A binding spell rooted him in place, leaving him vulnerable. In-su seized the opportunity and unleashed a final spell, a torrent of flames that engulfed the Assassin, reducing him to ashes.

[Aerial: Enemy Elimination!]

Another artefact, initially in Bionocular's possession, was now claimed by Aerial. In-su stood amidst the fading embers, his expression one of calm confidence.

Joon-ho watched intently, knowing that the outcome of these encounters could provide invaluable insights for Team Fire. He needed to observe how Chin-hwa and In-su handled these situations, their tactics, and their coordination—or lack thereof. The hall buzzed with excitement and anticipation, every eye fixed on the unfolding drama between Bionocular and Aerial. The match had only just begun, and already it promised to be a display of top-tier NexaRealm gameplay.

Joon-ho leaned forward in his seat, his eyes glued to the screen as Chin-hwa and In-su demonstrated their unparalleled skills. The elimination of Bionocular's Assassins had not only shifted the momentum in Aerial's favour but also provided Joon-ho with crucial insights into their strategies and strengths. With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and the intensity of the match promised to reveal even more about the formidable team that could very well be Team Fire's final hurdle. The anticipation in the hall was palpable, and Joon-ho knew that every detail he absorbed now would be vital for the battles ahead.