

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasy
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127 Chs


Placing my tools back in my tool bag I gave a long wide stretch. Walked over to the customer handed the man his receipt, shook his hand than turned to walk to the work truck at the end of the driveway as my c- worker placed the last piece of equipment into the van.

The beginning of fall coming fast with the winds picking up for you could see the trees swaying with the cooler air arriving. The leaves on the trees were just at the starting point to change their colors as the reds and oranges started to take the place of the green foliage. For this was always my favorite season to drive around in. Driving back in my white van work truck after installing a new 2oo AMP service at a customer's house, I was cold and tired. Thanking God, it was Friday, for my vacation was starting in the early morning tomorrow. Jeff, an electrician's apprentice who I had been working with for the past seven months, was about five feet five in height with black dark hair. He always had the look as if he were going out that night with the haircut and thin bearded cut to perfection. A little pudgy but seemed to be a player with the girls. But all guys think they are when they are in their early twenties, asked "You all set for the big trip?"

"Of course, I am set for my vacation" I voiced out with a smile on my face.

The plane leaves tomorrow at 6 am and I have a feeling this is going to be a vacation that I will never forget. Jeff just gave a smile shaking his head, he knew what my vacation in tells since I have been talking about it for the past two months. I still cannot believe you of all people are going to Costa Rica to meet up with the people from "what is it called again?" he asked.

"Utherverse "I say while paying attention to the road as the light turned green.

"Oh yes Utherverse" with a sarcastic tone.

All I could do was smile back and shrug. How is it a guy who must have everything in a certain order, needs blueprints, and specific on every piece of equipment that we use and yet you are going to meet so called friends from this online game in another country, I just do not get it!

"Don't forget it is all paid for," I say.

Oh, yes all paid for by the people who you do not know at all from an on-line game, oh yes how I could have forgotten. You are fucking crazy for doing this and even though it seems something so strange that I would do it, I hope you have a fun time. I just gave him a smile "so do I" I said, "so do I."

Thankfully, the job was only eight miles away from where we were working. I turned off the highway ramp turned right then another right. A red brick building came into view. I pulled into the back of the building passing the other work vans that had already finished and went home. We unload the scrap wire and other materials from the van. I parked the van after unloading said my last see you later to Jeff, walked in to the building with the big green sign Merrimack Electric on the door. Using the key card in my wallet to unlock the back door.