

When I found Jazz I was relieved. I'm kinda a shy person till I get to know someone and I don't usually like big crowds. I have only ever lived in a small town(except for college). The busiest place there was the bar my parents ran and I worked at but even that never had as many people as there was here. Jazz was with a group of people, even in heels she was the shortest one (she usually was) but she was always easy to spot. She has one of those personalities that everyone seemed to love and trust she was such a happy person she seemed to brighten up wherever she went. Her chocolate hair hung down around her face in curls it went well with her sun kissed skin. I got to her she smiled and introduced me to the people she was with. Most of them worked with her, there was Anna she is tall and slim with short black hair she was a PR rep like Jazz. then there was Josh who is on the shorter side and handsome with shaggy blond hair, he was an interviewer. There was also Mathew Jazz's boyfriend. I have met him once before he was a really nice guy, he was tall with a slim muscular build he used to be in private security but now he runs the security for the same company Jazz works for. They are all vary nice, they seem to all be vary close good friends. Jazz said "looks like you need a drink Rosie" and grabbed me a drink from a waiter, it was a vodka mule one of my favorites I started drinking it happily and the group fell in to an easy conversation. Jazz mentioned I am new to the city so Anna asked "what do you think of the city so far?" I told her "I haven't seen much but what I have seen is gorgeous but really busy and crowded." They all laughed at that and nodded in agreement. Josh asked "where are you from?" "small town in Texas" I replied. "oh so this is different" said Josh. They all had to separate to do some mingling with old clients and potential new ones, this party was work for them which is crazy to think about that this is a job. I had finished my drink and went to go get another I drink it when I walked around not knowing anyone else but the bar I was at was beautiful so I was checking out the decor. I finished the second drink fast then I looked around to see if I can find Jazz. When I looked around I saw how many people were there it was really crowded and vary loud. I couldn't see anyone I knew. All of a sudden I couldn't see straight and my body started trembling, my heart felt like it was gonna beat out of my chest and my fingers felt numb. My breath cought in my throat and my fave felt hot. I closed my eyes not knowing what is happening. Then I felt a light touch on my shoulder and heard a smooth voice say breath. I opened my eyes and saw a calm face with deep blue eyes leaning close to me. "Follow me" he said softly and bit his arm lightly around my shoulders and guided me out the back where there was no people. I leaned against the building and took a deep breath. The warm spring night felt good on my skin. When I was able to get my breath and heart beat under control I was able to see who was with me. He was taller them me, around 6 foot, he was muscular but not overly so. He had a handsome face with a square jaw and a scruffy beard. He has high cheek bones and stormy blue eyes and and fluffy mess of dark brown hair. He was looking at my with a worried expression. I had never met him but he looked vaguely familiar. When he saw me looking at him his face calmed a little, he smirked and said "hi my name is Sebastian."