
New Worlds' Extra: Dream Forge Legacy

Even the main character starts at the start line. imagine if you were suddenly thrown in the unknown world, only to realize it was a novel that you were writing. the cover isn't mine i took it from pinterest if you are the creator and don't want me to use it please massage me and i will gladly take it off

WriteOnovel · Fantasy
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24 Chs

realization, motivation.

As I exited the classroom, the looming anticipation of our second class, "Weapon Mastery and Selection," left me pondering a crucial decision: what weapon should I choose? The truth was, I had absolutely no knowledge of weapon usage, let alone any inkling of the powers my nexus affinity bestowed upon me. All I knew was that it involved flames, though I wasn't certain if I could unleash them in any meaningful way. The situation was as baffling as it was frustrating. Should I follow the crowd and pick up a sword, or perhaps venture into archery? My mind was a whirlwind of stress, and I contemplated focusing on physical training to at least build a foundation.

As I entered the training room, I observed fellow students engrossed in their training routines, practicing with swords and bows. Among them were characters who seemed to attract chaos: Erica Autumn, who effortlessly hit bullseyes with her bow, caught my attention momentarily. I couldn't deny her beauty, but I swiftly reminded myself that I was above being captivated by mere charm. I was the architect of this world, after all. Collecting myself, I focused on my physical exercises, trying to strengthen my body. Time slipped by, and although I could only manage 40 minutes of training, it still marked an improvement. I showered and headed to the "Weapon Mastery and Selection" class.

Upon entering, I found myself amidst a crowd of students, all gathered before a colossal gate, Professor Gray leading the proceedings. The professor shared some instructions as the gate swung open, revealing an astonishing array of weapons. It was an overwhelming sight, with swords, wands, and every conceivable weapon at our disposal everything here costed more than 50,000 nions. As students surged forward to make their selections, I was paralyzed by indecision. I considered approaching Professor Gray for guidance. Perhaps he could shed light on what had impressed the evaluators.

Summoning courage, I addressed Professor Gray, stuttering slightly as I requested his recommendation. The room fell into silence, every eye trained on me, intensifying my embarrassment. He scrutinized my evaluation on a device and began explaining my abilities. Apparently, I could focus mana in my arms and legs to unleash potent attacks, though it came with risks such as potential self-inflicted injuries. Thanking the professor, I quickly grabbed a pair of protective gloves. A feeling of humiliation hung in the air, and I sensed lingering whispers about my earlier awkwardness.

My choice is a glove, I observed my classmates' selections. Their weapons were laid bare, each revealing a glimpse into their powers. Among the hushed conversations, I overheard snippets of their discussions. One student boasted about selecting a gun, with an affinity for magical bullets and gun enhancement. Another shared their affinity for plant creation, though their choice of a wand was met with stifled laughter. The dynamics and camaraderie among the students were becoming clearer, each one harnessing unique abilities that would undoubtedly shape their futures.

As the class concluded for the day, I retreated to my dormitory, evading the frustrated glances shot my way. In the privacy of my room, I attempted to recall Professor Gray's words. Concentrating mana in a specific area seemed pivotal. With eyes closed, I focused on my right hand, resulting in a curious warmth. My eyes snapped open, my hand engulfed in white flames, only to be followed by a scalding sensation. It became apparent that I could indeed manipulate these flames, albeit with caution. I also remembered my protective gloves, ready for experimentation.

As I headed to the training room, it struck me that I still had ample time for practice. It was already 1 pm, leaving me with several hours before the day concluded. I embarked on training, pushing myself physically and testing my newfound powers. However, my training was suddenly interrupted by three students who confronted me aggressively. Their intentions were clear: they sought to assert dominance and challenge my presence at Etherstar Academy.

The ringleader, a burly student with a scowl etched into his features, stepped forward and sneered, "Hey you there, wait! You piece of shit." His words dripped with contempt, and I felt a surge of unease wash over me.

Confused by their sudden attention and hostility, I responded hesitantly, "What do you want?" I tried to mask my uncertainty, though my voice may have betrayed me slightly.

The leader's tone turned mocking as he continued, "Huh, why are you acting so cocky? You didn't even know what equipment you should have gotten, and you call yourself an Etherstar student? Don't make me laugh, you piece of shit. How did you manage to get into one of the best academies? Your aura isn't even F rank. Tell us, how did you cheat your way in, huh?"

As his words cut into me, I found myself caught off guard, struggling to find a suitable response. Before I could react, the leader threw a fist toward me, and I instinctively raised my arms to shield myself. I had no intention of engaging in a physical confrontation, but their aggression left me with few options.

The blows landed, and I could feel their force reverberate through my arms. I winced, gritting my teeth against the pain as the realization set in: they were physically stronger than me. With every punch, their taunts and jeers echoed in the air, their insults serving as a cruel reminder of my vulnerability.

Caught between anger and fear, I fought to suppress the urge to retaliate. Using my mana to defend myself would result in severe consequences, potentially leading to my expulsion. The very rules I had established as part of Etherstar's framework now bound my hands and stifled my ability to defend against their onslaught.

Eventually, their torment ceased, their attention seemingly drawn elsewhere. As they swaggered away, leaving me battered and bruised, I could only watch in silence. The pain, both physical and emotional, lingered long after they were gone, a bitter reminder of my past struggles with bullying and mistreatment.

With a deep breath, I reclaimed my focus, determined to channel my frustration and humiliation into my training. While my powers were still a mystery to me, I knew that I needed to grow stronger—to become someone who could defend themselves against any challenge that came their way.

Hours stretched on, my determination unwavering as I threw myself into my regimen. When I finally emerged from my training-induced trance, I realized I was one of the last occupants of the room. Kael Blackthorn's presence nearby served as a catalyst for my decision to call it a day. I had achieved my goal: to outlast Kael's training session.

As I exited the training room, a mix of exhaustion and elation washed over me. I checked the time on my mobile phone and was met with surprise—nearly ten hours had passed since I had entered the room. Despite the trials and tribulations I had faced throughout the day, a spark of determination burned within me. I prepared myself for a quick shower and some much-needed rest, knowing that tomorrow was another opportunity to explore my newfound abilities and navigate the challenges of Etherstar Academy.

kean's pov

As the training room emptied, I found myself amidst the few remaining students, including an unfamiliar face. Observing him from a distance, I couldn't help but notice his persistence and dedication. While most students had left to tend to their own affairs, the unnamed individual continued his training with unwavering determination. His actions intrigued me, evoking a curiosity I hadn't felt in a while.

In a sense, the unknown student stood apart from the rest of us. He didn't exude the same air of confidence or competence that many others displayed. Yet, his perseverance in the face of uncertainty was an uncommon trait, one that set him apart from his peers. Despite his earlier awkwardness and subsequent torment, he remained undeterred.

I had watched him from the corner of my eye, training diligently and pushing himself to his limits. There was a rawness to his efforts, a genuine desire to improve that resonated with me. As he engaged in his exercises, I realized that perhaps there was more to this unknown student than met the eye.

With the late hour, and as I left the room, I couldn't shake the impression that the unnamed student was challenging himself in some way, perhaps to outlast everyone else. The sounds of his exertions filled the air, a testament to his determination and the energy he had poured into his training.

Walking the halls of Etherstar Academy, I couldn't shake the lingering echo of his efforts. The unknown student's unique spirit left a mark, a silent reminder of the trials and challenges we all faced as we sought to unlock our potential in this prestigious academy.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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