
New world?

Odanemushi23 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The beginning of a new me?

I can remember it like it was yesterday, Yes that day I lost everything..


Why can't I just forget that one and only memory it's such a bother my old family that moment I last saw those smiles was the day i woke up here..

I can't really tell what exactly I am but what I do know that an infant I am. Oh yes they have given me a new name Azula Huh! Oh how I miss my so much beautiful body haha I was a shrimp and now I have a tail I have turned into a half Lizard human.

And that's not even the most important part yet.

I have been reduce into an infant huh! This cruel world. My new parents are always around i can never have alone time it seems like they can't stop looking at me is looking at a drooling child that much fun?..

Huh.. Fathers is talking… darling tomorrow we're going to have a celebration with the clansman..

yes husband.. it is time for them to meet Azula our beautiful daughter.. with a smile on their face they prepare to go to bed with their daughter between them., they kiss her good night as they fall asleep waiting for the impending morning and the big celebration that is to come..