
A confrontation of brothers Pt.2

`` = quotation marks

A day had gone by since Wes had been hanged, Enrico was in the hospital and the man who caused it was currently making his way back to his apartment.

As he started to go up the stairs to his apartment someone, suddenly ran behind him at the foot of the stairs.

He quickly spun around to find no one.

"Hey, who the hell is it?" The man yelled down the stairs.

"Is it that dumbass who wanted me to look into some adultery case or somethin'?" The man continued to yell before starting to reach for his gun.

"If you don't wanna get shot then show that ugly mug o' yours."

As the man brought up his hand, he noticed that snails were coming out of his arm.

The man yelled out in pain as his arm was being torn apart by the snails coming out of his arm.

"Hey, you're big on information right? You know a lot of things, so tell me...why the hell are snails falling from the sky all of a sudden? Where are they coming from? Why are they only falling around me?" Someone said behind him.

The man fell to his back in shock at the sudden voice.

"Wh-who the fuck are you?" The detective shouted in fear as he pointed his gun at the figure.

"Is it true?" The man standing in front of the now-shaking man asked. "Was Perla's brother the one that hire you?"

The detective looked up at the young man that he had supposedly killed not too long ago. "It can't be you!" The man shouted in both anger and fear. "You, you bastard! I hung you!"

As the man was getting ready to shoot, he had forgotten about the situation with the snails coming out of his arm. And as a result, his arm fell to face him as he pulled the trigger, killing himself.

Wes wasn't bothered by what he had seen. Well not on the surface at least.

Picking up the now dead detective's revolver. He held it up to his head and pulled the trigger.

Yet nothing happened. The hammer of the gun had tried to move yet something had stopped it.

Opening up the chamber, Wes found that it had been clogged full with water. It was so bad that the water was pushing the bullets out of the chamber.

Frustrated Wes dropped the gun and made his way out of the building.

He was filled with anger. Angry at everyone in his life. Angry by the fact that he was still alive. And angry at himself, who let Perla die.

After regaining consciousness, Wes realised what had happened to Perla. Wes too threw himself off the cliff to end himself.

Only to get blown into the cliff face by a sudden strong wind. He did survive but was left with a broken shoulder.

He tried to drown himself in the mountains lake but was pushed back to shore by strong waves.

Why couldn't he die? This was the question that he had asked himself.

His desire to die stemmed from his rage toward the people that had wronged him. And as his attempts were continually foiled his anger grew to not just those involved but to humanity in general. Not out of a personal hate. But because no one that he had met could kill him.

On the 4th day after Perla's death, snails started to rain from the sky.

Why snails?

Where were they coming from?

No one could answer these questions.

Sometimes they would come out of cell phones. Or out of unopened beer cans from the refrigerator. Even out of an unsuspecting sheriff's eye.

No one knew.

After waking up in the hospital Enrico nearly immediately started to look around for the disc that came out of Perla's head. He was sure there was something important about it. And if he was right in what he suspected it to be, then there was no way he was leaving without it.

"You're looking in the wrong place, yes~?" A voice that he was all too familiar with hearing said.

"Well if you know where it is then tell me! You've been hanging around me for so long, so I'm sure you saw where they took the disc." Enrico sarcastically said.

The voice didn't respond for a few seconds. As Enrico made his way out the room door the voice responded.

"If it is the arrow and disc you seek, then make that notion known and they shall appear. Yes~."

Enrico paused for a second before responding in anger. "Do you even understand what your saying? You want to pull an object out of nowhere!"

"Trust me, yes~. You trust yourself, no~?" The voice said.

Reluctantly Enrico followed the voice's instructions. He didn't feel any difference in his surroundings and was about to yell at the voice for wasting his time until he left two objects in his hands.

Looking down he saw both the disc and the arrow in his hands.

"H-how?" Enrico asked in disbelief. "Is this your ability?"

"In a way, yes. If you want, just reverse what you did and they will leave, yes." The voice said

Doing as the voice said Enrico watched as the sunk into his hand. His palm seemed to ripple as the arrow vanished into it.

Quite confused by this Enrico started to make his way out of the hospital.

On his way, he started to notice snails crawling on the floor, walls and ceiling. Making him more confused than he already was. He even saw a man whose eye was turning into a snail.

When he got to the entrance he saw that not only was it nighttime but that there were snails everywhere. He even saw a few that fell from the sky to their death.

Thinking for a bit Enrico realised what was going on.

"If my theory is right then Wes had also gained some form of power. My only guess is that that stone arrow had something to do with it."

Drawing the disc that came out of Perla back into his hand, Enrico went out to search for his brother.

Not too long after he left the hospital, Enrico found his brother.

"Heh." A small laugh escaped Enrico's mouth, drawing Wes's attention. "I suppose even god even has jokes. I might not even believe in it but the fact that we met so easily must be some kind of fate." Enrico said.

Wes, looking at the person in front of him instinctively knew who it was.

"I don't see how you can be laughing at a time like this. I mean, are you happy?" Wes started, anger slowly building in his voice. "Your sister, Perla, died because of your fucking request. And because of you, my anger can't be satiated. So to do that I'll end you right here." Wes said as he began to walk towards Enrico.

"Why would you believe I wanted this. Why would I want my sister or you, my brother, to die or be hurt like this." Enrico said as he began walking towards his brother.

Not sure how to react and wanting answers, Wes rushed forwards to his brother, ready to attack. He was fully planning to beat the answers out of his brother if Enrico didn't say anything more.

Quickly jumping around Wes, the entity that's been following Enrico summoned itself and sliced Wes's head open. Only instead of blood, a disc came out. One that looked exactly the same as the one that came out of Perla.

Enrico got a brief look at the power that Wes got. A muscular humanoid mass of clouds with a pair of pure red pupil-less eyes that have vertical stripes on them. Its face possesses a mask-like structure with spikes angled diagonally topping its head. Though a majority of its body lacks identifiable armour or clothing, it has knuckle braces on its hands. Its feet have wing-like clouds resembling the shoes of the Greek god Hermes on them.

Enrico looked on as Wes fell to the floor unconscious. Looking at the entity that came out of his and that was currently holding the disc.

It had a humanoid torso with long arms. long enough to keep it off the ground. Instead of hands, it had a small reddish-black ball with five, large finger-like claws attached to it. These balls also replaced its elbows but were larger than the ones in its hands

It had four pupil-less pure yellow eyes with vertical stripes on them, two where they normally are and one on each side of its head and no visible mouth. A pitch-black glowing halo hovered just above its eyes around its head. And on its head were two small jackal-like ears on both sides of the top of its head.

It didn't have legs. In their sted six thin sharp metal tendrils that hung from the torso. On its forearms and neck was a thick coat of dark scarlet fur. Its body was a lighter scarlet with the word GΔCT written in lines across the body.

Enrico watched as the entity, still holding onto the disc, used its remaining hand to `walk` toward him. Its fingers, which were usually in a five stared formation, moved around the ball to create a hand. Digging its fingers into the concrete it began leaping towards him.

Handing him the disc the entity's hands returned to five stared formation.

"I'm sorry Domenico." Enrico started as the snails started to disappear. "Perhaps under different circumstances. We wouldn't have fought. Perhaps we could've been an actual family. But for now, I'll have to kill you. Well, your memories at least. After all, a man without his memories may as well have been a dead man."

I'll have a section for stands, their stats and abilities if you ever forget them. If any new information is given then it will appear in their page.

GrandSplix777creators' thoughts