
New World: The Legendary General

Jack was an 18-year-old with no hope for the future who found a way to escape reality in a brand new fully immersive virtual reality game (New Word). After 10 years of playing and evolving in the game Jack found himself tired and mentally worn out even after trying hard not to make his guild one of the biggest in the game. However he was hit by a flying flaming toaster and woke up 10 years earlier on the same day the game was released. Is this a legendary chance to change your future?

patinhoDEUSVULT · Games
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Jack put on his coat and left the house, "It looks just like I remember." He thought looking at the crowded and noisy streets of a big city, people were talking about all sorts of things and subjects making it look like a big market in the (New World).

"What nostalgia." Jack thought upon seeing a Lan House that he used to frequent in his student days, with a small chime he entered the store and saw a great friend of his who had followed him during his entire life spent at the counter.

"Hey guys look who arrived!" Charles who was working gave a huge smile when he saw Jack and announced his presence to everyone in the place before jumping over the table and wrapping his friend in a warm hug, "Dude you're gone, the (New World) servers are about to open and everyone is already planning to meet in the game." Charles informed Jack of the news and the latter just smiled as he patted his friend on the back.

"My immersion capsule has already been installed, but I'm a little afraid to get into it." Jack said to his friend as the two sat at a table and started talking, "Afraid of what? The capsules are totally safe and can't harm users!" Charles said not understanding his friend's concerns.

"It's not safe." Jack said softly and let out a long sigh, only he knew how addicted people will get to playing the game forgetting even their normal personal lives, however although he may not be living proof of this people were clearly happier in the past. game than in real life.

"Although I don't want to, I will play for myself as well as my family and friends." Jack thought and looked at Charles who was downing a glass of guarana without any hint of politeness, "Or at least I must believe so." Jack thought and got up from his chair.

"I'm going home to get ready to connect, how about you Charles?" Jack asked Charles.

"I plan on logging in as soon as I get home which is after my work hours, so you can start without me!" He said and Jack said goodbye going straight home.


Back home I went upstairs and entered my room closing the door and opening the game capsule, "There are 5 minutes left for the servers to open." I looked at the clock on the wall that showed 4:46.

Soon the 5 minutes passed and I lay down on the bed before starting the login, "Link start!" I uttered and felt like I lost control of my body for a moment before sinking into a sea of ​​darkness.

Soon a strong light shone on the horizon illuminating everything around me and I heard some notifications from the device.


(Vital signs OK)

(Energy OK)

(Internet connection OK)

(Starting Login to (New World!)

With the words of the system another strong light shone in the background and the scenery around me began to form, grass appeared on my feet, the sun shone over the horizon and the clear blue sky was in my head.

"It's just the way I remember it." I muttered as I looked ahead and a light shone in that place before a little girl with angel wings appeared, "Hello my name is Aika, I'm your assistant and guide in (New World)!" Aika said as she stretched her wings and circled around me.

"Let's start with your name Adventurer." She said and a blue screen appeared in front of me with a space to write a name, in my past life my name had been Impassible Mountain but I think I should choose something more discreet in this life.

"Let's see, why not put my real name?" I wondered as I remembered that sooner or later people would find out each other's names in real life, he'd even been given an affectionate nickname during his heyday in the game by his enemies.

Jack the Impaler.

This moniker came with the incredible feat of impaling over 1,000 players in a single Guild War and later became his calling card in the circle of demigods, "Let's go with Jack anyway then." I said and hit the confirm button.

"Nice to meet you Jack, would you like to hear about how the rules of the world work?" Aika asked myself and although I already knew, I decided to listen again just to be sure.

"The (New World) is a place where knowledge and effort plus luck can allow you to do anything you want, from opening the seas to conjuring super cool storms to fry your enemies!" Aika said opening her arms trying to show how great the effects were before continuing.

(In this world there are no levels, the experience gained can be used to learn knowledge or improve existing techniques but of course there is a limit to that and after a certain point you will have to develop yourself.)

(Here we also have a force divider which is made up of 3 layers with 3 stars on each.


1 star - Cannon fodder

2 stars - Illuminated

3 stars- Mortal Kingdom Peak


1 Star - Realm of the Body

2 Stars - Realm of the Spirit

3 Stars - Realm of the Soul


1 Star - Lesser God

2 Stars - God of Origin

3 Stars - God of creation)

"In my previous life I reached the Spirit Realm as a Demigod and was prevented from going higher due to my elemental attribute, I hope that in this life I can resolve it." I thought and continued to pay attention to the explanation.

(Items can be divided into Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical and Divine. But know that if you're not strong enough you won't be able to exercise the full potential of a given item!) Aika warned with a serious face and continued his explanation.

After that she explained how the culture of the continent works in which the players would start, explained that the day has 48 hours being 32 hours of day and 16 hours of night, she also explained that we can control the limit of pain we feel but if we decrease below 60% our senses will get a little worse.


Today's chapter.