
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[3.19] Member Search Part 3

Leonardo had previously successfully recruited two new members. Now it was Steven's turn to recruit him.

"Steven, are there people playing badminton over there?" Leonardo said.

"Yes, that's right, the one with the red racket," Steven said.

"Why did you choose him?" said Leonardo.

"Take a quick look at the game," Steven said.

Leonardo then noticed the student appointed by Steven.

After observing him briefly, Leonardo realized that the student had very good reflexes.

"Hm... your eyes are observant too," Leonardo said.

"Then, let's call him. Uh, wait a minute, let him finish his match. He'll win soon," Steven said.

Steven and Leonardo waited for him to finish playing while watching him play.

"He's done," Leonardo said. Then they both went to the student.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" said Steven.

The student was a little confused, then his friend told him to just go with Steven and Leonardo.

"Hm, what's going on?" said the student.

"You have something to say, can you join us for a moment?" said Steven.

The student seemed unwilling to speak, but eventually agreed after some thought.

Then the three of them returned to the rather quiet seat where they had recruited Waryadi.

"Anu... what's wrong?" said the student.

"Don't be nervous, there's no problem. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Steven and he's Leonardo," Steven said, introducing himself.

"O ... yes, also introduce, my name is Bobi," Bobi said.

"Well then, Bobi, get on with it. We saw you playing badminton earlier and you have good reflexes. So, we invite you to join our club," Steven said.

"Club? What club is that?" Bobi said.

"The Club of Helpers, you know?" said Steven.

"Oh... The Helper Club, I know. It's a pretty famous club because it helps a lot of other clubs. So, why would this multi-talented club want to recruit me?" said Bobi.

"Multi-talented, that's too much. It's filled with weird people like him," Steven said, pointing at Leonardo.

"Oi, realize bro... tech enthusiast," Leonardo said.

"Hahaha..." Bobi laughed at that.

"Um... that's getting off topic. So, how about it? Do you want to?" said Steven.

"Sorry, can't. I'm already in the badminton club. Having two activities is troublesome," Bobi said.

"It's okay, we're not as busy as others," Steven said a little panicked because it looked like he was going to refuse.

"Seriously, I really can't divide my time. I'm afraid that if I join your club, my study hours will be reduced," said Bobi.

"Seriously, don't worry about it," Steven said, starting to panic.

"Seriously, you can't. But why do you want me to join your club so badly?" Bobi said.

"Hm... well, the reason is a bit complicated. But can you come over first this afternoon? Just have a look around first," Steven said.

"Phew... okay, I'll be there later, but I haven't said I'm joining yet," Bobi said.

"Oh! Thank you, we'll wait," Steven said.

"That's it, then I'm back there," Bobi said.

"Wait, here, take the isotonic drink," Leonardo said, handing over the drink.

"Oh! Thank you," Bobi said, and he went to his friends' place.

It was quiet as Bobi left the place.

"It's a good thing he wants to go to the club, Steven," Leonardo said with an annoyed look on his face.

"I don't know what you mean, but somehow you're annoying," Steven said.

"Alright, are there any other candidates?" said Leonardo.

"Hm... nothing like that," said Steven.

"Then we'll go somewhere else," Leonardo said.

Leonardo and Steven ended their search at the gym.

Then, in another member club, the women are also looking for new members.

Amelia, Laras, and Hana went to the open cafeteria, different from the others.

"Hm, this park is always crowded, isn't it?" said Laras.

"Of course, this park is great. There's food for sale too," said Amelia.

"Then let's sit there first. Find the members casually," Hana said.

Then the three of them looked for a place to sit.

"Hey, I'm going to get some snacks. You guys stay put," Amelia said.

Amelia went around the park to look for snacks that she thought were delicious, while Laras and Hana sat in the park.

"This school has a unique cafeteria garden. The designer of this building has a unique taste too," Hana said.

"Yes, it's unique. Moreover, our break time has increased from 30 minutes to 75 minutes," said Laras.

"Yes, but our time at school is getting longer," Hana complained.

"I have no problem with that. Our current school is very comfortable and studying anywhere feels good. I even feel like living in a dormitory," said Laras.

"Yes, indeed. Large area, good organization, complete facilities, cheap food. Eh...! Is there really such an ideal school?" said Hana, a little surprised by her own statement.

"There is. Now we're in that ideal school," said Laras.

After a few minutes, Amelia arrived after buying some food and she also brought some people with her.

"Oh, you brought a lot of people," Hana said.

"Let's find a wider seat," said Amelia.

Then find a spacious seat like a picnic table that fits up to eight people.

Amelia and the friend she brought put all the food she bought together to eat.

"Hana, Laras, let me introduce the new member candidates. There's Aprilia, Clare, Chiharu, Fina, and Jiao," Amelia said.

"Uh, are you five serious?" said Hana.

"Yeah... actually the five of us were looking for a club too. So when we were having a snack, Amel suddenly called us and told us to join your club," said Clare.

"Don't you already have a club?" said Laras.

"Yes, but everyone left. We have our own reasons for that, but most importantly, since that incident, our club members have dwindled a lot. So the club activities have become dull and uninteresting," Jiao said.

"Ehe... then you're not wrong to choose to enter our club. There are no conditions and of course our activities are mostly helping other people's work, precisely other clubs. So activities are very exciting because they keep changing," Hana said promoting the club.

"That's what our club's marketing publicist said," Amelia laughed.

"Hey, our club doesn't have anything like that!" said Hana.

They all laughed at the little comedy.

"So that's the only reason you want to join our club?" said Laras.

"Hm, yes... for me, it's because I want to find new activities," said Clare.

"I'm the same," said Fina.

"I was just curious about the activities of the Helper club, as it's quite popular in our school," Jiao said.

"For me, it's because I want to be able to try new things," said Chiharu.

"You all have reasonable reasons. I just want to enter because I have nothing to do and I live in a dormitory, so I just want to fill my free time," said Aprilia.

"Ok, it's been decided. You are officially a member of our club today," Amelia said.

And the eight of them ate the food and chatted until the afternoon when it was time for the club members to reconvene.

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