
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[2.4] Training Part 1

A new day has arrived, a peaceful morning has come again. Everyone began to rebuild the city and build defenses against monster attacks.

"Hoam....," Radit yawned awake. He looked at the curtained window, a little light penetrating from outside.

Radit got up from his bed and approached the curtains. He saw Raka who was sleeping so contentedly that his mouth was gaping.

"Crazy, this kid, sleeping with his mouth open," Radit said, then held the curtain and opened it wide, "Good morning!" he exclaimed.

Raka, who was fast asleep, was startled awake and reflexively closed his eyes, then took the blanket and covered his whole body. "Akh... glare... turn off the light," said Raka, still half awake.

"Hoi... wake up, it's morning!" said Radit and forcefully pulled the blanket covering Raka. "Wake up, take a quick shower, remember there's a training session," Radit said.

"Akhmmmm... hm... yes... go ahead, I'll be a minute. I still fill my life first," said Raka lying on his bed. Hearing that, Radit quickly took a shower.

A few moments later, Radit finished bathing and came out of the bathroom. "I'm done," he said. "Yes..." said Raka.

Still wearing a towel, Radit saw that his smartphone was on. It turned out that there was an incoming group broadcast message, so he looked at it. It turned out to be a broadcast message from Leonardo, the contents were, "You guys have showered, can go straight to the dining room where we had dinner yesterday, after that we will do superpower training."

After reading that, Radit immediately put on his clothes and realized that he had no more clothes. Then, he opened the wardrobe in the hotel room and found that it contained a lot of clothes.

"Wow... this is super premium service," said Radit, who was amazed by the Amarta family.

Some time passed, and Radit finished changing his clothes. "Wow, I'm so handsome," he said as he looked in the mirror. "But how come all these clothes fit me so well? It gives me goosebumps," he said and began to be a little afraid of the Amarta family.

I'd better go to the dining room now. When I went out, Raka had finished his bath.

"Uh, where are you going?" said Raka.

"I'm going to the dining room where we had dinner yesterday, try to check our group chat," said Radit.

"Okay," said Raka.

As Radit was about to close the door to his room, Raka said, "Oi wait, the clothes! What am I wearing?!" he said.

"Look in the closet on the left, it looks like it's the right size for all of you," Radit said and closed the door.

Raka saw the cupboard and opened it. "Wow, this is awesome! Premium member!" she shouted happily.

Radit arrived at the Amarta family dining room. The dining room door was opened by two waiters waiting in front of the room. After he entered, he saw the figures of eight people sitting eating.

They are Britta, Amelia, Laras, Hana, Leonardo, Steven, and the other two are Leonardo's siblings Citra Amarta and Lais Amarta.

"Oh, Radit's finally here," Steven said. Radit didn't immediately reply to his words, he approached Steven and sat next to him.

"Since when have you been here?" said Radit.

"Just arrived, with Leonardo and the girls," Steven said.

Shortly from his seat, a female waiter arrived near Radit and placed the food in front of him.

"Thank you," Radit said to the waitress who delivered his food. The waitress did not reply to Radit's words, but only smiled and slightly bowed her head and left.

"The waitress is pretty, isn't she, Radit? I don't think her age is too different from ours," said Steven.

"Well, if I'm honest, she's beautiful," said Radit. Hearing Radit and Steven's conversation, it seems that Hana and Laras are not happy.

"Radit, where's Raka?" asked Leonardo.

"She'll catch up in a minute, she was just finishing her shower when I left for here." Radit replied.

"The others?" Leonardo asked again.

"Hm...don't know..." Radit replied.

Shortly after the conversation, the dining room door opened and Raka, Jiyan, Fauzan, and Gilbert were seen entering.

"Wow, long life, we just talked about it, the person came right away." Amelia said.

Those who had just arrived did not immediately sit on the empty benches that were still available.

"You guys took so long, don't you think you did the morning ritual first?" Leonardo said in a slightly frontal tone. Hearing this, Steven and Radit who were eating immediately choked, as well as Citra who was drinking tea. Meanwhile, Amelia, Britta, Laras, and Hana did not seem to understand the meaning of Leonardo's words.

At the same time, Raka spontaneously replied to Leonardo's words, "Where is there, woi!" he said while looking at Leonardo.

"Eh... as if I believed it. But I think you understand what it means, rather than Amelia, Britta, Laras and Hana." Leonardo said with a mocking smile.

"Leo, don't make a scene!" said Citra.

"Oh... I'm so scared." said Leonardo, still in a mocking tone.

"Leo, don't be like that. Look, big brother's ears are already red. That means he knows what Leo was talking about." Lais said.

"You are, huh...!" Citra said and grabbed Lais by the collar.

"Aduduh, Kak Citra, calm down, don't get angry. If you continue like this, the holy image in the eyes of the four holy women will be exposed, you know." said Lais. Hearing that, Citra looked at Radit's four female friends who were staring at her. After that, Citra became silent.

Some time passed, they all finished eating.

"Come on, let's go now." Leonardo said. Out of curiosity, Lais asked, "Leo, where are you going with the others?" asked Lais.

"We're going to the training room downstairs." Leonardo replied.

"What are you doing downstairs? Why is it underground?" asked Lais.

"Of course, for special training to awaken superpowers." Leonardo replied.

"Oh, I want to come. I want to see how strong you all are." said Lais, getting up. "Eits, where are you going? Did you forget what Dad said? You have to help Brother Liam." reprimanded Citra.

"Oh, yes... ouch, forgot. Yes, never mind, next time." replied Lais.

"Ok, then, we'll go first." Leonardo said and they all left.

They arrived at the 3rd floor underground, a special room for the training of family servants and guards.

They entered a special room that had just been created. The walls and security of the room were very different from the others, like it was specially made to be resistant to anything.

"Let's go in." Leonardo said. They all followed Leonardo into the room and walked to the front where there was another door.

After Leonardo opened the door, a large white room appeared. There were several people fighting each other, but upon closer inspection, it turned out that they were fighting using superpowers.

"Oh, look at that. The young master and his friends." said one of the people there and slowly those in the training room stopped fighting. "Yes, that's right. What is it that the young master came here with the others?" asked one of the people who approached Leonardo.

"I want to awaken the superpowers of my friends. Please help them." Leonardo said while looking at Radit and the others.

"Oh oh... yes, take it easy. I'm also curious about their strength. All of you who are not busy, help the young master's friends to awaken their powers." said the person.

"Now, for you, please change into your special clothes. Follow the man and woman in white." said the person.

They all followed the person's direction to change into special clothes, including Leonardo.

"Choose the pattern and color you like." said one of the staff dressed in a white labotarium coat.

The special suits are first-generation standardized suits that are made and designed to be extremely strong and resistant to anything from tearing. Users will not feel burned, cold, wet and other unpredictable.

This is a special outfit for beginners who want to figure out their superpowers.

Some time passed, and they finished changing.

"Isn't this outfit a little tight, huh?" said Hana.

"It's not a little bit, it's really tight. All my curves are visible," said Britta.

"Ma'am, are there no other clothes?" said Amelia.

"There isn't. This outfit is the first generation, so the design is just that." said the woman dressed in white like the people from the laboratory.

"Oho, beautiful view." said Leonardo, looking at the woman with Steven and Raka.

"Yup, everyone has changed their clothes. Let's unleash your power, now gather." someone said, they all gathered to the source of the voice.

"Okay, we will introduce the three of us. First from me, Bilgard Hars, I am a servant of the Amarta family." Bilgard said.

"I'm Lampart. Only Lampart. I am the Lampart family guard." said Lampart.

"Troops? Your family has mercenaries?" Gilbert said to Leonardo. "They're not mercenaries, they're family guards. Well, you might as well come to that conclusion." said Leonardo.

"I'm the last. My name is Luna Valks from the family guard too." Luna said.

"Ok, now we start the first test, Lampart - Luna take the device." Bilgard said.

Lampart and Luna pushed a sizable device like a weighing scale.

"Now, first you try standing on that." Bilgard said pointing at Amelia.

"Uh, me first?" said Amelia. She complied and climbed up the device.

"Okay, shut up for a minute." said Luna who was fiddling with the screen of the device.

"Ok, now put both hands on the two screen boxes, then the hologram screen in front and look at the center point of the camera in the middle of the hologram." Luna told Amelia. The others were very attentive to what Amelia was doing.

"Ok, hold on, we're doing the scan now," Luna said. Instantly the device emitted a light.

Where Amelia stood, from her feet, a white light surrounded her and traveled upwards slowly. It was a scanning process. After reaching the top, which was the tip of the head, the white light surrounding her disappeared.

"Ok, the results are in." Luna said showing the second monitor to the others.

"The result is an indicator color of orange, red, and green." Luna said.

"What does that mean?" said Fauzan.

"That means Amelia has three powers, the elements of fire and air." Luna said.

Everyone looked at Amelia. "Uh, what's wrong?" said a confused Amelia.

"Wow, cool! It has three elements of power." said Steven.

"Fire, huh? It suits her chatty and angry nature." Leonardo said.

"Hey, I heard that!" said Amelia pointing at Leonardo.

"Uh, wait. You said there were three forces but why are only fire and air mentioned?" said Raka.

"Ah, that's because the orange color is a unique power, so there should be further special tests to find out what that power is." Bilgard said.

"Ok, who's next?" said Lampart.

"Me! Let me first." said Steven with excitement.

"Ok, now follow the steps like she did." said Luna. Doing the same steps as Amelia, soon the results came out.

"Hm, the result is dark blue and gray." Luna said.

"So-so?" said Steven.

"That means you have electric power and are unique too." Luna said.

"Yeay! Great, jos!" said Steven.

"So who's next?" said Luna looking at Radit and the others.

They've all done the checks, some time has passed and all the results have come out:

Raka has the power of lightning and water, then Hana has the power of water and light, Gilbert has the power of earth, Jiyan has the power of fire, wind, and water, Britta has the power of water and light, while Fauzan has mutant powers.

Leonardo himself has the power of darkness, while Laras is the only one who does not have elemental powers, only unique powers.

"Don't be sad, Laras. You have unique powers too. Maybe that power is really unique, different from the others," Amelia told a disappointed Laras.

"Now it's the last one, just you," Luna said pointing at Radit.

"Why are you just staring? Hurry up," said Raka, pushing Radit.

Radit climbed onto the platform in a bit of a panic, as did the others. All this because of the strange events that happened to him.

"What's wrong with all of you? Why are you so serious when he comes forward?" Lampart asked.

"Well, hm... that's already been explained. Just wait and see the results from Radit," Leonardo replied.

The three trainers just stared at each other in confusion. Without saying much, Luna immediately started running the device.

Sure enough, as Radit's friends suspected, there was a problem during this test.

"Eh...? What's wrong with this?" asked Luna.

"What's wrong, Luna?" asked Bilgard.

"This is weird, the scanner stopped at 47%," Luna replied.

"Try restarting the device," Lampart advised.

"Ok," Luna replied as she reset the device, then rescanned.

Just like before, the scan stopped at 47%, but when it wanted to reset again, the scan ran again. Radit broke out in a cold sweat from the incident.

To the coaches, the incident was not unusual, they just thought that maybe the equipment was broken. However, according to Radit and his friends, it was probably a phenomenon of Radit's power.

After the incident, the scan was completed, but it didn't end there. The results of the device were very strange.

"Uh, seriously!?" said Luna, shocked.

"What's wrong?" asked Bilgard.

"Here, look at the results," Luna said.

"Well, why? No results?" Bilgard asked.

"Is it broken?" asked Lampart.

"Try scanning again. It looks like the device is slightly damaged. Let's rescan again," Bilgard suggested to Luna, then to Radit.

"Ah... yes, just repeat it," Radit replied.

After another scan, the results were again strange.

"Eh! How serious is this!?" said a shocked Luna.

"Try showing it on monitor 2," Bilgard ordered.

"Oh, wow. All the colors are on, even the black," said an amazed Lampart.

"Is the device broken?" asked Luna.

"I don't know," Bilgard replied.

"Hey, you there, come quickly," said Lampart calling out to the person dressed in all white.

"You're from the laboratory, right? Check this device, if it's broken. The indicator results are strange and there was a problem during the scan," Lampart said.

"The extent of the damage has to be taken to a laboratory first, but I'll check the basics first," the white-clothed person replied. After a while, the person had checked the damage.

"How?" asked Bilgard.

"Nothing is broken," replied the man in white.

"Ah, seriously? Nope... never mind, just bring the device in for repair," Bilgard said.

"Okay," the white-clad man replied, and was helped along by a friend who was dressed the same as him.

"Huh... how is this? Well, that can be done for you later, now let's test for unique powers first. In this test, you can also find out whether or not you have unique powers," Bilgard said.

"Come, follow me to the glass over there," Bilgard said.

They all followed Bilgard's instructions to the next room for a unique strength test.

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