
Chapter 4

In the span of three years, Qin Chen immersed himself in the ancient wisdom contained within the Wisdom Scroll. Like a sponge, he absorbed its teachings, honing his empathetic abilities, practicing his tranquil gaze, and refining his soothing touch. During this time, he also discovered the means to obtain Etherium Crystals—rewards bestowed upon him for completing quests, gaining new knowledge, or expanding his abilities through the Wisdom Scroll.

Approaching his sixth birthday, a mix of excitement and nervousness filled Qin Chen. His acquired abilities and the knowledge he possessed would play a pivotal role as he ventured forth to discover his martial spirit. Additionally, he harbored the mystery of the enigmatic egg he had received from the spin, safely stored in his room, waiting for the opportune moment to hatch.

On the eve of his sixth birthday, anticipation kept sleep at bay. His heart swelled with excitement. He had heard stories from Xiao Wu about her own experience in discovering her martial spirit, a seemingly harmless bunny with a potent, lethal prowess. Now, it was his turn to unveil his destiny.

The morning of his birthday dawned, and the forest seemed imbued with an unusual energy. Birds chirped cheerfully, and sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow, as if nature itself were celebrating his special day.

With a deep breath, Qin Chen made his way to the sacred clearing in the heart of the forest. It was a place brimming with natural energy, where the boundary between the physical world and the spiritual realm blurred. Stepping into the clearing, he closed his eyes, attempting to connect with the essence of the world around him.

Moments passed, and then he felt it—a subtle yet distinct pull from deep within him. Opening his eyes, he beheld a radiant, ethereal butterfly hovering before him. Its wings shimmered with colors that defied description, exuding an aura of ancient wisdom and tranquility.

Qin Chen knew instinctively that this was no ordinary spirit; it was his martial spirit, a symbol of his true potential. With awe and gratitude, he extended his hand, allowing the butterfly to land gently on his palm.

In that instant, power surged through him, merging seamlessly with his empathetic abilities. He felt the butterfly's essence meld with his own, enhancing his powers and granting him profound insights into the world of spirits and energy manipulation.

With his martial spirit awakened, Qin Chen felt an overwhelming sense of purpose. His journey was no longer a mere exploration of the world; it was about embracing his destiny, understanding the mysteries of the universe, and safeguarding the harmony between all living beings.

Equipped with his empathetic abilities, wisdom from the scroll, and the guidance of his butterfly martial spirit, Qin Chen embarked on his grand adventure. He bid farewell to Xiao Wu, promising to return with tales of his travels and the valuable lessons he would learn.

Seeing her brother's newfound confidence, Xiao Wu felt both pride and a twinge of worry. What if Qin Chen's spirit power didn't manifest strongly? Such thoughts plagued her mind, yet little did she know the secret her brother held.

Meanwhile, Qin Chen was overjoyed. He had never imagined that his favorite creature, a butterfly, would be his lifelong companion. Overwhelmed with happiness, he uttered the word "status," and a blue panel with inscriptions appeared before him.

Name: Qin Chen

Age: 3 

Level: 10

Martial Spirit: Butterfly Emperor

Power: Empathy 


1. Empathetic Aura (Level 2)

2. Tranquil Gaze (Level 2)

3. Soothing Touch (Level 2)


Strength: 7/10

Agility: 6/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Charm: 9/10

Gazing at the information, Qin Chen felt a surge of happiness. His martial spirit was unexpectedly potent. While his attributes didn't seem drastically different, this boost was significant for him.

Time passed, and an unexpected event occurred. Out of thin air, a paper figure resembling a human appeared and led the way for Qin Chen. Shocked, he stood there, trying to comprehend the situation. Beside him, Xiao Wu was equally stunned. She hadn't anticipated her brother possessing a twin martial spirit. This paper figure had the same strength as the Butterfly Emperor.

Xiao Wu was speechless, unable to process the scene before her. On the other hand, Qin Chen was thrilled. He recognized the paper figure; it was a Shikigami, used by sorcerers for curses and various mystical purposes. His excitement knew no bounds; he was ready for the journey that lay ahead, filled with mysteries and challenges.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Xiao Wu could only smile and be proud of her little brother. While Qin Chen was celebrating, suddenly, Xiao Wu brought forth a blue crystal ball used to measure their spirit power levels. It typically ranged from 1 to 10.

Looking at the blue crystal ball in front of him, Qin Chen could only stare at it, dumbfounded. Observing his little brother's reaction, Xiao Wu couldn't help but giggle.

"This crystal ball is used to measure your spirit level," explained Xiao Wu. "Different types of crystal balls can measure varying amounts of spirit power."

Hearing this explanation, Qin Chen smiled and felt even more excitement than before. He yearned to see his sister's reaction when she discovered that his spiritual power was already at level 10.

"Don't be afraid; just place your hand on the ball and try to sense the fluctuations in your spirit. Channel your energy into the crystal," Xiao Wu instructed.

The moment Qin Chen heard the instruction, he immediately followed it.

Just as explained, the ball emitted a brilliant light, indicating that his level was at 10. Staring at it, Xiao Wu could only imagine how potent Qin Chen would become as he grew older. Qin Chen, already aware of his level, was astonished. He had never expected the light emitted from the crystal ball to be so mesmerizing.

Lost in his thoughts, Qin Chen was suddenly interrupted by a voice in his head.

'Congratulations, master, on obtaining your martial spirit and spiritual power. From this day forward, 'The System' will assign you missions and rewards in return.'

Hearing that voice, Qin Chen felt an inexplicable

'Your first mission will be...'