
New World, New Life: I Became A Bigshot In The Ancient World

Excerpt "What do you mean this is where I belong?!!!" She asked incredulously. "It is the truth. It might sound extremely absurd and unbelievable, but it is the truth." He said, his voice tinged with helplessness. "Hell, it is absurd." She threw her hands up in the air exasperatedly. The seriousness in his eyes told her he wasn't at all joking or messing with her. He was damn serious. "Ugh. What shit am I involved in?" She asked frustratingly to no one in particular at the news she was still trying to wrap her head around. *** Aristia Andrews had just come back home from work and prepared to go to sleep, when she was given a novel. Nothing strange about that though, huh? But just after she had completed the novel, she was tossed into a whole new world. Taken from her world and the life she deemed perfect, and tossed into a not-so-ideal world. Now part of royalty, she has to get accustomed to living in a backward world of Kings and Queens, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscounts and Barons. Just the titles and hierarchy were enough to make her smart head spin. With beautiful and loving parents and relatives, a cute younger brother, loyal servants and a smart brain, join Aristia as she enjoys eating and making new and delicious cuisines, forms unique friendships, and create successful businesses. But... she also has a lot of mysteries surrounding her to uncover and secrets to unfold, and perhaps she'll find a dash of love along the way.

Gray_Queen19 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


After spending some time with Alaric in his room, Aristia decided it was time to leave when she yet again felt bored. Deciding to leave the mansion, she held Alaric's hand and exited his room.

Even before she exited the mansion with Alaric, Aristia was informed of the Grand Duchess's return. On reaching the outside of the mansion, she met the Grand Duke who seemed to have also been informed of his wife's arrival.

When the carriage the Grand Duchess rode in stopped, Wilson went forward to help her alight the carriage. Catherine accepted her husband's hand and dismounted the carriage. Smiling gratefully at her husband, they walked hand in hand toward their children while the coachman rode off to park the carriage in the stables.

"Just in time for lunch." Aristia heard Wilson tell Catherine with a smile. Only then did Aristia remember that it was actually two in the afternoon.

"Welcome back, mama." Aristia greeted when Catherine approached her.

"Welcome back, mama." Alaric followed suit, repeating his sister's greeting.

Their two maids also bowed in greeting to the Grand Duchess.

"Welcome back, Madam."

Nodding with a smile, Catherine held the hands of both of her children in each of her hands and with Wilson's arm around her, they walked into the mansion, looking very much like a loving family, that they, in fact, were.

On entering the dining room, the maids had already finished setting the dining table and the food had been laid out.

Noble families ate breakfast together. However, they didn't usually eat lunch together. Anyone could have lunch wherever they wanted. Dinner, however, was eaten by the whole family in the dining room. But the Grand Duke's family preferred to have lunch together too.

Taking their seats, Aristia helped Alaric up onto the chair beside hers, before climbing on her seat. She noticed how Catherine didn't bother to wash her hands upon her return from the tea party.

Staring at the food spread out on the table, Aristia sighed inwardly. She already missed the days her family would have sandwiches for lunch or while having a picnic during the summer. She wondered if they had sandwiches here.

[I'll ask about that later. I'm craving sandwiches and a glass of orange juice for a change.] She thought while licking her lips and digging into her food.

"How did the tea party go Cathy?" Aristia paid attention when she heard Wilson ask Catherine how her day went.

"Oh. It was splendid. We discussed some womanly matters with the other noble ladies, and Alistair showed her new collection of jewels. They sparkled beautifully. She said she got them from that famous travelling caravan— Osric Caravans."

Wilson smiled at her answer, "Is that so?"

Nodding, Catherine replied, "She spoke about them quite proudly, perhaps because she was the first to find out about the jewels and purchase them. I might just purchase one." Catherine said and Wilson nodded his head in approval while they resumed eating in comfortable silence.

Catherine spoke again, "Willy. Alistair is hosting a tea party in two weeks. The messenger should arrive with the official invite soon." She informed Wilson.

"Alright." Wilson nodded. Tea parties were a norm for nobles since it was a means of socializing.

Aristia listened without her expression changing. Of course she was aware of the significance of such gatherings. Tea parties among nobles were not only social events but also opportunities for networking, discussing matters of importance, and maintaining alliances between different fiefs and regions.

It was just like the social gatherings and tea parties held back then in the modern world. Thoes events offered them a chance to interact with other aristocrats and foster relationships that might prove valuable to them.

After they had had lunch, Catherine asked Aristia to accompany her for a stroll in the garden with Alaric, while Wilson went to his study to take care of matters related to his fief.

Walking with her mother around the beautiful and fragrant garden, Aristia sighed inaudibly. [It's great to take a relaxing walk to help digest food.]

Adeline, Cassandra, and Catherine's personal maid, Melanie, were following behind them at an appropriate distance that was not within earshot so as not to overhear the conversation the noble lady was having with her children.

Thinking of something, Aristia turned to Catherine, "Mama? Can I have a copy of my itinerary for my classes?" She asked, since Catherine was in charge of overseeing her lessons.

Catherine answered even though she wondered why Aristia needed that, "I will have Mrs. Cedmond arrange for that."

Mrs. Jacqueline Cedmond was the head maid and the wife of the Butler, Henry Cedmond, a kind middle aged lady who had been working in the mansion even before Catherine had gotten married to Wilson. After a pause, she added, "But, why do you need it?"

Pondering a little bit, Aristia decided to divulge a little information, "I would like to add a few more classes to my schedule." She left the answer at that, having no intention of continuing.

"I see..." Catherine trailed off, wondering what other classes needed to be added to her already existing classes.

"Look mama, there's a butterfly!" It was only when Alaric spoke excitedly while pointing at a butterfly, did Aristia remember that he had come with them to the garden.

[Al doesn't attend classes since he's only three years old. In my world, I started learning even before I could talk. It wasn't formal learning though, it was more like my family members teaching me letters and words and singing nursery rhymes, well, that's what I was told. As a big sister now, I have to do the same for Al so it'll be easier for him once he starts his own classes.] She nodded to herself.

In this world, noble children only officially started attending classes when they turned five years old and were taught to read and write a year before; at four years old.

Aristia, thanks to the novel, knew that the women in this world weren't taught how to read and write, not to talk of attending classes until a few decades ago, even before Catherine reached the age of five, when the then young former King Melvin Amberale issued a decree that all genders would be allowed to read and write. Before that only a few noble ladies knew how to read and write their own names.

At that time, it was considered irrelevant for females to know how to read and write. Even now, it was almost only the children of nobility that were able to read and write because they were the ones who could afford to hire a tutor. The commoners could not afford it and nobles would not want to teach the commoners.

After the little stroll in the garden, Catherine decided it was time to go back into the mansion. She dismissed her maid Melanie, and parted ways with her children after giving them kisses on the cheeks.

"Come with me Al." Aristia said to Alaric while the maids followed behind. Alaric nodded and followed her even though he had no idea where they were going.

"Where are we going to Tia?" Alaric asked curiously after they had walked a little distance.

"We're going, dear brother, to a kingdom filled with wisdom and knowledge."

"Where is this kingdom?" He asked again with amazement and curiosity in his eyes.

"You'll see." Aristia replied

Adeline and Cassandra were wondering what Aristia was talking about and where she was going, but understood when they noticed where she stood.

Aristia stood in front of two large and sturdy double doors and releasing Alaric's hands, she pushed the door open, albeit with great effort. She walked in while gesturing for Alaric to follow her as she looked around the grand room with lots and lots of towering shelves.

Aristia was awed.

[A paradise to a bookworm or book lover.] She had come across this place during one of her tours around the mansion. She hadn't entered it though.

"Welcome to the library Al. This... is the Kingdom Of Books." She introduced dramatically with a smile as she led him to one of the sofas in the library, and Alaric giggled.

"What will we do in the library Tia?" He asked curiously.

"We'll visit the residents of the book Kingdom by reading books." Aristia replied simply, puffing up her chest and imitating the accent of a British Minister.

This time, Alaric laughed loudly, but stopped when he realized something "But I can't read." He said and Aristia nodded.

"I know that. That's why we're here. I'll teach you how to read." Aristia said, reverting back to her normal, childish voice and Alaric smiled happily.

"Now, just to find you a suitable one to start with. But how hard can that be?" She smiled to herself.

What do you think Aristia would like to add to her schedule?

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