

War, war never changes.

With the death of Robert and the threat from the Crown the federation declared independence from the Seven Kingdoms. The demand boiled down to that the lands of Dorne, Vale, North and the Northern sections the Riverlands were now fully independent and if a single kingdom soldier stepped foot on our territory we would retaliate in full.

The Throne of course demanded that we stop this foolishness notion of independence and swear fealty, while the Westerlands sent raiding parties to try and assault shipping.

This of course is failed as our Navy and Airforce began harrying their lands and troops that they had begun to amass around their major castles.

We did not start destroying castle yet as we had only just begun to move troops in both Vale and Riverlands to help secure our hold over the territory. 1,000s of men were sent to castles and choke holds, each castle have been sent a team of mages to "Improve security".

Their mission like always is to place loyalty wards and breaks up Maestors who tried to act as spies for The Reach. They also really did improve security and help begin the integration process of our people's.

While in the River-lands our men had actual fighting begin as we had to fight their Civil war as not all of the River Lords wanted to join. As apparently in fighting is a national pass time for them.

So we secured The Twins where we found most of the Frey Brood dead as they immediately tried to betray us after signing to a magically binding agreement.

The fighting then shifted further south as we had to deal with the numerous River lords who though they were hit shit, who then proceeded to loos their castles to a mix of Airships and artillery.

We had only originally planned to just hold and secure the lands who willing joined us as we expected the rest of the kingdom to stabilize first but nope Joffrey called for banners to attack and pillage any who opposed him.

We obviously did not allow this, we then decided to push more sending more and more troops and equipment to secure at least the entire River lands not just those who joined us.

This the campaign started in full.


The main Federation Military was split into three sections one to Fairmarket where it acted as a major River nexus where trade from all over the Riverlands came.

Another to Saltpan where it was the one of two Major Eastern Port where they could receive reinforcements from the crown lands. It also gave a refuel and supply port for our navy Further south.

Last is Riverrun it self where we planned to use as a staging point for further west.

While the Federation had a professional army that was controlled by the State. Lords still had their private armies, so they were told that any land they take that was not controlled by a federation member was theirs if they held it. So long as they held themselves to the rules of engagement and reward.


Noble houses that are older are required to target of those of equal standing among the enemy. I.E the Manderlies would target Maidenpool. While a mercenary company would target small fort or town that would shift under their control.

While the system is complicated and thankfully enforced through magic and summoned watchers to keep the peace among allies.

So for example; a Pure Blood house from the HP-Verse like The Bones where to participate in the war and take a small fort or town, and abided by the rules of engagement they would gain control over the town.

The Rule of Rewards apply to these groups:

Lords- Hp-Verse included

Mercs- so long as they are registered and not hired by anyone they were welcome to keep it.


This sparked a competition among the lords and people.

Those who did not gain land or favors from the government when they came here from the Hp-Verse took over small villages and forts.

Neville Longbottom who had finished his stint in the military recently along with his squad and their families took hold of a decent sized trading city.

He was not alone in this when news spread of his deeds more and more Hp-Verse families tried their luck at taking control over towns. With a variety of success.

But most of the campaign was handled by the federation military. As most of the fighting was over quite quickly with the use of Airships where most none major castles surrendered.

Then began the hard part of the war, logistics. Which the help of the airships the major supplies like food and bullets were a non issue. The major issue was the areas infrastructure, with the over reliance of river traffic the "roads" are terrible and required the Core Of Engineers to begin building any modern military infrastructure.


While the war in the Riverlands progress the war near the borders of Dorne were very different. The plan for Dorne was for them to turtle till the Tyrells made their side chosen known.

So a massive wall was made with a use of Earth bending and Magice along the land access points in Dornes. With most of its border already being mountains it halted any land access.

As for the sea, a number of Northen Fleets were sent to protect the coast of Dorne. As for the air Airships still made the passage North and South bringing water and oil the the Federation, they also began attacking Crown Lands where large numbers of troops began to amass.


In the Westerlands we only took border fort and towns as we wanted to have complete control of I've rather River lands before we moved West. But we were not entirely idle in the west, those born on the Iron Islands which we had seized completely from the other islands. Were given letter of the Marche which allowed them to private Westerlands traders so long as they were not Essos origin.

So the Westerlands were cut off from trade slowly bleeding them dry.


Internally we sent and activated spies all over Westeros. We did "arrest" Tyrion Lannister who we offered a deal, so long as the Westerlands joined the federation we would let him have control over his home.

He obviously agreed to this, so we began spreading word of Tyrion switch. This gave us a small number of allies in the Westerlands who never wanted part of the war.