
New World: Beginning Saga

Kamio, according to himself, lives a boring life with little to no excitement, but that changes when he meets Yuu Sakimoto and decides to join her on her mission.

Brwnies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"What could I know that you want?!" Yuu asked.

Yuu jumped out of the bed and got into a fighting stance. "Relax I don't want to fight you," Irima told her.

"Then what so you want to know!?" Yuu yelled at Irima.

Irima walked over next to Yuu and sat on the bed Yuu was previously laying on. "Why?" Irima only said that one word.

Yuu dropped her hands and stared at Irima with a confused expression. "What do you mean 'Why'?"

Irima looked down at the ground and asked, "Why? Why do you fight the government?"

"We have to find out where that elite took Yuu," Sakiro said while sitting on a bed in his room.

Kamio was pacing back and forth in the room. "Damn! What was she thinking fighting that elite in front of the entire crowd."

Sakiro was about to tell Kamio something when a person knocked on the door. Sakiro walked over to the door and put his ear up on it. He could hear someone talking on the other side. "I guess nobody is in this room." One man said.

"That can't be right. There's supposed to be a guest in this room." A tiny man said from behind the man.

"M-maybe the guest hasn't returned to this room yet, Sir." The man told the tiny man.

"Hmph." The tiny man started to walk away and the man followed behind luckily.

"Hm, they're gone," Sakiro told Kamio.

"Why do I fight the government?" Yuu started quietly.

"The government hurt Yuuki." Irima stared at Yuu with a confused expression.

"Is that what she told you?" Irima asked Yuu.

"Yeah, so what?!" Irima got up and started towards the door.

"Yuuki's your sister, correct?" Irima asked.

Yuu nodded. "Yuuki Sakimoto was wounded 13 years ago. The elite in charge of that mission was chief elite Dinkar Sumata." Irima told her.

The anger on Yuu's face did not show any sign of leaving. "What does that have to do with anything!" Yuu yelled at Irima.

Irima turned to face Yuu. "Dinkar would have been the one to hurt your sister, but he no longer works for the government. He also didn't have permission to fight one of the eight kings. So, you're issue is with Dinkar and not the government." Irima said as she turned back to the door and left the room.

"The ferry will be docking in Molognia in about 10 minutes, so passengers please prepare to leave." Someone announced over the intercom.

The ferry docked in Molognia and the passengers started to get off. Kamio and Sakiro waited around the dock in hopes they could find out where Yuu was. "Damn. Does that elite still have her?" Kamio said, upset.

Sakiro stayed quiet and just looked around the dock. "Hey, you two."

Kamio turned around and saw Yuu staring at the ground. "Yuu, what happened?! You managed to escape that elite?" Kamio asked her.

Yuu looked at him with a sad expression. "What's wrong?" Sakiro asked.

"I think we should go our separate ways," Yuu said as she turned away from the two of them and started to walk away.

Kamio just stared at Yuu for a minute before chasing after her, leaving Sakiro alone. 'Hmph, just what did that elite do to her?' Sakiro thought.

Night came fast as Yuu wandered through the streets of Molognia. "Did you hear about the robbery that happened earlier today." Yuu overheard some women talking.

"Yeah, I did, apparently an entire family was murdered in it?." One of the women said. Yuu walked past the women talking.

'I don't have a reason to fight anymore. The government will deal with that criminal.' Yuu thought.

Sakiro laid in a bed at an INN. 'I wonder if Yuu will be okay.'

Sakiro thought to himself. Sakiro was about to fall asleep when he heard a knock at the door. Sakiro got up and opened the door and saw a tiny man standing there. "Who are you?" Sakiro asked the tiny guy.

"My my, I'm hurt you don't remember me. You surely will remember the G7-4." Sakiros eyes widened.

"W-wha-what do you want?" Sakiro asked in a shaky voice.

"I think you know what I'm here for."

A man covered in black cloth from head to toe stood on top of a roof. Red lenses on a pair of goggles glinted under the moonlight. "Hmph, they didn't have it either. Where could it be?"

To be continued