
New World: Becoming The Harem King

After dying, Darius transmigrated in another world. A world that existed only in fantasies. Now he was forced to accept a system against his will. And will be forced to have a harem against will. "Why does this all happen to me only, when there are so many perverts out there?" He cried in fake sadness. (The cover does not belong to me. I can remove if you don't want it here.) Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/Pvezz2kU

RipplingLake · Fantasy
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31 Chs



[Quest: Back to the forest.]

⟨Description: The Silent Forest is dangerous and your potential harem members are going there. As a responsible and brave man, you should accompany and protect them.⟩


› Accompany Fiona and Tiara to the Silent Forest.

› Help them with their objective.

› Protect them.

› Kill at least 3 enemies.


› 300 ST

› +10 Affection Fiona

› +15 Affection Tiara

› Class Gacha Token ×1

⟨Failure Conditions⟩

› Not accompanying Fiona and Tiara.

› Unable to protect Fiona and Tiara.


› Kidnapping of Fiona and Tiara.

› Host incurring grievous injuries and possible death.


"Please?" Darius tilted his head.

"No." Fiona refused again.

"I won't get in your way."


"I can defend myself." He swung his sword around and gave a thumbs-up with a grin.

Fiona rubbed her forehead sighing. She swore that he sounded like Tiara. 'My daughter is a bad influence.'

"How many times do I have to repeat myself before you understand, dear?" Fiona forced herself to remain calm which showed in her strained voice.

Truthfully, Darius was beginning to get scared of her. He had an unfortunate opportunity of watching Tiara getting headshot by a slipper with enough force to knock her out.

He tried a different approach if not he would get a slipper for his efforts, "Fiona, listen."

Fiona raised an eyebrow in response. He gulped before continuing, "You have helped me during my most difficult time, I'm thankful for that. I know that anything I do I will not be able to return the favour to you."

Fiona's face remained steadfast. She was not going to fall for some emotional manipulation.

"That's why," he added, "I want to help you with everything that I'm capable of. Moreover, you two are going by yourselves."

"We always go there by ourselves." Fiona blankly said, "What is your point?"

Her foot began to tap on the floor. Each tap was like the ticking of a time bomb and he had less time to convince her before the universal weapon of mothers materializes in her hand.

"That's what I am saying. You two don't have to go by yourselves now that I am here." He said with his most charming smile, "I am a mage as I told you yesterday. I have some tricks up my sleeves that are very much helpful and you won't be burdened by my presence at all."

Tiara seeing her chance, added, "Mom, he is a mage. He will be very helpful. Let him come, please~"

As much as she loved her daughter, she would not deny that she found her very, very, annoying. Right now, she felt that there were two of them.

She did not want a migraine this early in the morning by continuing the argument, so she agreed, "Alright, you can come."

"Yes!" Both of them cheered together.

"But I want you to stay close to me and not go off somewhere, understand?" Fiona put forward her conditions.

"Aye, aye ma'am." He saluted.

Darius quickly put on his gears and off they went to the forest to gather wood.


In the early chilly morning, the three trod the dry land of Honeybrew village.

Tiara walked beside engaging in a conversation with him, asking him questions that he would rather not answer.

He was afraid that Fiona would misunderstand her questions about men and their genitals, but she continued walking like nothing was wrong.

A relief but the embarrassment of being asked those questions would still not go away. He explained that he would tell her later. A strong cold win caused him to shiver like a tea cup.

Tiara seeing this asked, "Are you cold?"

"No. It's because of the forest." Darius replied ominously, "This forest is scary."

The colossal trees of the forest seemed close but they were still half an hour of walk away.

"It is," Tiara said, thumbing her bow.


They had entered the perimeters, his senses had become vigilant.

He followed the pair to their usual spot for wood cutting through the treacherous path strewn with large tree roots, their feet falling on the crackling leaves which hid sharp thorns that managed to pierce him twice, never seen before insects bugged him.

The forest was the same but the path differed much from the one yesterday.

The only constant in this forest was... Silence...

Silence so deafening that a sane person would become insane in a week. The predators hiding within sight, watching carefully the movements of their prey, could attack anytime.

This path was more dangerous.

The trio, sometime later, reached the spot. He noticed the trees were not colossal like others. It was like a different forest all along.

Tree stumps were scattered around the place which he had assumed to be the work of mother and daughter.

The foliage was maple red and the trunk was as thick as a human. The women drew their axes.

Fiona approached a nearby tree while telling him, "Keep watch, Darius."

"Okay." He pulled out the shining steel sword from the black scabbard. His skill Battle Sense thankfully allowed him to sense danger around him also.

Time passed, as the two women fell the tree and cut it into pieces while he moved around with his sword ready in his grip.

He shuddered and immediately heard, "Get down!"

He instantly followed.

A few arrows whistled by, barely missing him. He took his stance together with the pair.