
New World: Becoming The Harem King

After dying, Darius transmigrated in another world. A world that existed only in fantasies. Now he was forced to accept a system against his will. And will be forced to have a harem against will. "Why does this all happen to me only, when there are so many perverts out there?" He cried in fake sadness. (The cover does not belong to me. I can remove if you don't want it here.) Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/Pvezz2kU

RipplingLake · Fantasy
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31 Chs

More Training

It was unspoken, but early mornings had become training hours. Darius used the time to train his physical stats and levelling his skills. While Tiara and Fiona spent it practicing their spells.

After a long lecture from Darius, the spell was successfully cast by Tiara— at the cost of all her brain cells.

Each cast of the spell and further observations done by Fiona, helped her become proficient with the spell Aura Levitas at a faster rate.

She could now easily blow away some feathers now; a task assigned by Darius. And this success of hers caused a misunderstanding.

"Darius. Come fast." She hastily called for him, "I did it."

Darius leaving his sword practice, arrived.

"Look." Fiona turned towards the tree stump where a handful feathers lay. Her arm extending towards them, she focused.

"Whispered winds and gentle gusts,

Bring forth a breeze I truly trust,

With grace and calm, let it blow,

A soft breeze now, let it flow."

Aura Levitas.

A shimmering sea green magic circle formed in the air and the feathers were pushed off the tree stump. Chest filled with pride, she declared, "I mastered the spell in a day."

"Nope." Ponderingly, he denied, "You haven't yet."

Fiona's neck snapped to him, eyes wide, she loudly complained, "But you said I will master the spell as soon as I can blow away those feathers."

"I did not say that."

"You did say that."

"What I said was that this feather training is the first stage in mastering the spell. You still have a long way to go." He further added, "It is not my fault if you did not listen to me carefully."

"What?... But... You said... Ughhh~" It took her so long to do this alone, how long would it take her to master the spell.

Moreover, using the same spell over and over again made her head hurt due to boredom. And when Mana ran low, she becomes mentally tired. Losing motivation to do anything.

She forced herself to be motivated this whole time because he promised to teach her another spell, after she mastered this one. That face of his was starting to annoy her greatly. A vein popped on her temple, lips twitched and hands itched to do something to him.

"...I hate you, Darius." She grabbed his collar, "I hate you so much right now."


She suddenly started to shake him back and forth, "Think about it!"

"I~ don~ knoow~"

"Why are you teaching me such hard magic spells!?" She brought him close, their nose inches apart, "Why are they so hard!? It took me so many attempts to do this alone, and now you tell me that I still haven't mastered the spell!?"


"Answer me!" She brought him closer, tips of their nose almost touching.

Darius never imagined that he would be so close to her. His Fiona looked so beautiful today as well. Anger further enhanced her beauty. However, it still cannot compare to when she smiles. He swore, a smiling Fiona could recall him from the dead. He wondered how her angry kisses would feel like.

She remained steadfast staring into his eyes, awaiting an answer. But a moment later, she realised their position.

The blush arrived on her face like a rushing train, she looked as red as basket of cherries. She tried to unhand him, push him, jump back, yet her body would not respond. She was frozen by the look in his eyes as if they held the curse of Medusa.

They were void of blue, like watching the shimmering surface from the underwater; serene, deafening, suffocating yet alluring. The desire long forgotten bloomed like a rose when his gentle fingers traced her facial contours before stopping at her lips— currents of subtle pleasure travelled from her head and down to the spine. The shameless thumb softly pressed her lips before dragging itself to her chin.

His tender hand held her arm, slowly going downwards; wrapping her rough hand into his own warm one. The scent of earth emanated from her, attracting him closer.

Closer their faces grew, nose touched.

Closer they grew more, eyes closed.

Finally, touched their lips. The softness. The tenderness they felt was so intoxicating that they went deeper. The lingering sweetness of fruits on her tounge, pulled him closer. Her hand left the collar; instead it travelled to his face then the back of his head. The sensation and care in his kiss, the promise of love residing in his lips, made her never want to leave this embrace.

"What are you guys doing?" Well at least not until Tiara had jumped into the scene.

The lovely pair jumped away from one another as if jolted by electricity. They were blushing up a storm— a stuttering mess.

"T-T-Tia w-what are y-you doing here?" Stammeringly, the mother asked.

"I was curious of what you two were doing? Why were your lips joined?" Her head tilted in question.

"W-we... Um... I... W-were..." The mother floundered for an answer while under the innocent gaze of her daughter, "Ask Darius he knows more. I'll go make dinner. Bye."

He wondered who was faster Fiona or the flash, also it was still morning. An intense curious stare was shifted onto him, "Darius, what were you doing with Mom?"

"I... Well... We... Um..." As his eyes looked for an answer, he noticed Fiona peeking from the window. Having found out, she quickly ran away.


"Well... You see~... I was helping her."

"With what?"

"With... Um..." He brainstormed before coming to the answer which he felt was quite good, "I was helping her with the food that was stuck in her mouth."

Clattering sound of something dropping came from inside, followed by a slapping sound. Was that a headslap?

"That's weird. Why did she not use her own tounge or finger?" Tiara asked, suspecting him of hiding something.

"Ah... You see... That's because..."

'Not a good time to be smart Tiara,' He grumbled in his mind.



"I'm waiting, Darius."

"Right, so... You see... The food was stuck deep inside and her hands were dirty, her tongue started to hurt due to prolong digging, so I offered her my help, she accepted. That's why I had my tongue inside her." Mentally, he gave himself a pat on the back.

"Really? I did not hear this part of your conversation though." Right, Tiara was not too far from them, "I only heard Mom complaining to you then sudden silence."

'Tiara, when did you become Sherlock Holmes?' He did not know whether to be proud that she was not so dumb or sad that she was not so dumb. Either way, he needed to get out of this situation fast.

"Maybe, you were too focused on the spell. Also she did not say it loudly so you might not have heard it."


"Anyways," he interrupted, "I was thinking of teaching you a new spell."

"That's not fair!" Fiona shouted from inside.

"After you master the first one!!" He shouted back.

"Hehe~" Tiara giggled at their interaction, "You two are funny."

"I'm glad you think so." He smiled, "Now get back to training."

"Okay, but I need your help."

"Sure." He followed her under the shade, "What do you need help with?"

While they trained outside, Fiona was breathing recalling their recent encounter.

"Why?" She wondered, "Why did I kiss him?"

She went to her room. The corset was removed and the training gown she wore slid down revealing the tanned honey-brown body. Her colossal breasts swayed a little before steadying.

Her hand moved, touching the space between her breasts. At her touch, a small red orb appeared which was surrounded by elegant engravings.

"What should I do now?" A tear flowed down her cheek, an image of Darius appearing in her mind, "I am falling for him."

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