
77. The mystical water

''Xiao Ran, shall we start from the beginning again?'' She pointed at the nearby forest and the few healing plants that could be seen.

Xiao Ran started laughing. ''Miss, I do think that is not a bad idea. We can gather someone our way. We can or use them or sell them. It's not like we don't have any money.''

Actually, before Liu Mei even left her rooms the old man came and asked to speak to her alone. At that time she asked the two girls to go and put their best clothes on as they will go grandly and when they rushed he explained her the situation.

It seems some things changed after they did the 'deed'. His wavering heart and indecisiveness were normal for other emperors, but he made a big mistake to get angry on her for real. Not just for show, and as it seems some God up there got upset and wanted to destroy the country. So she had to leave to save the country.

Knowing that she will be gone for at least five years she felt unwilling but knew there was no other way. So with the help of Xiao Ran, Liling and Hua Roulan she chose things to take with them. The most important was the money. Her brother and even general Hua sent her enough to be able to even save some countries treasury.

But she was still feeling apprehensive to use that. And Xiao Ran knew her already.

They gathered for a while and then sat down to drink some water at the nearby well. ''This water tastes so good.''

Even the two girls had to admit that the refreshing water from this well was invigorating.

''Miss, we still have few empty pots in storage, we could fill them with this water and keep inside. Who knows when we will be able to get such water again.'' Xiao ran again sipped the water and closed her eyes as she felt her body feeling stronger and stronger. How strange.

''This won't be the mystical well of olden times?'' Hua Roulan sat there and stared at the well with big eyes. ''I heard it appears only once in a century and its never at the same place. Miss, what about going to a nearby town and buying more pots. If this is what I think it is, we have only three days time to gather this water. Its like healing potion. And if it's not, we still have good water to take with us.''

Seeing the girls looking at her with big eyes she had to admit she felt strong and healthy as well. Like she would be able to rip a tree out roots. She saw the nearby stone and tried to pick it up under their curious eyes and then started laughing. ''I guess not...''

''Miss, don't tell me... you thought this is a potion for strength?'' Hua Roulan laughed.

''I felt strong so I thought I could maybe do this, I guess I was wrong, hahahaha.'' Liu Mei took it with humour and Hua Roulan joined in.

''It is healing well. that means if you have some ailments it will heal you from inside out. Usually, at old times people would gather this water and use just a few drops in big can as protection to get sick. We drank it straight from well like crazy people. We might not get sick fro a long time.'' Hua Roulan started sweating a bit when she thought about it. Such a waste, but the remembered the pots they filled with it.

''Fine, fine. Let's rush to the first town, buy a carriage and come back here. We cant walk forever anyway, right?'' Liu Mei felt horrible only by thinking about shaky carriage but hoped that this potion will help her with that.

Actually, as they were by foot they arrived at the next smaller settlement in the late afternoon and paid one man to take them with their horse carriage to next town. Hua Roulan paid him well so he rushed quickly over the uneven street and with surprise Liu Mei didn't feel nauseous at all. It seems this thing really works.

It was early evening when they arrived in town. Well, it was already late so they just chose to rent a room but sleep in space. Many would ask why. But it was a simple room with straw beds taht many slept on and Hua Roulan and Xiao Ran were disgusted by seen how dirty taht place was.

Luckily they had space where Liu Mei took three beds and slept like a baby. In the morning they ate their own food that they took with them and walked out. As the town was not big it was easy to find a few places.

''You want to buy horse and carriage?'' The man looked at them with a big smile. ''I have best horses on the north. What kind of carriage do you want? Light or sturdy or elegant or...'' But he gave up the elegant and noble as he saw their attire.

''Give us sturdy carriage, two horses and enough fooder for them. We must do a few things and then continue our way.'' Hua Roulan was the one who spoke whole time and Liu Mei and Xiao Ran stood on the side and waited.

He brought them two beautiful sturdy animals and quite a good carriage. ''We need to buy many pots, can you maybe recommend...?''

Liu Mei's voice was smooth as honey and her demeanour was soft so her became bit flushed in his face. ''Two streets further there is potter family, they sell good things you can use.''

Liu Mei softly nodded and turned to leave while Hua Roulan paid.

''Poor people. even nobles run away from that and as it seems. Thye must be really lost to come to our country. But looking at her two servants she will be fine. Let's hope only they don't get in trouble with those nasty people in the city.'' He signed deeply as he looked at the silver piece he held in his hand. Should he let his master know about this? Maybe he can protect them? Two women and a child...

But as their luck was that good, they met people the man hoped they would be able to avoid.

''Looka t these three cuties. We could keep them as servants, what do you think?'' An elegant man came slowly with an open fan and stared at Liu Mei with his eyes swiping at her figure then he looked at Hua Roulan and Xiao Ran that just coldly smiles at him. What is this situation? They were not even impressed by his grace?

''Move.'' Hua Roulan's voice made him look at her again. Actually her face was quite a feat. If she served him in bed he wouldn't be a loss. But then he realized something strange. Her eyes were filled with pure danger. He knew somehow deep inside if he makes the wrong move she will attack him.

Having a woman like this next to him would be bothersome. He just waved his hand and snorted. ''Just a few peasants. Let them pass.''

His friends opened the way and just as Liu Mei passed one of the men used the chance to stop her. Unfortunately for him, Hua Roulan caught his hand and smiled brightly at him. ''You really have a death wish. Let my sister go or I will break every single bone in your body.''

Xiao Ran sighed and poked her hand. ''Let him go. You are just making your hands dirty. You need now to wash your hands again.''

The men just realised that their clothes and faces even hair was dirty from some mud ut their hands were quite clean and looked soft.

Xiao Ran almost hit herself as hse saw their faces change. Stupid. Can't she keep her mouth shut?

Liu Mei chuckled and patted her hand then poked Hua Roulan's hand. ''She is right. It's dirtier than the mud on our bodies.'' Her voice was sweet but her words were filled with spikes.

''I...'' She saw Liu Mei shaking her head and let the man go, that started gasping for air. ''Can't we just kill them all?''

''Kill... SHall we?'' Liu Mei had a cute smile on her face that turned into menacing. The men stepped back in fear as they saw her coming at them. ''Hmmmm. I guess they are not ready to die yet. Next time we will just slaughter them. It will be fun to do that. We didn't kill anyone for a while, come my sisters, we need to find what we look for. Do not bother with commoners.''

Withs straight back and she turned around and went around the corner with them and when the men came to their senses and looked for them they disappeared. The street was a dead end and an only tall wall was there. Fear enveloped their senses and they rushed away tellings tory about three demons that came to the world to eat men. A new story about three mud monsters started here...

The pretty mud monsters :)))

JennyScreators' thoughts