
41.The ladies man

From ten ladies three left and there were seven left inside the palace. Even that number is not what the past emperor had, the ministers still kept quiet. Better than none.

The Emperor sat down and with a serious expression stared at them. ''This is a palace. Each of you will have to pass the wedding night with me. I will ask the monks to assign the days per custom. There will be multiple tests that you must pass. If you do not, you'll be left inside the Forgetness Garden or given the choice to live outside the palace. As you wish.''

His eyes darted between them making the four girls blush. Hua Roulan just shrugged as she couldn't be counted as a lady in waiting and Ning Xiaoqing will leave the palace soon as well. So actually, the palace had only five maids in waiting. He didn't even consider the two women as his future concubines.

Liu Mei didn't care even a bit about how many women he will have. She just found it quite dirty. If he chooses to sleep with all of them the same night, she might just puke the same moment.

But as she was in deep contemplation, everyone suddenly became silent and slow steps could be heard. From her position, she couldn't see who came, but looking at the Emperor and ministers having a respectful stance, she lowered her head as well and could just see three people passing in front her.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see their monk robes and simple straw shoes. Who still wear such things, except monks? She sighed deeply from inside. Should she spend the rest of her money to buy them shoes? What about those female monks? It is not good for them to walk in straw shoes.

It is hot for now, but when rain starts and winter comes, the coldness could harm their bodies. Maybe she should send them some comfortable underclothes and warm shoes? Her mind started wandering again so she almost missed what the monk was about to say.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her name. ''After recounting the stars and looking trough our divination, we could make an order of nighly favours with the Emperor. The first will be miss Liu Mei. Miss Liu Mei will have her night with the Emperor tonight. Ten days later will be another auspicious day and we will come back before that to say who will be next.''

Luckily she had a veil on her face or they could see her mouth wide agape. That is it? No other option?

The Emperor stood up and bowed seriously towards the old monk. ''What about the other girls? Can't you make divination again? I do not wish to let them wait too long.''

The old monk hit the floor with his stick and angrily rose his voice. ''My divinations are always right! If you make mistakes and go to someone else's room you will change the destiny of this country. Is that your wish? Is your Majesty's nightlife more important than this country!''

The Emperor went silent by monks rant. ''I didn't say that. I just felt a bit sorry for the girls... ''

Monk snorted. ''I know miss Liu Mei might not be perfect in your eyes, but the divination pointed at her. They still have time to get in your good books. It's not like you will kick them out tomorrow. Fool.''

With his last words, the old monk huffed and left the hall full of baffled ministers and the muted Emperor. They could see on his face the reluctance as he stared at Liu Mei, so they felt easier. One of the ministers came closer and bowed deeply.

''Your Highness. The divination already appointed lady Liu Mei as your consort anyway. Could you still pull your heart and spend the auspicious time with her? It is for the sake of our country. Please, your Highness, I implore you.'' He even got down on his knees and started banging his head on the floor while other ministers joined him.

So what if Liu Mei is first, it was clear as light that she was not in his favour. And on top of that didn't she shave her head? Like a chicken without feathers, how can she win against all those pretty things that just entered the palace?

They were not worried. They were delighted that she was chosen first. Like that, there won't be any winners or losers.

The Emperor sat down heavily with a complicated expression and sighed. ''Fine. I shall do as you wish. But I can't appoint her as Empress. It's impossible. She has no proper education, no wealth, no background... ''

Ministers suddenly stopped with their banging. They forgot his promise. If he relents and steps out from his promise, it is not a bad thing for them. At all. They had sad expressions on their faces as they rejoiced inside their hearts. ''We will hear as you wish, your Highness. Your Edict can be pulled back.''

''My Edict? Did I write an Edict about that?'' He stared at the nearby servants that the whole body shook. ''Did I?''

''Your Highness promised that he will give the Empress position to a woman that he chose to sleep with.'' The servant was just a lowly one and was afraid of the palace machinations.

Emperor chuckled. ''Fine then. I will sleep with her tonight and she will become the Empress. Then when I sleep with another girl she will become Empress and so on. The position of Empress I can give and take as I wish, right?''

Liu Mei just rolled her eyes. -It is not like I want it.-

Luckily, the ministers stopped him. ''This can't be done, Your Highness. Changing Empresses like that wouldn't be good either for the people or for the country.''

''Then tell me, what should I do?'' He stared at the ministers coldly.

They had so many ideas in their heads, but none of them could be said out loud. ''We will listen to your words.''

The Emperor turned his head towards Liu Mei. ''Woman,'' so rude, everyone thought. ''...from today on you shall become mine. I heard you are a widow. Then, there are many things I don't have to worry about. At the same time, I heard you know how to handle many things. To become my Empress you need to learn many things. Are you able?''

-I do not wish!- But how can she say such a thing directly to his face, so with a resignation she slumped her shoulders and just answered with one meek. ''Yes.''

''Bring the palace momo here. All these women will go through real palace training. Will miss Liu Mei get Empress position or not, it should be clearly shown after the training and testings. Understood?'' His voice resonated through the halls making the other four girls wince, while Liu Mei just sighed inwardly. -This is going to be bothersome, right?-