
16. Attracting flies

Not long after Xiao Ran left, Xiao Mei came back. She planed to rest but was sent back to the room. All she could see was Liu Mei sitting by the table and sipping the tea in the empty room.

''Where is Xiao Ran?'' It was clear that this woman was not hostile to anyone, so she was calm, but the calmness she emanated was something not many women had, not even those in the palace.

''You look like you will faint any minute. Why didn't you go to sleep? Come sit down here and let me ask you something. I somehow already know your answer but I will still ask. You see, Xiao Ran asked me to stay by my side as a servant. I asked her to bring the manager and her papers. I will buy her off. What about you? Wouldn't you want to stay with her? I may not rich, but I won't treat you badly."

Liu Mei wanted to give her at least a chance.

But looking by the expression Xiao Mei gave her, she knew she'll get rejected. "Miss, my working place is important to my family. I like Xiao Ran. But I will still choose to stay where I am. Thank you for your offer."

In her eyes, pure rejection and unwillingness flashed. Liu Mei didn't see any of that. She just saw a cute little girl that wanted to stay with her parents.

"Don't worry about it. If you feel that your current position is not bad then just stay where you are." Everyone has a choice.

It was her choice to stay by that man's side for so many years. Now since she came to this world, she needs to find a new home.

In her current home, there is something disgusting inside. But she will still go back there and live well. So no matter how this child chose, she can't meddle with this matter.

Soon a knock on the door could be heard and a woman with official clothes came in. This world is truly different as it seems. That gave her more confidence.

"Good morning Miss Liu. I hope you like staying in our royal hotel." The first words that this woman uttered stunned Liu Mei.

"Royal Hotel?" She was truly stunned.

The woman just slightly bowed and looked at her in amazement. No wonder...

Liu Mei was sitting by the table but a stroke of sunlight passed her eyes that suddenly shone in a strange light. Together with her dignified bearing, it made her look stunning.

She wore her simple clothes again and her face was free of makeup, but her long eyelashes made her eyes bigger and the milky white skin stands out even more. Natural pink colour lips that had added to all that.

She was not a beauty but she could be if she put better clothes and makeup. The female officer really had the wish to do style her up.

But her past is known to her, so for this woman its impossible to join that place. Too bad.

"Miss, my name is manager Shang Ru. Xiao Ran asked me to come here. It seems she really wants to stay by your side, as she spoke so many good words while we walked.'' Xiao Ran's face turned a bit pink while she shyly glanced at Liu Mei. ''Well anyway, I have brought her contract. Her contract would be worth anyway two more years. As she did her job excellently we planned to give her a better position, but her current wish is to get out and be by your side. As she never made a death contract with us, she can be set free before her time for 58 silver stones. That is to transfer her current contract to you. Anything further will be dealt with between the two of you.''

Liu Mei just took the big silver coin and smiled. ''Here for her contract and rest is my gift for you and Xiao Mei. I am not rich so I can't give more. My current life is not easy. Too bad that girl is very persuasive and doesn't want to give up that idea to be with someone like me. Anyway, thank you for your hard work and for your time.''

Shang Ru smiled as she took the silver tael. In the palace, every little silver stone mattered. The Emperor did set the same amount of salary for everyone, gave everyone enough free time, gave away presents to those that had done good work and punished laziness and bulling. But the money was always somehow too little. So taking presents sometimes was not a bad thing. He closed his eyes on it, as long they don't harm someone with it.

''Have a nice day Miss Liu and rest well. This room is not the best in the hotel but it is one of the most comfortable ones. We have visitors from other countries, so we gave them better rooms, please forgive us.'' It's never bad to be on her good side. Who knows what that crazy Emperor will pull again and make them all go even crazier.

Liu Mei had a smile on her lips. ''Thank you for your kindness. This room is amazing. I have to admit, I feel comfortable. Just to ask a small question, can I buy off that sleeping wear? It is so comfortable.''

Officer Shang Ru smiled. ''If you like it that much we can give it to you as consolation fee. Don't worry about paying it. '' Even if she asked for the whole room she would have given it, as it was his order to give her as gift anything she liked. ''Actually, we will renovate this room and discard all the items inside anyway. We will throw away everything from closets, beds, sheets, up to tables, chairs and everything else.''

Liu Mei was really astonished. Truly, all rich people were wasteful, no matter the other world or this one. Why would they throw away such good things that looked completely new?

''Stop. You mean you will discard everything in this room???'' She was truly astonished.

Shang Ru just smiled and nodded. ''Yes, even if it looks new, most things are over 20 years old and need renovation. The only newer thing is the bedding and the tea set, but the style changed and we want to bring a new style here. We would like to make this room much different. Something that was not seen before, but we have no idea what. For now, we will throw away everything and start with the renovation when the idea comes.''

Liu Mei suddenly got happy. ''I can write you few ideas for this room. I can make paintings of the room and if you like it as payment you gift me these things and bring it to my home. I like this style and feel its to wasteful to be thrown away.''

Now as Officer Shang Ru's turn to be surprised. ''You have ideas? In that case, I'll send everything for you to write it down. I will present it to our owner and if she likes it, we will do as you said, will bring this room and even the tea set to your home. For free.''

Liu Mei's faces became bright. Her room in that house was more spartan. She didn't mind that, but seeing such a good thing to be given to her, now she was happy. Even in the past world, she would always get some free stuff while she shopped. But this time she would get it free and brought in without much trouble.

Shang Ru went out to give the report to the Emperor, that just shook his head. ''She truly believed in such a lie. Who would throw away such treasures? She probably thinks that nobles are rich and wasteful, so she accepted it without even thinking. Those things were old stuff from the past century, that contain spiritual powers. She is truly simple. Wait she wants to make a new arrangement? I wonder what kind of idea could pop up in her head?

But after he saw the plans she painted and the ideas she wrote, he was truly stunned. ''Bring this to my mother and grandmother. I think they will love it.''

Liu Mei was in this room already a few days, but didn't feel stuffed at all. She wrote and painted the whole time, while ideas just poured out of her. Xiao Ran signed her new contract with her and eagerly helped her new master.

''Master, these writing with this picture and these with that picture right?'' Liu Mei was meticulous.

Every picture had a clear explanation. In the last few days she would paint for half a day carefully and then she would start to write down. So when the time was for her to go back home, she finished many proposals and gave them to Shang Ru.

''I had just a little time, so all I could come up with is this little bit of ideas. If you like it just let me know. Thank you for your care in these days. I felt really comfortable here. I am amazed about the service and tell your cook his cooking made me happy and filled.'' She was really looking better with her healthy colour back in her face. They stood in the hallway and were waiting for the carriage to arrive so she had her hat on.

''Miss, Doctor Zhao paid quite a bit money, so you being happy means we did our job well for the amount we got.'' Shang Ru had a bit mischievous side on her and winked at Liu Mei that started laughing.

Her melodious laugh was heard by a group of people that walked from the upper stairs.

''Someone down seems to be really happy. That laugh is so refreshing. Just who is that person?'' Unfortunately for them, their curiosity couldn't be settled as she already entered the carriage when they came down.