
New Valyria

New Valyria is a Game of Thrones fanfiction that flips the script on Jon Snow’s story. Instead of staying stuck as the brooding, isolated bastard of Ned Stark, Jon decides he’s meant for something bigger—something legendary. He’s done with the idea that his life has to be cold and grim at the edge of the world. In this version, he aims higher, dreaming of becoming a leader whose name echoes through history. This time around, Jon’s not just a guy in the shadows. He’s a father, a warrior, an emperor, and a true dragon from the North. He’s making his own fate, playing the game of power like never before. The story follows his bold moves to build alliances with far-off empires and kingdoms beyond the Sunset Sea, turning himself into a serious player on the world stage. At the same time, he’s not afraid to take on new lands to the East, proving his strength and strategy in battle after battle. New Valyria is all about Jon’s rise from a guy who never quite fit in to a ruler who refuses to be forgotten. It’s packed with complex plots, intense battles, and the kind of adventures that show just how far he’s come. This isn’t the Jon you remember—it’s a version where he’s reaching for the stars and pulling everyone along for the ride. Curious to see how Jon carves out his own legend? You can get a front-row seat to all the action by supporting New Valyria on my Wbesite or Patreon. With early access to chapters and a chance to help shape the story’s path, it’s your way to dive even deeper into this epic saga. Check it out at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively and join the adventure!

Perseus_Blackfyre · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

Chapter 25: Arc 2, Tourney of the Hand


Sandor Clegane


Sandor snarled as he was blocked from his brother. He wanted revenge for what that bastard did to him and their dead sister. He wanted him dead. And that won't be able to happen if the shit in front of him moved.

Sandor looked down at the Dornish Prince in front of him, "Move! Let me have that shit!" he yelled at the man.

The Prince smiled, "Calm yourself, Dog. You will have your revenge, but it won't be you whom does the job." the smile on the Prince's face left, and turned to one of annoyance, "And you're not the only one, that wants revenge, Dog. Don't you forget what your brother did to my family." the Prince backed up and turned his head to where Sandor's brother was, but keeping one eye on Sandor, "But the man that is fighting your brother is the man that deserves that title."

Sandor snarl and charged, "I don't care what happened to your family. I don't care if that shit deserves the right to fight my brother." the Prince dodged the swing Sandor sent towards the man's head, "I want him dead and I will do what I want. And what if you don't move, you will find yourself with my sword in your gut."

Sandor sent a barrage of slashes and stabs, at the Prince. The man dodged them all, "My. My. Aren't you wild up, for a fight, dog." The Prince then backed up and got his spear into a fighting position, "Well let me show you what a Snake can do to a Hound like you."


Arianne Martell


'Well we all saw that coming.' Arianne said to herself, as she watched her uncle and the Hound fight it out. Looking around the field Arianne could see who was against, and she also know who's who. Ser Brayden's opponent was his nephew, with Lord Royce, going against Dorne's second representative, Gerold Dayne.

Gendry, the Raging Bull, was going hammer to sword with Ser Jason Mallister. Gerion, the Laughing Lion, against Ser Loras. Ser Jamie was teasing Ser Addam. The Red Priest against Ser Garlen. And lastly was the man whom holds all of her heart against the man who has all of Dorne hates him.

Ari looked to the centre of the field and saw the two fight. She watched as Jon ducked a swing to the head, all the while getting his sword ready for a barrage of swings, thrusts, and more.

Ari heard people cheer and boo. She looked towards the other fighters, and saw that Ser Edmure Tully, and Ser Loras Tyrell were on their behinds with a sword to their throat. Both men yielded and left the field and returned to their family. The fight continued with Blackfish going against the Laughing Lion.

Ari looked to the other contestants, and saw them holding against their opponents. She looked back to the centre, and saw that the two opponents were still at each other's throat. When out of nowhere the Mountain backhanded. Sending the man back about seven steps. Even from here Arianne could see that the helmet was cracked and that it was going to leave a scar.

Ari flinched at what just happened to the man that holds her heart. She watched as Jon shook his head, stood straight, and got back into the fight against the Mountain, sending a mix of stabs, swings, punches, and kicks.

"That looked like it hurts." Tyene said from beside her. Knowing who was under the damaged helmet. Her other cousins nodded.

Ari nodded, "It does. But I wouldn't worry. Jon's has taken the worst."

Her cousins look to her, some with a look of disbelief, and the rest with curiosity. Obara was the first to speak, "What's worse then taking that monster's fist to the face, breaking the steel off the helmet?"

Ari blinked a few times until she spoke, "Well let's say he has survived death a few times. The first was a 6ft dragon biting into his arm, and having his arm almost being pulled off. The second was with fights a Khal and his Ko, getting stabbed close to his organs. The third was a stupid practice and defected shield, and almost get a arrow to the heart. The last time," Ari shivered remembering Volantis, "Well I'd rather not say." She looked to her cousins, and saw that the older Sand Snakes had their eyes wide open with shock, and the younger ones with amazement in their eyes.

Ari then heard cheers and boos. She looked and saw that Sandor Clegane was on his back side with a spear to his neck. He wasn't the only one though. On his knees was the Blackfish with the sword of the Laughing Lion's to his throat, and on their backs were Ser Gerold Dayne, and Ser Galen Tyrell. Each was offered a hand but only the Blackfish and Ser Galen accepted their help. Sandor just slapped the hand away and moved back to the stands. And Gerold just stood and left the field.

The winners just looked around and found their next opponents. Lord Royce moving towards her Uncle, Oberyn and the Red Priest stepping towards the Laughing Lion. She watched as the four went and started their fight against their chosen opponents.

She looked back to her cousins and saw that Tyene was the only one that has gotten over her shock. Tyene turned to her and spoke, "How did you find a man like that Ari?"

Arianne giggled, "Well I was in Norvos at the right time." She looked to the other cousins and just saw that they all moved on. She looked back to Tyene and saw a look of jealous, and want. She leaned towards her ear and whispered, "He has more than one lover Tyene. I already know that he has an interest in you, and I can see that you have an interest in him."

She backed away from Tyene and saw a small grin on that beautiful face. She looked back to the field and saw that the two Westerlanders were almost done their fight, and she also noticed that Ser Jason was growing tired.

Arianne took the wine from beside her and poured herself a cup. She looked towards the centre and saw that the fight there was still going strong. She smiled behind the cup, 'Hurry My Love. Ladies are waiting for you." She looked towards the Starks, spotting a girl of 15 or 16 name days, jumping in her seat, and was glaring at the giant man in the centre. She also saw the two little pups, one being a copy of their father, and the other being the copy of their Mother.

Ari smiled, 'Just you wait, Little Wolf. You will be having your brother soon.'

She then saw a little girl jumping up and down in her father's arms. She smiled at the sight when a similar memory came to mind, with Jon on the deck of the Winter's Wind, with her Little Snake jumping up and down in joy.

She looked to the fight going on in the centre, and saw Jon side step a thrust from the monster in front of him. She then made a self promise that she will be the next one to bring Jon a new babe. A male preferably, with his father's build, and hair and from her he would get the skin and eyes. She smiled at the thought, sipping her wine. Thinking of all the good times they could have.


Margaery Tyrell


Marg realized a sigh, 'There goes the chance of winning the melee's prize.' She said to herself, as her second oldest brother left the fighting field. 'Well let's hope it goes better in jousting.

She looked around, getting tired of staring at the fighting, and saw the other great families of Westeros. The running direwolf of the Starks, the longest living family in Westeros. The trout of the Tullys, a house who only gained power because Aegon the First saw fit to give it to them. The golden lion of the Lannisters, a family who beats House Tyrell in gold only. The black stag standing with a crown of the Baratheon of King's Landing, a house which has no real purpose. Taken everything from the House Durrandon, but the name. The son and spear of House Nymeros Martell, the ruling family of the only place both Daeron the Young Dragon and Aegon the Conqueror couldn't conquer, even with dragons.

Margaery then heard a snort coming from beside her, knowing full well that it was her grandmother, Olenna Tyrell. She looked to her grandmother and saw her looking at the field. Marg looked and saw the fight between the two westerlanders were coming to an end, with the Kingsguard coming up on top. She watched as the two knights dodged, and struck each other.

In a few seconds Ser Addam was on his front with a knee on his back, and a sword to the back of his neck. "I yield." The man spoke. The golden cladded man got up and offered the fallen opponent a hand, who accepted and left the field.

Ser Jamie looked around for an opponent, and found none.

Marg then saw the red priest falling backwards, and was soon to the ground with a sword to his heart. "Aye, I yield." The sword was moved away, and in its place a hand. The priest accepted and left. The Laughing Lion looked around and saw the Golden Lion. Both knights started moving towards each other.

"Lion vs Lion." Marg said, "Who do you think is under the helmets Grandmother?"

Her grandmother snorted, "Who cares who's under those helmets." Her grandmother was staring at the centre of the field, "The only thing the lords want to know is who is fighting the Mountain. Whoever it is has skill, and lots of it." Marg nodded, knowing what her grandmother meant.

When she first saw the two fight she felt sorry for the man, but that changed over the past few minutes of the melee. The man was skilled, and there was no denying that. It's almost like the man was special with a sword in his hands.

But everyone knew that when there was something about anyone. They knew they would have to fight to get that. Marg looked around to see that Cersei and Tywin Lannister watched the two fight. Both watched as the two fight, one with interest, and the other with planning. She didn't blame the Old Lion for that. This man was literally fighting… 'What was it grandmother called the Mountain again? Ahh, the Lannister's Monster. That was what grandmother called him.'

Margaery looked back to the field and watched as the Mountain and the Winter's Wolf fought. The latter ducked a few swings and side step some thrusts. And then countered. All the while Marg watched with interest. Not noticing that the Laughing Lion was taking off his helmet. Nor that her Grandmother was looking at her.

All she did was watch, feeling something in her gut, something telling her that the man under the helmet will do something to her that no one else has.


Gerion Lannister


Gerion watched as his nephew grinned the grin of their house, "Uncle." The Kingsguard said.

Gerion dropped the helmet going back into a fighting stance, and responded, "Nephew. You weren't suspecting me, were you."

"No I did." The knight responded, "You chose a stupid name. Everyone from the Westerlands knows that the name, 'Laughing Lion', belongs to one man. That man is you."

Gerion shrugged, "I thought as much." He attacked his nephew, who blocked the sword, "Yield, when I say yield." Gerion whispered.

Jamie looked to him confused, "Why?"

Gerion stepped back and sent a few jabs and swings at his nephew. Whom blocked, dodged, and countered each one. They ended up with them trying to push the other back, with their swords in front of them. Gerion looked to his nephew, whom was looking at him still confused. He motioned with his eyes, to the fight going on in the centre of the field.

"Jon has a plan and we both need to yield at the same time, for it to work." Gerion spoke. Jamie looked, and stared. That was broken when Gerion stepped back and sending a swing to the knights head. Jamie ducked, and stepped back. Jamie looked towards him with a look of thinking and understanding. A tiny smile grew on his face, 'They really do underestimate you, Jamie.'

They continued with their fight until they were both sweating, and getting tired. Even at his age, Gerion was a fearful opponent. He looked up seeing his nephew getting ready for another attack. Gerion's eyes caught sight of Jamie's, and understood what was going to happen.

Gerion stood and brought his sword up for an attack. Across from him, his nephew did the same. They stared and waited until the right moment and when it came they changed and sent jabs, slashs, and more at each other… until they both took a blow to the sides, both feeling trouble. They both backed up and when a few feet apart they both shouted, "I Yield."

They looked at eachother and stood and walked towards the exit. When they were a few dozen feet away from the crowd, his nephew stopped and turned around, "His Grace… he plans on avenging Prince Aegon, and Princess Elia and Rhaenys… doesn't he."

Gerion stared at his nephew and nodded, "But not only that. He plans on avenging all those that Monster has harmed." He looked back to the crowd, "Let me tell you something that happened recently, and not only once but four times." He looked to the person opposite him, "I wasn't there but on the few days Jon has left the home he is currently living in. He always came back with rage and anger. He told me what happened, and when I heard what he said it made my blood boil."

He continued to walk, and motioned his nephew to follow. When he stopped he stood in front of a house with no door, "This is where he told me where it happened."

His nephew looked confused, "What happened, Uncle."

He looked back, and with a hurt voice spoke, "This was the place where Jon saw the Mountain rape a 14 year old girl." His nephew's eyes flew open, "Jon would have intervened but was stopped because the door was guarded. Jon could have taken it but the father and mother were being forced to watch with knives to their throats, all the while the Mountain's Men watched and laughed."

The knight looked back to where the Tourney of the Hand was behold. The silence grew, and grew until his nephew turned around and looked to him, "What does he plan to do."

A Lannister grin slowly grew onto Gerion's face, making his nephew feel a shiver down his spine, "Well that is the question isn't it."

Jamie looked to him, "His Grace didn't tell you?"

Gerion nodded, "All he told me was take you out with me. Gendry and Oberyn will deal with the others. And when they are done they will do the same as you and me. Leaving the Mountain and the Winter's Wolf alone." His nephew took in the information, and slowly nodded.

They both heard roars coming from the direction of the melee. Both looked to each other, and Jamie said, "We should be heading back."

Gerion looked behind him feeling something, and caught a glimpse of a shadow moving, 'Who would that be?" Everyone was at the Tourney watching the melee. And the spy's belonging to Varys being ordered to stay away from Gerion. So who would that be? After a thought Gerion's eyes turned to glares, 'Baelish.'

"Uncle?" He heard Jamie speak.

He looked to his nephew and nodded, "You go ahead." He looked back knowing that the person was still there, "I have something to do."

Jamie looked past him, and just nodded, "Okay… see you there." He turned and left.

Gerion waited until his nephew was out of sight, until he started speed walking toward where the shadow was. He turned the corner to see a woman with red hair, wearing whore clothes on her back looking up at the rageful man.

"Now. You going to tell me everything you heard, and who you are." Gerion spoke.

The woman nodded, "R-R-Ros, Ser." And she told him everything.

Gerion stood there as she spoke, listening to what she said. When she finished Gerion crouched grabbed his purse, and took out a 14 gold dragons. He looked up to the woman, "Thank you, for being honest to me, Ros. Now I'm going to return to the Tourney, and I am going to give you advice and a helping hand." She nodded, "Don't work for Baelish. He will do evil things to you, and will hurt you."

She stared at him, "How… how do you know this?"

"Because my 'King' has seen it. And he has never been wrong." She nodded slowly. He held out his hand with the gold dragons, "Take these and buy yourself some clothing. When that is done find a ship that leaves for Braavos. There you will find someone named Marwyn. He will be wearing a mask of Valyrian Steel. He will take you under his arm, and teach you things that not even Baelish will know."

She slowly nodded, and he gave her the gold dragon, and stood. But before she left he grabbed her arm. She looked back, and he spoke, "I'm trusting you, girl. Don't go back to Baelish go to Braavos. Can you promise me this? Can you promise a greying lion that you will go to Braavos?"

She just stared at him, not moving an inch. But she nodded and he let go and she ran in the direction of a clothes store. When she was out of sight, he turned around to see a boy with dark hair, with blue eyes, and tanned skin, wearing black and red clothes.

He inwardly punched himself for forgetting that he had his own little spy always follow him, but smiled outward, "Follow her, Alexios." The boy nodded, "Return to me when she either goes to the docks or the Whorehouses." The boy nodded and followed after the girl… no Ros was her name. Gerion went to turn around but stopped remembering something Jon said, "Actually Alexios." He watched as the bird looked to him.

Gerion knew that if he asked what he is going to ask, people will hate him, but this was a chance and he wasn't going to miss it. And there's only two birds that can do this. Cassandra and Alexios Vin. Siblings who murdered their parents after years of abusing them.

Gerion reached into his punch and grabbed 10 pieces of gold dragons, 10 pieces of silver moons, and stags, 10 pieces of stars, groats, half groats, pennies, and half pennies, and held it out to the kid, and watched as the kid grabbed it and put it in a punch, and looked up to him, "Go to the brothels, and look for Janos Slynt. When you find him, you know what to do."

The boy nodded, and continued with his first command, and followed Ros. Gerion sighed and looked back to the Tourney and started walking towards it. He was getting too old for this.


Mya Stone


Mya looked around glad that no one has noticed her… mainly the shit who is her father, and his bitch of a queen. She hated this city, she hated the Lords of this city. But what she hated most was the feeling she was getting from the mysterious knight.

It was somewhat like the feeling she got from her dreams, of a man riding a black horse, and in black armour. She looked around at the coward noticing how loud it was.

She would call herself lucky, for being able to come to this tourney. But now she was just annoyed. But still she was grateful that Lord Royce brought her along. Even if she has her donkeys, and friends in the Erie, she was getting bored up in the mountains of Westeros.

Mya was taken from her thoughts by the people around her charring. She looked to the field and saw another contestant was knocked out. Now stood the Bull, with a hammer to the old knights chest. She watched as the old knight yielded, and as the younger one held out his hand. Ser Jason accepted the help and left. And from there the Bull waited for an opponent letting him check his breath.

Mya then heard someone yell, and looked to the source and saw that it was crowned prince. Within seconds of seeing the prince Mya hated him. He had no Baratheon blood in him, he was all lion. The crowned prince continued but was stopped when a sword flew past his face. Mya looked to see that prince Oberyn was swinging his spear around, and with the Lord Royce weaponless. The lord yielded and walked towards the exit.

Mya looked back to the royal family and saw both the queen and the crowned prince yelling at the king. But her father ignored them and kept his eyes on the melee, and the Bull.

She looked back and saw the Prince and the Bull walking towards each other. Leaving only 4. Mya looked on with boredom and with mild interest at whom was going to win the melee.

She looked towards the fight that has been going on since the beginning, and felt the same feeling each time she looked over there. Mya pouted, 'What is this feeling, and why won't it leave.'


Clarisse Blackwood


Clarisse sat beside her father, as he spoke with Lord Piper, and Lady Whent. She watched as the last four opponents fought against their chosen opponent. The Bull against the Snake, and the Wolf against the Mountain. She would be stupid if she didn't say she was interested in what the Winter's Wolf was doing. Not only was he fighting against Ser Gregor Clegne, but he was also making her insides do cartwheels.

She watched as the Wolf, dodged a dozen swings and jabs the Moun was sending at him. She could see that the giant knight was getting annoyed, and with the sun going into his eyes everytime, he threw his helmet away, showing his angered red face.

Clarisse smiled, 'You fell into his plans. You lost the Mountain." And right she was.

When the helmet hit the ground, the Wolf started to send barrage after barrage of attacks at the giant man. A swing to the mountains left and then to his right, and on it goes. Clarisse was too focused on the fight going on in the centre to notice that the other two were coming to an end. With… with… with neither of them looking to be on top.

Clarisse heard a yell and looked to see that the Wolf was still sending swings at the Mountain, not stopped for a second. She saw what made the giant man to yell, the Wolf was able to hit him on the back of his leg, knocking the armour there off.

"Yield." She heard two people speak at the same time. She looked to see that the tip of the prince's spear was pointing at the bulls neck, and the hammer being held at the prince's below the belt, and with a dagger being held to the prince's heart. They both nodded, and left the field, with the Bull taking off his helmet to show a young man with raven black hair, and sapphire blue eyes.

Clarisse then heard three lion like growls. She looked to see that the Prince was out of his seat, so was the queen, and last Lord Lannister. All three looked angry at seeing the boy.

Both Prince and boy left to the Dornish stands. She watched as the fight against Wolf, and Mountain continued. But when all of the sudden the Wolf stopped attacking spoke.

The knight looked toward the royal family, mainly the king, "My King, may I call a trial by combat."

In that moment, everyone was silent as the king looked at the knight. The king spoke, "Why do you call for a trial by combat, boy."

The knight reached up to take his helmet off. When it was off it show a man black hair going down to his shoulders, half his face bleeding, and deep purple/velvet eyes. When Clarisse saw those eyes, she was reminded of a dream.

She was taken from her thoughts by the young, "I have been in this city for sennights. And I have already seen this man," the Wolf pointed to the Mountain, "rape a 14 year old, 16 year old, 17 year old, and a 18 year old. All of whom are most likely standing here right now." Clarisse looked around, not noticing the teens that were mentioned, "And that is what you call knight. A man who rapes teens, murders babes, and then murders mothers." The man turned to look at the Hound, "And if I remember correctly, Sandor correct me if I'm wrong." the knight just stood there, "He's also a kinslayer. Killing his youngest sister." The Wolf looked back to the king, "So I'm calling for a trial by combat, for all those that have suffered at this man's hands."

Everyone looked to the king waiting for his answer. It took a bit until the silence was broken. But it wasn't by the King, but by the Queen. Whom was laughing. "What makes you believe that you can fight Westeros' best knight, when your only a bastard of the North."

Everyone looked to the Wolf. They watched as a grin grow onto his face, "Ohh, you might have forgotten me, my Lady. But I'm Jon Snow, the Head Commander of the Biggest Sellsword company currently living. I'm the finest sword since Bittersteel, and I bit if the real Sword of the Morning was here, he would say as well."

Jon Snow then looked to Lord Tywin, who was standing and glaring down at the man, whom looked unfazed, "This is your daughter, Lord Tywin. You should have taught her more about Essos and who holds the power there." When that was said, everyone gasped. Jon Snow looked back to the king, "So what do you say, My King."

Everyone looked to the king, whom just took a sip of his wine, and nodded. Clarisse looked back to Jon Snow, who was grinning, "Thank You, You Grace." He turned to the knight, "Get your sword you fat tard, your going to die today and I'm going to make you pay."

The Mountain stood, and yelled, "SWORD!"

And Clarisse watched as a terrified squire ran out with a giant sword. The mountain unsheathed the sword. Then Clarisse looked towards Jon Snow, and saw a boy running out with a sword, with a black handle, which had three dragon heads on it, on being the pommel and two on the other side of the guard, and in the centre of the guard was a ruby. He was also carrying two glass bottles. Clarisse watched as Jon Snow took the two glass bottles and attached them to his belf, and then unsheathe the sword to show valyrian steel. Jon Snow then placed the helmet back on, and got into a fighting stance.

Clarisse watched as the High Septon walked towards the centre and spoke to words, and off the two started to fight.


Arya Stark


Arya looked on with horror as her brother started to fight the Mountain. There was no way Jon could win against that. 'That's' sword is the length of Jon. Arya started to shake in fear, and her father saw this. Ned quickly brought Arya into a hug, "It's okay Little Wolf. We just need to pray that Jon returns to us."

Her father was joined by Aerea and Jacaerys, both embracing her, "Yeah, Papa will be fine. I've seen him fight a Khal and the Khal's Kos. Papa only came out with a few scratches." Aerea said with a smile.

Arya nodded, looking to see what Sansa was doing, and saw her staring at the field. And in the corner of her eyes, Arya caught sight of greying hair and raven black hair of both Gerion Lannister and Gendry Baratheon. She looked over to see what they did and saw a huge spike, and rope on the outside of the field.

She looked back to the field, and watched as Jon dodge thrusts and swings. Arya sent a prayer to her gods, and then said to herself, "Return Big Brother. Return to me alive."


Sandor Clegne


'He's mad.' Sandor said to himself as he watched Jon Snow fight his brother. Sandor knew who was going to win this fight. Even if the rumours were true. His brother was a monster who has unnatural abilities. He continued to look on watching as the fight went on.

He watched as Snow dodge his brother's swings. Even if he hasn't even met the man, he was still thankful that he was willing to do what was right for this world. Killing his brother. He watched as Snow got onto the offensive, and started sending swing after swing at his brother. His eyes widened when he heard his brother grunt.

'Snow's actually doing it. He's making Gregor feel pain.' Sandor said to himself. The fight still went on, and Sandor watched as Snow got hits into his brother. Sandor then had a change of heart, 'Maybe Snow can do what I haven't been able to do all my life.' Sandor looked to the sky, 'You are going to be revenge, sister. Just you wait." She looked back down and watched.

Curious to see how Jon carves out his own legend? You can get a front-row seat to all the action by supporting New Valyria on my Wbesite or Patreon. With early access to chapters and a chance to help shape the story’s path, it’s your way to dive even deeper into this epic saga. Check it out at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively and join the adventure!

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