

The war between the 8 planets had ended a long time ago. Everyone is happily living on their respective planets peacefully in the present. The new generation of different creatures is now reaping the abundance of the present  because of the labor of their fallen warriors. Many years had passed, but the bloody war won't be forgotten.

Everyone is busy preparing for the honoring fest. Today is the fest of honoring for the fallen warriors of the 7 planets. It is the special planets located in vast universe. Different creatures coming from 7 planets are gathered in the planet Frynx to celebrate. After the war, the King of the planet Frynx as the biggest out of the seven planets  has been appointed to rule the seven planets to maintain the peace and harmony after they've successfully defeated the Goddess of flesh, Oidrah.

Planet Zoid is the biggest and the most powerful before it was blasted out from the endless galaxy that ended the great painful war. King Oofalon was manipulated by Goddess Oidrah in order to bring all the smaller planets to slavery. Goddess Oidrah has the power to manipulate the mind , body and the urge of a Male being. She had managed to bring her enemies before her because of her power, in the past. Because of her ambition to surpass the power of Goddess Frianx, her Older sister,

she tried to summon the devils from the wilderness using the blood of the eight virgins  including king Oofalon's daughter Aofina. It was an awful ritual that requires a pure blood of the first maiden offspring in every eight planet's race.

The bloody war was made out of the blood of 8 virgin heiresses. That was the tale that later on converted into a fest that all the space creatures remember today. This is a kind o event that everyone was waiting eagerly. Until the right moment had come.

 Loud cheerful music can be heard, creatures drowning themselves with high quality of wine made up from the high grade beast being given by the royal family. There were shouting in happiness echoed in every corner of the houses of planet Frynx from small shelters to big ones , and up to the lively huge palace of Frynx.

But in the other side of the universe. The awakening had started.

'Wake up! Wake up, my dear Aofina!'

The howling wind blows as the velvet light slowly opens the tomb. The flame shuts the velvet light as it touches the Goddess's beauty laying on the gold coffin. The beauty that could blind an eye, slowly got up, and when she got her snow white bare feet firmly standing on the cold stones, She swayed with her flame out from the hidden world of wilderness. She suddenly opened her velvet eyes. Her deadly flame covered her naked body. She held her hand up and cut a little of her flesh using her sharp fingernail.

The gorgeous Goddess enchanted her words. Words that wake the hibernating devils up from their long slumber.

'Our time again has come! Go and devour every creature's soul that you can have! Do not fail me!'

Suddenly, the roaring sound coming from a terrifying voice echoed in the wilderness, together with the laugh of the Goddess woman.

Back into the Royal Palace of Frynx, where everyone was extremely happy and expecting for more happening and presentations during the festival, the king was making his speech for the official opening . . .

"Today, creatures  coming from 7 different bloodlines, we all gathered here to honor our  fallen warrior fathers! They who gave their souls for us! to—" King Phiar's words and attention caught by a horrifying scream. And it continued for a couple of seconds which terrified tje creatures around the huge place.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help me!"

Everyone's attention is caught by a voice who is in tremendous pain shouting for help. The cheerful songs and dances that can be heared earlier are now replaced with great cries of pain and agony. Blood splashes everywhere. Warriors fighting using their swords. The gemeniese with their magic sticks. The white sprink with their mind controls. Zkimmy with their great powerful hands. Qatshu with their little body yet powerful strength. Wefsei with their magic sand, and the Frynxes who possessed all the ability of the seven bloodlines. But not everyone of the Frynxes  had successfully awakened their mixed blood. It was only applied to the royal family. Most of the Frynxes common powers are super strength and mind control.

'My King, I can no longer hold it! Ohhh! Goddess Frianx! Help me! The prince is coming out!' Queen Chappney yelled in her mind d.

The Queen exclaimed as she tried to get into the black crystal capsule while the whole palace was slowly falling apart. Holding her round belly while a blue liquid running from her womb to her legs. Her water was also gushing out which made her unable to properly move and it was also accompanied with constant pain.

Clang!  Clang!  Clang!

The sound of swords coming from different angles. It was deafening with explosions everywhere. The palace was in great chaos that everyone couldn't think that this unmerciful slaughtery would happen during the sacred festival.

'My Queen! I'll come to you as soon as I can free myself. For now, go and save our Prince,' King Phiar desperately said.


The Frynxes had the ability of telepathy and communicating using their mind. So for the royal blood, communication won't be a problem.

The king spoke to his queen as he kicked  the devil-like creature who's about to snatch his head off using its long and sharp nails. Sweat and blue liquid like blood flowing from his wounds coming from his uncomfortable injuries. He was trying to rescue his queen but he couldn't get any chance because of the Goids coming side to side, up and down  like they're impossibly unlimited.

Loud noises came from the sky, and hurricane-like holes appeared in the roaring chaotic hole. Suddenly the surroundings became dim due to  more approaching flying demi Giods. They all look exactly the same as the book they only read before. That It seems like the master's sketch and drawings came to life and envaded their territory.

'Sire! You must go take care of our queen. I will be at your back no matter what happens," said Houn, the royal protector.

'As much as I want. I couldn't get myself free of these devils, Houn," answered the king.

'But, the queen!'

'Ahhh! My king . . . Please, ohhh!

It's painful . . . So painful!" queen chapney cried.

'My queen, get into the capsule. Save our son!  Save our future.'

"King Phiar! What are we going to do now? They're not dying, we can easily kill them but piece by piece, they only come back! And even multiplied!"

"King Skimm, we must close the portal. We need to do it before it's too late!"

'You're all gonna fall into my hands! None of you can stop me. I owned your souIs! I'll take what's mine, and I'll take what's yours! Haha!'

The cold voice echoed in every creature's mind. Everyone recognized her. Her lifeless alluring voice lured into their minds and they all submitted to her like a piece of useless thing.

And in an instant. The planet Frynx has fallen. Most  of the creatures that are inside are now gone with the fallen planet. Others that had survived are now facing and suffering like a deja vu. It's a faith that they didn't expect would come. It's like a theif of life that suddenly came and took everything.


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