
new stuff I found

Joalens_julien · Urban
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6 Chs


For as long as he could remember his beautiful mother was sick, see she had epilepsy and it came with a lot of dilemma as his father abandoned them and he had to work as a kid. It doesn't mean that she could not work but just if she does not have her medicine on time she would go into seizure, after waking from it she would mentally regress as a toddler while suffering from amnesia before she would then after some time come back to her senses.

One time Josh who was still a virgin got an idea of what he would do, after managing to make a diy open mouthed gag where he could easily slip his cock he waited for his opportunity. Coming back home his mom greeted him with a smile.

" Hi son, how was your day?" Removing his shoes Josh replied "I'm okay how are you, did you eat and take your medicine?".

Looking annoyed at him she answered "Clearly I don't need the medicine, so stop with that silly question and tell me are you hungry?" Keep his anger and excitement at bay he expressionlessly replied that he did before moving back to his room to change after which he took the gag, the furred cuffs as well as his homemade chloroform, he pocketed them and walked back to the living room when he heard the earliest signs of her seizure. Getting to her just in time he could see that she was about to go down, he warned her to sit down but she was stubborn not complying.

As he expected she took the fall as the seizure caught her, moving with surprising speed he caught her before her shoving and tying the gag before her teeth gnashed against each other taking both of her straining out stretched hands before cuffing them. As he already has the knowledge of all the song and dance as he knows how long it would all last giving him an ample time, while doing all of this his cock already straining against his pants before he pulled it off of himself and taking his still seizing mother he thrusted all of his 8 inch length down her throat.

The feeling was indescribable as he started to thrust with wild abandon with her nose  being buried by his pubes, his mother was still seizing but it would be done in two minutes of which he was already down by thirty seconds.


*Gwak*gwak*slurp*slurp"gag*gag* was the constant sound emitting from the room before with a grunt Josh buried his cock feel in her still hot pulsing throat, cumming deep down her throat "Yessssss!!!!! Suck on it you bitch, oh freaking yes, oh man!!!"

Her seizure slowing down he turn her on her stomach before pulling on her hips raising them in the air, scooping some of his cum from her mouth he wet his cock and her dry pussy before thrusting his length his cock inside of her twat. He moaned at how soft and silky she felt similar to a warm and tight glove was so good, still thrusting non stop her cheeks kept meeting his hips with a clap with her breasts swaying from the brutal pounding her son was giving her his cock head kept meeting her cervix with each thrust.

Before her wall suddenly got tighter and wetter before it convulsed, feeling the sudden slick delicious tightness he thrusted even more wildly his cock barely penetrating her cervix before with each pulse he unleashed his pent up cum more and more. Pulling off her cum filled pussy with her seizure already done, he now had about four minutes window with his dick still hard.

Rubbing his cock on her other hole he thrusted in with his cock straining to penetrate, spitting on her asshole he tried again with a better success with her rectum swallowing his cock head.

Thrusting even more viciously with his length getting deeper inch by inch until with another forceful thrust his hips met her hips, grabbing his chloroform and wetting the rag while still smacking his hips on her's.


The tightness told him that there was no one there before himself making him happy for taking her black cherry, his mother slowly waking up from the seizure feeling a strange sensation in her butt causing her to strain before she saw she was handcuffed. While she was panicking he pressed the rag covering both her mouth and nose, screaming and struggling as well as moaning from her ass being screwed he still kept it with one hand and the other on her hip which he gripped with enough force to almost leave a bruise.

Passing out with her head dropped from unconsciousness he grabbed her dark locks pulling her head back, before earnestly plowing with enough force that he would imprint his hips on her ass, he would reshape both of her holes for himself. Grabbing the back of her neck for him to use it as an additional handhold  to pull her limp and relaxed body against himself like a toy before cumming hard very hard with his cock releasing spurt after spurt of cum with a satisfied groan.

Laying on his mother's limp form as he panted from his sexual exhaustion, his cock still buried deep in her ass before he removed it causing all the liquid to spill out of her well fucked hole gaping. Cleaning her up and getting rid of all the evidence he redressed her before taking her back to her room setting her back on her bed.