
new stuff I found

Joalens_julien · Urban
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6 Chs


Another night and Denji is home alone, bored out of his skull with nothing to do. Not only that, but he's impossibly horny with absolutely nothing to jerk off to. His skins burn hotly in frustration, wanting to bury his dick inside of something warm and wet; feel something squeezing around his dick. His cock is hard, desperately wanting to jack off, but good God damn, there's nothing getting him going right now.

"Ugh..." The second he gets the house to himself, he can't even masturbate properly. The teenager stares at his erection, eyes fixed on every vein on it. He sighs, beginning to stroke it, hoping that'll help with his lack of creativity— and once more, he's proven wrong. Denji grits his teeth together, groaning. Fuck, why can't he get off? What's wrong with him? His balls are aching for any release they can get, but it's hard when shitty porn videos and magazines aren't helping. "I hate this..." He mumbles, palming himself still.

His brain is blanking, desperately trying to conjure up sexy images and scenarios for himself to bust to. He imagines Makima, wrapping his mouth around her nipple. Power crosses his mind too, but still, nothing. Sexual frustration is the worst feeling, especially since his mind is always running with dirty fantasies, but when he gets his proper alone time, nothing. The teenager searches his mind for any leftover horny brainrot, but he groans when nothing comes to mind. All he wants is a hot pussy around his cock, needs to feel something for real this time.

It's another one of those nights, where his body craves something real— pornography won't cut it this time, needs tits bouncing in his face as a girl fucks herself on his fat cock. Denji's hand slowly pumps himself, getting off on the idea, but it's not enough. Never will be enough, not when he's this insatiable. Just where did this appetite come from?

Sighing, he decides he'll just distract himself. Denji tucks his erection back into his pants, getting up and drifting into the kitchen. He's not sure if it'll work, but anything is better than paying attention to the fact he's horny without an outlet. "Fuck..." He pants, wishing he had a girlfriend. Walking over to the fridge, he turns the handle and starts searching for anything to make. Once he sees that there's literally nothing, he walks over to the cabinets before being stopped in his tracks, hearing a giggle from your room— his cock instantly hardens, blood rushing to haunt him with arousal.

Denji's face drains of color, realizing you're here too. He forgot about you, honestly— too sucked into his own filthy fantasies, or rather the lack of them. Shit. His head spins, realizing he's hard for an 8 year old little girl. He groans, his cock throbbing impossibly with all the ways he could have you. He's thought about you once or twice, but only in passing. "Jesus... I couldn't, could I?" He asks, guilt eating away at his lust, but it's definitely more than he realizes. He's so fucking hard, so needy, and you're just what he needs: a cute, tight and warm pussy ready to be used by him.

Another groan leaves him, possessed by an urge he didn't realize he had. Before he knows it, he's walking to your bedroom. A soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips when he sees you playing with a few of your toys, lost in the fantasy of whatever game you're playing. You're laying on your stomach, innocently stretching out your ass for his hungry eyes to see. Denji's skin burns with disgust at what he's about to do, but in his current state— it's better than nothing.

You must hear his footsteps as he approaches you, causing you to turn your head to look at him. "Hii, Denji-nii!" A giggle escapes you, already shaking with excitement. You two aren't actually related, but he's basically taken you under his wing. Whatever was once innocent now has him aroused, and you're just sparkling with purity, aren't you? Just a bubbly 8 year old little girl, about to be stretched and split open on his cock. "Hey there, sweetheart." He chuckles, barely able to contain himself as he crouched down. "Whatcha doing?"

"Just playing," you smile. Fuuuck. He's hard. He's hard and he's aching, desperate to force his erection inside your small little pussy. Denji can't help but wonder about what it'd feel like around his cock, letting out a shallow breath. "Aww." He smirks, unable to fight back the horrifying lust that's consumed him. "I actually have another game for you. Wanna play?"

Your eyes light up, and a small part of him feels bad, but it's too late; he's too horny to care about the consequences of his actions. You're very easy to get along with, so eager like a puppy— you're plain adorable, just fucking begging to be fucked and used. He's unsure how he's kept his composure around you, especially as you nod your little head. Fuck. He's a monster for what he's about to do.

Oddly enough, Denji finds that he doesn't care.

"Alright," he smiles like a wolf, grabbing your tiny frame and positioning it on his lap. You cock your head, staring at him with an innocence that sends blood rushing straight to his cock again. Poor thing doesn't realize what's about to happen, about to be consumed like prey. Denji places a kiss to your cheek as he reaches for your flat chest, rubbing you through your little dress. A soft whine leaves you, giggling so sweetly at the contact. "Denji-nii, what are you doing?" You ask, grinning.

"You'll see." He says ominously, leaning down to press a kiss to your collarbone. You giggle again, accidentally brushing your ass over his hard-on, enough to almost make him cum hard in his pants. "Doesn't it feel good?" He asks, continuing to tease your nipples. You don't understand it, but you just nod. "Mhm!"

"We've barely just begun, honey," he kisses your temple and lays you down on the floor, lifting up your skirt to ogle at your panties. Your cheeks flush, wanting to ask what he's doing but it must be part of the game. Just the cute little smile on your face is enough to make him eager to pound his fat cock into you, turn you into his personal fleshlight, but he holds that urge back. Slowly, Denji pulls out a knife, unable to remember how he got it but he probably grabbed it during his break in the kitchen. You freeze. "Denji-nii?" You ask, voice almost trembling. "Why do you have that?" Denji-nii wouldn't hurt you, right?

"Shush, don't worry. Just stay still, 'kay?" Denji instructs with a grin, and you have no choice but to follow them. You attempt to remain in the same position, not trying to squirm as he pulls down your underwear, groaning at the sight of your precious 8 year old pussy. What an adorable little flower, begging to be ripped apart. You shyly watch his eyes burn with a lust you can't comprehend, too young to know what's going to happen. It's just a game, and you adore playing games with him!

Denji's cock twitches, his hunger having a life of its own. Before you have a chance to say say something, the knife inches closer to your thighs— Denji shoving the blade inside your pussy.

"A-ah!" You scream when the knife enters you, feeling the cold steel stretch you out and tear your cunt open. The pain is excruciating, though you try to obey his order from earlier. "D-Denji-nii, that hurts!" You yelp, horrified by the sight of blood beginning to stream down your thighs. You recall Power saying something about periods, but this- this can't be a period, right? You're too young for it. "Shush, be quiet, princess." Denji says, baring his teeth as he slowly twists the knife inside you. Your body tries to fight back by squirming, but that just worsens it— your small pussy being forcibly torn apart.

"S-stop!" You cry, and Denji just rolls his eyes. "Just stay still, okay?" He sighs. "Shit, you're bleeding all over yourself.... huh." The teenage boy mumbles, his tone glinting with appreciation. It's an addicting sight, really, licking his lips as blood pours from your pussy, fucking the knife in and out of your mutilated cunny. Each movement makes you scream, continuing to plead with the man you view as a big brother, but he ignores you, finally able to satiate the hunger that's been haunting him tonight. Thank God Aki and Power decided to go out, otherwise he wouldn't have the thrill of his life right now.

"A-ahhh, DenDen," you moan, voice throat from all the crying and screaming erupting from you. All high pitched and adorable, becoming louder each time Denji twists the knife inside your pussy, tearing your cunny apart further. It looks like such a ruined flower now, dripping with a beautiful red he couldn't ignore. Unable to help himself, the blond leans down to eagerly lap up the blood leaking from your pussy. You tense up, vision blurred from the tears streaming down your cheeks. "Stop! Stop!" You squeak, trying to kick your legs, but they're numb, trembling in horror. Your poor, young little mind can't comprehend why this would be happening to you. Denji-nii loves you, right? He adores you... He isn't hurting you, right? This is just a fun little game.

Denji continues to thrust the knife deeper, ruining your pussy. You whimper, adding to his arousal. Each pained sound you make sends him reeling, and you don't understand the tent in his pants. "God, you're so pretty," his praise makes you smile, comforted by the fact he still loves you, even if he's torturing you like this. "So adorable..." Denji says, pulling the knife out to lap up the mutilated bits of your cunt up, replacing the sharp steel with his tongue. You giggle, noticing how he's tonguing you like a puppy. It's silly, but you're still aching from the damage. Your vision is spotty.

The teenager flicks the muscle around, swirling and licking up your sliced clit. He glides his thumb across it, causing you to cry out harder. "Denji-nii, nooooo," you sob, continue to sob from your big brother's merciless actions. He's ruthless and sadistic, eating out your ruined cunny like it's damn job. Your blood fills his mouth, driving him wild as he thrusts his tongue, sliding the appendage in and out of you. Your legs tremble, vision convincing to be more blurred. All you can make out is his head between your legs, red staining his mouth. "Please..." You plead.

"Mhm, tastes so fuckin' good," he pants, voice muffled as he sucks on your clit. You're so delicate, his hands gripping onto your tiny thighs as he eats you out like a ferocious beast. His tongue is eager, swiping away at your folds, feeling the way your ruined insides clench around his invading muscle. He's addicted, completely pussydrunk on bloodlust. A string of breathy whines leave your lips, feeling so hazy and lost. You don't bother to understand what's happening anymore, just allowing your big brother to continue the game. Atleast you're spending time with him. "Fuuuck..." His breath is hot, pleasing you with his tongue.

It hurts. It really fucking hurts and you're sobbing and whining, each motion leaving you in more pain because of all you're squirming. You can't help it, you don't want this, but even in the haze of your mind, you try to obey your big brother. It's impossible, but you want to please him. Denji's tongue sends shockwaves through your little body, trickling up and down your spine. You can't help but rock your hips against his face, forcing his tongue deeper inside you.

"Ah, fuck, that's it, baby," Denji moans, quickening his pace. You're the hottest thing ever, blood dripping into his mouth with each lick he gives you, mixing with the honeyed taste of your juices. "So sweet, you drive me fucking crazy. This is going to be my favorite whack off fantasy." He rambles, lapping away at the remains of your 8 year old prepubescent pussy. So soft, so smooth— and so fucking ruined. "Thank you, Denji-nii," you say weakly, voice nothing but a hoarse whisper now. His cock is aching so painfully, wanting to thrust in and out of your cunny, feel all that sweet scarlet fluid rushing down his cock. He needs it more than he needs oxygen. Unable to control himself any longer, he yanks his cock free from his pants, eyes glazed over with pure hunger; the splitting image of a wolf about to pounce on his prey.

Without further notice, he grabs you by the hips, shoving his teenage cock deep inside you. Another scream erupts from your lips, pussy forcibly stretched out by his length, further tearing in half. His fingers dig into your sides, beginning to rut into you like a wild animal. Denji positions your legs around his waist, allowing his cock to slip deep inside your ruined cunt. He grunts, loving how you feel already. "Shittt, you're tighter than I thought you were." He continues to ramble, turned into a heartless monster as he rapes his adorable little sister. The floor underneath you creaks, a pool of red leaking between your thighs.

Your mind is blank, balancing between life and death. You've never felt something this awful, belly bulging from how fat his cock is, watching it shrink and increase with each roll of Denji's hips. "Pleaseeee," you yelp, cunt clenching around him. You're so small, so it's hard for him not to pound into you like a fleshlight, using your petite frame for all its worth. "Don't want this," you say mindlessly, saliva dribbling down your chin. Your big brother licks the substance up, alongside lapping up your salty tears. Oh, you're such a cutiepie. "Good girl, you're my good girl, sis." He pants in your ear, adding to your own vague sense of pleasure.

The older boy fucks you ruthlessly, holding onto you as he forces you back and forth on his cock, groaning as your tummy bulges everytime he drives his cock back into you. If he was in a more of a rational state of mind, he would be screaming at himself; unable to forgive himself for these demented acts, but the squeeze of your mutilated pussy is too overwhelming for the teenager. He can't stop rutting, unable to stop pushing his cock deeper into your slutty, broken pussy. You're only 8, and half-dead on his cock.

Denji impulsively bucks his hips, pounding your cunny harder. He moves like a jackhammer, grunting from how fucking amazing you feel. Your cunt is oozing scarlet, tightening around his dick. It's so fucking satisfying, scratching that itch in his brain. It's real. It's finally fucking real, no longer a stupid virgin with hormones that leaves him embarrassed whenever he accidentally creams his pants. You're so trusting, so eager and downright teasing with your existence. He doesn't need Makima, doesn't need Power, doesn't anybody else when he has this sweet little girl as he claims your lips, thrusting his tongue deep inside your mouth.

"Mhm, fuck yeah, fuck yeah," he says, taking advantage of your fragile state. You're completely limp, no longer fighting back. You're too weak to, being used like a little ragdoll as Denji uses the strength in his thighs to force his cock in and out of you, earning more strangled moans to fall from your lips, getting licked at and bitten at until he tastes more of his favorite fluid on you. He's rough, fucking you like an animal. It's terrifying to see the goofball you've adored for the past few months transformed into a monster, all your cries turned into weakened sobs for mercy you know you'll never get.

His hard cock drags across your walls, not a single piece of humanity left for the teenager you've loved so much. He doesn't realize that you've gone numb now, your eyes being dull, completely devoid of all that life you had. No longer bubbly or smiley, but instead, just the remains of a little girl fucked to death. Denji squeezes down on your thighs, enough to bruise as he slams himself into you over and over again. You're fucking adorable like this, head dipped back.

The teenager stares at your face, not even realizing you're dead. Or rather, he pieces it together in his gazed mind, and fuck, you still feel so warm around him. With a few more pumps of his hips, Denji comes undone, pouring his semen deep inside your little cunt. It's still not enough, because with the last spurt, he's going back into fucking you. His thrusts are labored but desperate, until he's jackhammering your pretty little pussy. He adores the sensation of the flesh and blood soaking his erection, satisfying his sick desires in a way that makes him want you more. He's unrelenting, using you the way all little girls should be used — fucked like cheap whores.

His hand wraps around your throat, pushing down on your windpipe. You don't worry about it, not even breathing. You're nothing but a husk of your former self, not screaming, not crying— forced into silence. Denji wishes he could hear your sweet whimpers, the only sound filling the room are the sounds of his hips smacking on top of your limp body, and his shallow breathing. Whatever came over him, he has to thank it, has to thank this horrible lust that's made him stoop this low. He doesn't regret this, not even slightly.

It's reasonable, isn't it? It's natural for somebody as insatiable for him to stoop to his darkest desires, continuing to ram himself in your bleeding cunt. His mind is reeling, aching with more and more disgusting lust each time your pussy squeezes around him, instinctively holding him closer. You're a dead 8 year old little girl, and you're already the tightest thing he's fucked. If anything, Denji isn't sure if he'll fuck anything else. His hormones are overwhelming, further taking him to a place where he'll never recover from. The teen's hips buck back and forth, watching as your eager pussy swallows up his length. "Such a good little sister." He smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

Each snap of his hips leaves Denji breathless, adoring everything about you. So precious— you shouldn't have been used like this, shouldn't have been fucked to death, but ooooh, you should. You're forever motionless, entirely powerless and weak against the older boy. Like a dog locked in a cage, you can't stop it. Can't even utter for another plea of mercy. You're just a sex doll now; once a fucktoy, always a fucktoy. "You're so perfect for me, sis."

The chainsaw man is completely drunk off the lust consuming him, mixed with his insatiable hunger. You looked beautiful, amazing in everyway, and the squishy feeling of chunks of your vagina smearing down on his dick, being forced back into you with every roll of his hips. "Ah, God," he grunts, taking advantage of having the whole house to himself now. He's completely focused on your body, the sensation so euphoric for him. It's so rare and foreign and it's delicious and he feels like a slave to the forbidden fruit of this pleasure. His hips gyrate, forever using your little pussy for all its worth, even when you're long gone by this point.

Denji's rough and harsh, being as brutal as he can. You can't do anything about it, and that's why he fucking loves it so much. There was something intriguing about you from the start, and now he finally realizes what it is: the pure, innocent flesh he's fucking ruining, already killed and tainted. It's forever his— his head spins with the realization, and it isn't long until he's cumming for the second time, filling your ruined, mutilated 8 year old cunny with his seed.

Ah, God. Denji's a fucking sicko, aroused for the most fucked up things he can think of. His foggy mind flashes back to an hour ago, or maybe half an hour ago, where he was desperately horny for anything to take his cock— to think this was what he needed, a tight child pussy wrapped around his cock.... You're so perfect. The perfect sacrifice. The best little sister he could ask for, even if you two weren't related by blood.

The fact you looked up to him just makes him sicker, trusting him even in your final moments. His cock is pulsating inside you, continuing to drag across your walls everytime he repeats his movements. The blond teenager absentmindedly grabs at your tit, roughly groping the flat plains of flesh. He craves to sink his teeth in, ripping it apart with all the love he has for you. Denji grits his teeth, losing his mind further to this insanity he's placed onto himself. What a sick bastard. He only wants more, wants anything you can give him.

The consequences of his actions were completely lost by him. Sure, there was still a part of him that knew this was wrong, knew how fucking horrible it was to slam himself over and over again into your tiny body, but he was full on pussywhipped at this point. Your pussy was still emanating with comfortable heat, even if he knew you were going to be cold soon. He remembers earlier were you struggled, attempting to resist your big brother, but now, you were under him, his cock sheathing into your torn open pussy. He ruined you. He fucking killed you.

That made him harder.

"Fuuck... Let me breed you," he panted, overtaken by the rawest of desires. Nobody would blame him if they knew how good this felt. Maybe if you were still alive, you would've been filled with more dread, hating the way his cum mixed with your mutilated pussy, but you were completely numb now. You were dead and nothing would bring you back. Denji knew you wouldn't be too mad if you were still here. Afterall, you adored him like no other.

This was undeniable attraction, an intoxicating rush to his head that made him animalistic. Denji pounded deeper into your cunt, getting as deep as possible. Becoming more feral, Denji nibbed at your neck, covering it in bruises. Eventually, he sunk his teeth in, becoming addicted to the way your flesh tasted, and before he knows it, he's already chewing on a chunk of your flesh and swallowing it down. Another rush of blood fills his mouth, streaming down his chin. You were delicious— the most beautiful sacrifice; a sweet angel split open, slit open with scarlet.

With a smile, Denji looks at you with a lovesick expression, continuing to devour away at your neck. Your flesh is claimed by his mouth, enjoying his meal as he fucks your cunt harder. It's in his stomach, he realizes with manic delight. Pieces and chunks of your flesh are in his stomach. You're in his stomach. You're forever his. Nowhere else to go, except to lay limp in his arms like a little ragdoll. There's nothing more for you. This is your fate. This has always been your fate. He loves blood. He loves your blood. You're everything he wants. Everything he craves, to be forever mated with this ferocious beast that once promised to never hurt you.

He remembers your screams, reeling with how angelic they were. Sweet little angel, turned into a corpse in his arms, cunt getting ruthlessly pounded into like your corpse is nothing but a fucktoy, and that's what you are to him. It's disgusting, he's disgusting, but it's the greatest love of all. The most pure thing, crumbling from his arousal. Being left alone with him is why you're dead, and Denji possessively squeezes you, almost like he was scared you would come back to life and keep trying to fight him off.

"I love you so much..." Denji mutters, losing himself to the sound of your pussy squelching around his cock. The teenager boy gives you another hungry kiss, nothing but a mindless beast, a slave to desire. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Denji screams, holding you up by the back of your knees, palms possessively gripping you, fingers digging deeply into your skin. His mad lust catches up with him, and with another loud groan, he empties his balls inside you for the third time, painting your insides white with hot, sticky cum. Denji pants before horror sets in when he sees the reality of his actions: your lifeless face staring back at him, mouth opened to never say a word ever again.