

Good news, I finally finish my collage and now I'm finally a Bachelor of Economic (Sarjana Ekonomi). It's really a long journey for me... 6 years... and now I can do anything I want. I want to correct this trash I made in an attempt to learn English. So, I guess I should start with correcting on my many mistakes on grammar and stories... Thanks ************************************************************ It's a Story about a man who died saving someone and given a second chance at a new life in The World God Only Knows world and there are also many characters from other anime. That sum this story. ************************************************************ This is my first English story please understand the grammar isn't good enough. I did use Grammarly the free version though so I hope it can make my story more readable. ************************************************************ Also please give me support with coffee here ko-fi.com/boy72 as I really need money soon to pay for my college. If you guys help me pay it I will be really grateful and post 5 chapters/day for 1 month. ************************************************************ Rank 1-50 : 1000 Word/Chapter Rank 51-100 : 900 Word/Chapter Rank 101-150 : 800 Word/Chapter Rank 151-199 : 700 Word/Chapter Rank 200 : 600 Word/Chapter Rank 200+ : Up to me. It means it can be more or less as I like. ************************************************************ The Update is always 2 chapters/day. And starting today the update will be at night time. At least in my place, it will be night. Don't really know about the other place's time. I finally have a new laptop that I manage to buy using my wage. So I guess you can expect my story on your library again.

NamanyaSiAldi · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
203 Chs


"Welcome back, Mercury!" I welcome her. But she didn't respond at all.

She has the same appearance from the series too. Her skin noticeably darkens, and in contrast to Ayumi's dark hair, Mercury's hair is a silver-white color. She also acquires long bangs which set aside to cover one of her fiery-red eyes, and under each of her eyes is a set of two horizontal lines. Mercury has her eyes half-open, giving off a sleepy disposition.

As one of the Jupiter Sisters, Mercury also has a halo and a pair of wings.

"Who are you?" She asks again.

I nod, "My name is Katsuragi Keima. The human who awakens your power where you sleep on your host which is named Takahara Ayumi." I'm not really sure that she remembers or not about Ayumi being her host.

But she kind of giving the vibe that, yes she's aware but she really didn't care either.

"You wake me up?" She tilts her head.

Huh, she actually looks kinda cute too.

I shake my head. No matter.

"I did. I already have your sister Diana with me."

Now she when before look like half asleep fully open her eyes and looking suspicious at me.

"You don't have to look like that toward me. Diana just asks me to help her find her sister."

She didn't respond again.

Certainly, she is now on her guard at me.

"Katsuragi-san. I heard your massage."

The ones who came is Diana instead of Tenri.

"Nee-sama?" Mercury calls her sister.

"Mercury, uhm. That's certainly you. Welcome back, my sister." Saying this Diana approach Mercury and give her a hug.

I left the two of them to talk alone for quite some time while I sat comfortably on my chair.

When the two of them finish Diana told me, "The other won't come Katsuragi. Apparently, they decided to have an outing today and ask me to tell you that." I nod at her.

"It's fine. I'm also sorry that it's sudden for you too."

"No, what you did really help me Katsuragi!" Saying this which surprise me was that she gave me a peek on my cheek.

I only smile at that.


"What is it mercury?"

"Is this man your lover?"

Diana who taken back by that question blush and shout, "WH... WHAT.... WAHTA .... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. JUST SO YOU KNOW THIS MAN IS THE LOVER OF MY HOUST TENRI."

"Your host's Lover?"

"But he kisses my host." She brought up the memory from the conquest it seems.

Calmly Diana explains the situation to her.

After all of this Mercury then ask, "Will you get my hoist as your lover too?"

"I don't think so." Diana looks surprised by my answer. I guess she thinks that I will get them all on my harem.

"The truth is that I didn't think she has felt that strong for me. And I certainly can get you to the full strength without making her fall for me."

"Uhm, I understand. That's all I can ask you. And you pass my test if you want to get Ayumi to join you too. Someone who forces people to follow them without considering the people is only a tyrant. Then, I will go." She left us just like that even when Diana ask her to come back again.


Hi guys, early post today as I didn't have much work. So I just want to say thank you and please support me with coffee here ko-fi*com/boy72 I really need your help there as I want to pay for my college but didn't have money right now. So I will be very grateful if you help me.
