

Raji_Maryam_A · Horror
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1 Chs


Cross and her sister Racheal graduated from university. And almost done at youth service.

Thier father Mr Ade is a police officer and struggled financially to sent them to school.

They have owned the landlords two years rentage.

The landlord have give them 2 weeks to pack out of the house.

Cross decided to use his youth service allowance to cover the roof of his father's uncompleted building.

He asked his sister if he can spare some money as well, that instead of paying rent every year that they should find money to roof the building.

His sister accepted to spare some too.

they both plan how to roof the building but thier is not enough money.

They went home during the weekend to discuss it's with thier father and pay some part payment of thier rentage.

Thier father insisted not to worry that after he settled all his loan he collected he will try to find a way to finish the building.

cross insisted that for all the struggle made by her father when they are in school. this is the little they can do to help.

cross told his father the amount they have and asked thier daddy to called the carpenter for the estimation.

thier mother come inside and everyone of them keep quiet. they want it to be a surprise.

Mr.Ade called his friend carpenter to bring the estimated price for the roof.

The carpenter did the estimation and take it to them the following morning.

The carpenter arrived at Mr.Ade house to give them the estimation. The estimated price is more than the money they have.

the children were very sad about it, and didn't know what to do.

After several thought, the carpenter give them an idea of going to the forest to look for a big tree so that they can take it to sawmill to do the