
New Reality

-Read my new book Nightmare Mythos!! As soon as I woke up, I was transferred to this weird place. It was so sudden that it made my mind couldn’t come up with any form of idea as this strange phenomenon was nothing I never heard or experienced, but I quickly gather my composure. Then, I realized, I was not the only one. To be honest, these are the things that I only read through novels and fantasy books but experiencing it myself wasn’t what I really wanted. Not even once. Reading was something I loved as it was fun. To others, it may be a time where they get out from harsh reality but that’s life, you face a lot of hardships. But strange. Why? Why am I here? No, why are we here? What’s our purpose for coming here? At least put a warning that I will get to go to another world! Just me is good! Questions formed which made me quite nervous but I calm myself down, as being nervous will be only a hinder to my thinking. I breathe. “First, let’s assume this is real.” After thinking so, I began to form a little plan inside my head. Preparing like a normal person would do when this kind of thing happens. I executed my plan in my head before waiting. As the timer was tickling down and thought that after its number’s hits zero, all of us are going back to our daily lives. [0:00] But it didn’t happen. After I saw what happened to that man with his head being sliced, the simple plan I had was crushed in an instant. Yet, that one act was enough for me to realize one simple thing. The thing is… it was a bitter pill to swallow. “This is real…” I was only assuming that it is but…it's just unfair. “There’s no going back…” … It doesn’t matter if you go back in time… It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or an outstanding fighter… It doesn’t matter what challenges I will encounter… I will succeed, find answers to everything, and survive… Until everything ends. *** : Cover not mine. Just edited small things on it. If you're the owner, just tell me if you wanted it removed. : Keeping the story's setting simple as this is my first book. : So yeah, everyone who had read the novel regressor instruction manual would notice the large similarity in the first few chapters of mine and it is because I'm a fan of that novel, but I would tell it now as I think it should be known to you guys. Informing should be the right thing to do. : Although I have a cliche setting, I'll at least try something original. : Hey, if you're reading this, try to read now! Maybe some of you love a mind-blowing chapter one but I don't have that in my novel, instead, I'll make it good for the future chapters I will be making. Anyway, thank you for taking your time, and go read it!

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

System Contract

-10 minutes later

The group walked inside the holes in a slow and careful manner. While doing it, Nash continued to give orders and instructions to the team with a low voice.

'Still, no monsters could be seen, huh. That is really good.' Gin said inwardly while looking at the group on his front.

He continued, 'I mean, who in their right mind would want monsters to come in their way, appearing from these big holes.'

Gin touched the bridge of his nose and continued inwardly, 'Sigh…If only I can use my eyes to check if the monster would jump. Then, does that mean my eyes are glowing when I'm using my attribute? What a pain…'

-10 minutes earlier

During that time, Gin and the others keep walking. After some time, Gin finally decided to use his Truth Eyes to see if the monsters are coming or if he could catch a glimpse of them.

He looked at his left, then right, and then at front. He keeps repeating the same process.

Slowly becoming anxious, the team always looked back every time there is a light that appears out of nowhere and disappears before they turned around.

Seeing them turning around, Gin quickly deactivated his eyes when it happened. He also looks back, thinking why the hell the team was like that when nothing was there.

He also started to get anxious.

Little did Gin know, that the four especially Nash became scared because of the sudden light that disappears whenever they looked back.

It's like a tiger with its glowing eyes, closing it after when its prey saw it.

It was like intimidation to its prey, adding more fear onto them.

'What the hell as that? It's my first time seeing it. Wait, something is wrong... I didn't even start yet but something unordinary is already happening...? Yes, it's just the torch... it's just a torch.' Nash said inwardly.

It was only then that Gin dropped the bag with food inside it. Still activating his eyes, he now knows what it was him who caused the sudden strange movement on his team.

His eyes were glowing faintly akin to a flashlight turned on, inside a dark and cramped room.

-Back in the present

'Sigh, they must be feeling tensed about it. Well, the result was not good.' Gin said inwardly as he looked in the group with an annoyed expression.

He was annoyed at himself, not the team. If he knew that is the case then he would find a solution for it.

Still looking, he could see the group was quite frantic from the situation. Even Nash was showing anxiousness as he moves.

Seeing it, Gin finally made a decision. 'Alright, let's raise their morale.'

He clear his throat before speaking in a low voice, "If you guys are worried about that strange light then don't be mindful of it."

Hearing Gin, the four halt their movements before turning around. Slight fear was visible on their faces. Except for Nash who is still expressionless.

At the front, it was Grey who speak first with a frightened expression. "But Hyung… isn't it creepy that something is looking behind us?"

'Yes, I know, but I'm the one who did that Grey. I'm sorry.' Gin said inwardly. 'But I can't just say my only weapon on this unknown world unless a situation comes, that is.'

He then said out loud, "Yeah I know, but let me take care of that. So just concentrate on what's ahead and don't look back because you have me."

And then, Gin give them a reassuring smile and seeing it, the group smiled back.

At the side, Nash sigh a relief expression and said, "Alright. We can have our backs assured because of you, Gin."

Everyone agreed before they focused on their front.

Seeing that it turned out good, Gin smiled, 'Since I'm the one who started it, it's obvious that I should fix it.'

Everyone started to walk again to find monsters to kill. Seconds that went by to minutes, still no monsters could be seen. The five let out a sigh on their mouths that have different types of reasons.

Still looking, Gin is using his eyes to watch the holes. He blinked and activated it, deactivating it a second later.

Seeing the light, the group felt relieved instead of being scared from it. Remembering Gin said to just trust him, they just let him be.

It was going smoothly since then, not until Gin saw a familiar screen in front of him.

] Forced Task Applied [

[You're doing it wrong you know? You will injure your eyes if you keep doing the same process.]

Gin stiffened up by the sudden interruption. It was then turned into annoyance before he cursed inwardly. 'I'm trying my best here, you shit! If you know that this is dangerous, why don't you tell me earlier, you damn god!'

It was then Gin's suspicions about the screen grew more. 'So, this god is the one who had given me these eyes. Wait, is this even a god? Hmm, if it is, I wonder if it was the same gods I read through books.

A moment later, he waited but he didn't receive a response after it. The screen was there but it was not changing.

'If this is the god who gave me this… then I need this unknown god to teach me.' Gin thought as his decision is decided.

Gin then said inwardly, 'Teach me the gift you have given Oh So Great God.'

Seeing it sarcastically, Gin knew that gods are prideful beings. He also knew that the god would ask absurd things and tell how arrogant he is.

It will then lead to not teaching him.

Then, what he expected were the things that he thinks he knew, didn't happen.

] Forced Task Applied [

[Sure why not.]


] Forced Task Applied [

[I'll teach you about your eyes kiddo. Are you blind?]

Dazed for a moment, Gin looked at the screen with confusion.

'Is this for real?'

] Forced Task Applied [

[But of course, you'll need to sign a system contract with me.]

At the screen, Gin had his eyes focused on a word that caught his attention. 'System contract? Why would I need to…'

He stopped as he now find why the god keeps talking to him. He now knew the reason.

'I see… ah-haha… You shitty god… are you planning to make me your apostle? Yes, is that the word? Anyway, how dare you… If you're the one who gives me this attribute just to do that… f*ck off.'

He continued, 'Or is it being your slave? Yes that's it… the gods in the novels are all arrogant and love to show their power but they're all shitty just like you… I can't take this anymore, just don't send me anything like this.'

As he said those things, he felt like he hit the right thing. After saying some things he only read, he thought that it was true as no message could be seen following again.

Well, that's what he thought when another message popped up.

] Forced Task Applied [

[HAHAHA, what are you saying? I'm already powerful and that is enough. Why would I need some stupid apostle or something like that? You read too many novels that you come up with that? How funny Gin.]

It was not the powerful or the laugh that the screen had said that caught Gin's eyes.

A formed frown on his face before he said, "You know a nov—"

As if he knows what Gin is thinking, another message appeared like it noticed the mistake it made.

] Forced Task Applied [

[A-anyway. Just read to context first and the contract I proposed before you judged me, will you? Although I'm really bad, I still have a heart you know! A heart what you call humans, do you read this!]

Focusing on his screen, Gin didn't notice the four people on his front taking quick glances at him.

It was then, Nash also noticed that the group was getting tired. He too was tired of walking straight with five of your senses used to the fullest. Who knows what time is it now?

He then stops moving before he made a low clap that was enough for the group to hear. Gin was the same and quickly let the thoughts go before he looked at Nash.

Nash turned around and said in a low voice, "Let's rest first and eat. We still have lots of time and we are also not in a rush."

Hearing Nash finally saying it, everyone agreed as they are really tired. It's just that they waited for Nash to say it. If by chance Nash continued, someone would most likely complain.

Since Nash said so, everyone then began to sit wherever they want but still close to each other. Gin decided to be a little far away from the group so that he could focus more on what the god would show.

At the same time he sits down, a screen appeared showing the context of the contract.

[System Contract]

[A contract made by the system that cannot be broken. An absolute contract that even the Divine and Demonic Beings cannot be bend. This is the system contract. If you put a contract it must be detailed and cannot be canceled once the contract has been decided. Read it thoroughly and carefully.

While putting the contract the [Expiration] must not be eternal. Disobey and violating the contract may result in what the [Consequences] may have been put by the drafter.

The consequences must be put every time and if not the system automatically puts the consequences to death. The Divine and Demonic beings are no exception. The drafter will be putting the condition and the contractor will abide by it.]


[This will be the result of the one who breaks it. The drafter will be putting the consequences.]

Seeing the contract, Gin's jaw has dropped for a second.

'I thought a paper would appear out of nowhere... Hmm, so this world has something like this?'

Everything in the context caught Gin's attention but nothing was eye-catching at the words 'absolute' and 'divine and demonic beings'.

'It's Divine and Demonic Beings instead of Gods and Demons, huh. Well, no biggie 'cause they're the same meaning but different words.'

Gin had those thoughts inwardly before looking at Nash, unexpectedly Nash was also looking back at him with a faint smile.

'The regressor didn't force us to sign this contract thingy, huh. He's really a good guy.'

Gin then gets serious as Nash was not the one he is talking to right now.

'Well, what's the contract? Better not put the death on it or else it's an instant no to you.'

] Forced Task Applied [

[Ok, ok. You are so damn noisy. Come on, read it carefully. Instead of being angry, you should be thankful to me, Gin.]

Seeing the word thankful, Gin scoffed, 'Thankful my ass. I will only do this once because I need someone or something to teach me with these eyes.'

Without further ado, another screen appeared in front of Gin.

Seeing it, Gin slowly and carefully read as a contract had many things to check. He thought loopholes are there and maybe he could use them.

But he was surprised when he was done reading.

It was that fast because the contract is just... simple and plain!

It was as if his eyes are joining with him. He rubbed them three times and it was the same as before.

'Uhm… Thank you? Hahaha. What a lucky day.' Gin laugh inwardly as he saw that the screen was not really changing.

] Forced Task Applied [

[Tsk…Trash bastard.]