

Four hours later

Inside a room, Gin was panting heavily as he lie down on his body. He can't move a single inch due to the feeling of pain he just felt, remembering what happened during those hellish hours.

It was truly terrifying.

"Hahh... Hah.."

After a few breaths while lying down, Gin slowly felt his senses regaining.

He first try to close and open his hands and after it was movable, he slowly move his feet. Trying to get up, he failed. He took a long breath before he try once again and finally, he gets up from his bed.

But as soon as Gin stands up, he could only see his room that is full of blood in every place. Even the bed he was lying down was also covered in blood. He touched his face and saw his hands were also bloodied.

If anyone was entering inside his place, they would think a murder had happened in his place.

He sighed in tiredness before he muttered in the air, "O... you lied to me again. You only said it would take two hours but... why the fuck is it doubled? Do you really hate me that much or is it something else?"

Although Gin wanted to argue with O, he just can't as he felt both exhausted physically and mentally. The only thing he wants to know is why would O do this.

'W-well I did say the truth alright, but I don't why it doubled.' O said in truth this time.

The god is really confused about this event and shocked at the same time. After a few thinking, O couldn't think of the reason for it to happen thus making a question inside the god's head.

'Why is that?'

As O was about to think deeper about it, Gin talk, interrupting O.

"Liar, you're always lying. Can you please stop that? I've heard enough of your lies. After I've reached the said proficiency, we're done." Gin stated in a cold voice with a hint of threat.

'Ohh? Ok? Anyway, enough chit-chat. Check your status window and see the gift I've given you.' O excitedly said but it quickly disappeared, when O saw Gin started doing something different.

Gin scan his whole room as he began to clean them, starting from his bloodied bed. After cleaning it, he quickly removed the blood that are scattered around every part of his room.

Gin knew that whoever enters his room right now, would see something gruesome like his room. That is the thing he would want to avoid.

'What... are you doing? Are you not checking it? You can clean later...' O said, interrupting Gin to look first at his status window.

"What am I doing?" Gin scoffed, "I'm doing what I needed to do. And most of all, cleaning this mess. Just look at these things scattered everywhere?"

Gin watches the room with his eyes and deducts everything inwardly, 'I at least have an hour or so to do this. Tsk, if only O said this will be the outcome, I wouldn't do it here in the first. Ah... I'm tired but first, I'm cleaning.'

An hour passed, Gin is finally finished cleaning. He look at his room and nodded in satisfaction, before he proceed to lie down on his bed to relax.

After lying down, Gin placed his arms above his eyes and think about the painful thing he felt today. As Gin thought about it, he noticed his body didn't change. The same could be said on his physique or an increase in stats. He is still the same Gin after receiving Inheritance.

'Am I scammed?' Gin fearfully said inwardly and can't help but thought that O was the same as the other gods who he thought that they only wanted to see humans suffer. Gin felt shivers.

'Don't give me that look like I cheat on you or something. Frest not, because I'm telling you that all those things are worth the pain. Come on.' O casually said but the god felt a feeling inside that was both excited and anxious at the same time.

Unbothered by O, Gin quickly moves to look at his status window. Some of his stats are the same and some did upgrade by one or two, at the time when they rescue Kisha.

As Gin moved his eyes down, he knitted his eyebrows when he saw one thing had changed. It was his attribute and below it, a word Inheritance was placed!


[Truth Eyes] [Bronze Level] [Proficiency 1.08%]

[Description: A very powerful eyes. Keep upgrading it and unlock its full potential.]



[Synchronization] [Inheritance] [Bronze Level] [Proficiency 0%]

[Description: Anything can be synchronized as long as the level of your Inheritance and the things you will be syncing are the same. Some are temporary and some are forever synchronized. Keep upgrading and make something out of ordinary.]

[Synchronized (Infinite): …]


Gin became speechless. Gin felt his tongue was frozen for some reason as he heard O speak in a proud voice.

'Huhu. Speechless, aren't you? It's ok. I know I know, it's godlike power but It's my gift to you.' O happily said.

Receiving the answer, Gin looked at the air while tilting his head. His expression couldn't be expressed at the moment as they were dead,

"Uhm, O… Is this supposed to be good?" Gin spoke out loud.


O became speechless. The god then began to think what Gin had meant when he said that. It only took a few seconds for O to understand it before he began to shout at Gin with a mix of irritation.

'You son of a... What did you say, bastard?! This is the best I could give to you and... and... to tell me this is supposed to be good?! Come right here and I'll kill you—"

It was then O had stopped shouting at Gin when it started to read Gin's mind. O saw Gin was really laughing and happy on the inside.

Yes, O could actually see what's on Gin's mind but sometimes don't. The problem is, O didn't know why it can't see Gin's thoughts sometimes.

'Hahahaha! It's worth the pain, alright! And... as long as they are the same level, it can mix everything?! That's... amazing! Well, how do I do that? Asking O of course! I fully forgive you, O! Thank you, hehe.'

Gin felt like a baby inside his thought that look like he received his first toy, different from his outside expression as his face was emotionless as ever.

'I'm happy that you like it but... this bastard is really good doing a poker face.' O surprisingly thought inwardly before the god continued to throw words at Gin...

'Ha-haha, Come on, y-you bastard. I-if you are not happy then give it back.'

...In an awkward way.

It was then Gin began to shake his head dejectedly while rubbing his eyes, which started to form tears at the edge, falling through his cheek. He let out small hiccups as he cried lightly.

Everyone would take pity and console him when they looked at his sorry state, except O of course. From nowhere, O look at Gin with disgust as O waited for Gin to stop crying, which only lasted a minute.

After a few drops of tears, Gin stop himself from crying and asked O, "Let's begin my proficiency training, please… sniff… ugh… sniff. I'll accept your trash gift… ugh, I'm going to die…"

His actions on the outside.

'Holy shit! This is the first time I received something really good! I'll treasure this forever.'

His thoughts on the inside.

Doing those things at the same time, O was genuinely shocked. It was a only little though.

'How is this bastard doing that? That acting is very flawless…' O questions himself inwardly before speaking to Gin, 'Y-yeah, anyway, do you have any question? I'll answer everything if they can be answered.'

"Yeah, I do have a question. You can say it is to clarify something." Gin spoke calmly and the trace of his crying was instantly gone, "Is it true that if, for example, bronze rank and another bronze rank is synced together, it will make something, right?"

'Yes.' O answered quickly.

"Then, does it upgrade to a higher rank? For example, if those two are mixed, does it go above the ranking of bronze because the bronze rank must be probably the lowest."

'If some conditions are met… then yes, the ranking of items and many things will be explained once you are outside.'

Gin nodded, "I see. And, the description says some are temporary and some are eternal. What does that mean?"

O answered, 'If its item you're talking about which I think it is. Yes. If you sync an item that is higher than the level of your inheritance, then it will be temporary. And if the item is the same as the level of your inheritance, it will be eternal. Of course, it is not omnipotent as it is could also break into pieces.'

Understanding them carefully, Gin nodded but he is not done yet. He had another question inside his head which would be his weapon when he is freed from the place he is in now. The eternal thingy already caught his attention to ask the question.

"Kuhum, saying all those things, does that mean it is also applicable to my Attribute; Truth Eyes?" Gin excitedly asked.

Then, his excited tone had died down when he heard O speak something that sounded like O wasn't sure to itself.

'Hmm… yes, I think... but also… Hmm, I don't know. Uh...'

It continued to be like that. O keep giving an answer that is not acceptable to Gin that he grew irritated by it before he snaps, giving also an irritated tone, "What do you mean by this, O? You know but you don't know? You should know about this, O!"

'Why would I know?' O thought inwardly as O really didn't know what it should tell.

'Why is it infinite? It's... unfair. Does that mean he can sync literally 'everything'?' O thought inwardly and be careful to not leak it out towards Gin.

O then speak in an urgent tone, 'Maybe you should give it back. I'll give you another thing that is very much better for you. Come on.'

"How about no. Hey, why are you acting weirdly? You're the one who gifted it to me, then giving it back to you is rude." Gin paused as he formed a smile on his face, "Or… hehe, is there something you are unsure about which it turned to be in my favor?"


O was silent but Gin didn't need to ask the god about it. He would just study it by himself.

Then, he re-read his Inheritance before he bombards O with questions after reading it, "Oh! I have another one. That anything earlier, does that includes synchronizing a body?"

'No, I'm sure you can't synchronize one. You're not a god or similar to that. I will tell you and repeatedly that every Attribute and Inheritance are not omnipotent. And, if by chance, can it synchronize a body. Will I even give it to you in the first place? No, right?' O spoke.

"Hmm... make sense. Oh! If I can synchronize an item, where will it appear, and what if I'm running or walking?" Gin asked another.

'It will just appear right in front of you and if you're running, just catch it.' O quickly spoke.

"How many things I could sync, right now?"

'For now, you can only sync two. Upgrade your Inheritance's proficiency to combine more, up to eight times...' O paused, remembering something important.

Remembering it, O quickly told Gin, saying with a slightly threatening tone, 'This is a warning, Gin. If you somehow manage to sync eight while still at the bronze level...'

O stopped, 'You're going to die.'

Hearing the word Gin didn't want, he felt shivers. What's even more surprising is that O says it with a threat and in a serious voice.

'I'm... going to die? Although it may be a prank of O, it doesn't sound like one.' Gin seriously said inwardly, 'Hmm, I wonder if you're a man or woman. Ah, why am I thinking that! I should just follow O because this came from the god itself.'

Then, a question that he forgets some time ago, resurfaced on his mind again, like a bolt of lightning struck on his head.

As it resurfaced again, Gin fake a cough and decided to ask it, "Uhm, O. I remember a question that is not related to my Inheritance. Is it okay to ask it?"

'Sure, go ahead.' O answered casually.

Hearing O, Gin breathes and said with doubt, "For some reason, I felt like my Attribute is not consumed by my... hmm, what is it called?"

'It's mana in this world and your question is, what consumed your Truth Eyes, am I right?'

"Yeah." Gin quickly answered.

'It is called Soul. It regenerates every day and refuels your tanks or what you called Soul Tanks. You can't see it with your stats right now, because you didn't awaken it as of the moment. Once you go out—' O paused, '…Sigh, I'm tired of explaining, you know?'

"Oh…" Gin dejectedly said in a low tone, forming a sullen look on his face, which O saw.

"Please explain." Gin pleads, "This is the last one, O. And, I think it is important for me to know it also."

At first, O was reluctant but as O think more, the god thought that what Gin had said is right. O thought that it was good for Gin to know a little bit of it as it was also needed for Gin's growth.

With a sigh, O began to talk, saying, 'Sigh, ok ok. If you are wondering why you can use your eyes freely, even though you didn't awaken your soul is because... you're a bit special.'

"Special?" Gin said with a hint of curiosity as he tile his head.

'Yeah, bastard. Your soul, which is a little bit special for some reason, is leaking. Sigh and I can't tell him about the things that happened on the first timeline. Sigh, what a problem.' O dejectedly sighed inwardly.

O then speak to Gin, saying, 'Actually, soul energy is consumed when you use your Attribute. The same thing could be said to the gift I've given on you now, which is your Inheritance.'

Next chapter